work stress


Well-known member
Ugh! I am so stressed. I was at work and opening mail since we are soo short handed. I found out that somone in my company is getting promoted - after we were all told there is no money in the budget for raises. so i kinda threw a fit and told people. now someone with infulential power thinks this other girl blabbed and i just.. i dont know.
i am very paranoid about my job. it's a secure job with great insurance but horrible pay. it is a constant stress in so many ways. there are days i am so stressed about work that i wake up and am not able to breathe. i had everything from stomach problems to tension headaches worried sick over this job.
and now i know i will worry about this. i feel horrible about the whole thing and really dont know what to do. i do not want to put myself in a bad light because i am always considered to be in a bad light. i do so much more work than everyone and i dont know. it's not even me, it's that my supervisor is a horrible witch and everyone else has nice people giving them good word and all that.


Well-known member
Hmm, yikes.. I don't know if I'd reveal myself as the source of the info. If anyone confronts you directly just say you heard it from someone and were simply discussing it with others.. or else you might be in some trouble.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
The situation is very sucky but I think you should avoid talking about other ppl's pay/financial situation at work. I know you work very hard but just make sure that the right ppl know it. What I do is I sometimes email my supervisor/manager late so they know that I'm taking my job seriousely (this doesn't mean that I always work late!) This is only one of the ways to make sure your boss knows about your work ethics and investment in the company.

We're not having the best time economically so I think even if you hate your job, stay there while you look for something else. A year or so ago my advice would be different but now the times have changed.

Best of luck


Well-known member
yea, i know - well, the thing is all of our salaries are public info as i work for the government. like there is an actual webpage when you can type in our names and look it up (believe me, people do this) so it is done very often.
I am very professional usually all the time but today i just slipped. i didn't so much throw a fit really, i kinda just got pissed. more than tell everyone i kinda showed the other girl who wasnt doing mail - kind of it an innocent way and i told one person i really trust. someone else knows but i think it's going to end there as most people have off for the holidays and what not.
i found out by accident and i normally would have kept it to myself but i was out of character today.
i think im going to not mention it anymore (it already blown over, to be honest, as my office is kinda corrupt and we're used to it, sad but true). if confronted, i will most def take the blame though.
thanks so much for the advice. i just was so shocked at myself really. i am ashamed of my behavior to be honest and feel really bad. i know this lady deserves the raise, i just wish we could have gotten ours, too.


Well-known member
i just really want to thank everyone for their advice. i am horribly ashamed of myself! like i feel really, really badly.
i like the advice about the email, i tend to do that or i email very early in the morning, haha!
i am going back to school in the winter semester and probably will stay here until i can finish college (i took a good 5 years off and have 2 years left).


Well-known member
Don't feel bad.. you work hard, and it's difficult sometimes when we don't get the recognition we feel we deserve. And then when it seems like others ARE getting it, one can only expect to feel slightly bitter or resentful.

Im glad it's blown over and hopefully you won't hear about it from your boss. Just hang in there!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I agree, we all behave out of character sometimes, it can happen at work too. I'm usually a very composed person at work but there was this one time (long story) I broke down and started crying in front of my boss and contractors on site
I got over it though and survived...

hold your chin up, you'll be ok


Well-known member
thanks, i think it might have been the holiday stress.. i seriously woke up at 4 am this morning, hit up the 24 hour wal mart than went to macys now i have to go to work. lol, i got paid direct deposit this morning and had to finish up!

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