working for MAC...?


hey all... i was wondering what it takes to be hired for part or full time at a MAC counter at Nordie's... are you hired thru MAC or Nordie's? and what are MAC's employment requirements? thanks so much!


Well-known member
I think if you want to be a SA, you go through the dept. store. If you want to freelance, you go through MAC.


To work at Nordstrom, you first need to fill out an application. Put on the application that you want to work in cosmetics, and *prefer* MAC. Then get in touch with the department manager or assistant manager and find out if they have any openings, say you want to work in cosmetics. You could reverse the order of these first two steps and it wouldn't matter much. *Then,* hopefully the manager or assistant will set up an interview with you. This is when you mention that you really want to work for MAC...if they have told you there is an opening there. If they say there isn't, you should listen, and interview as if there were. Later, if you get offered a different position, tell them that you have given it a lot of thought and decided you really only want to work for MAC and you hope they will understand why you are turning down X position, and keep you in mind for MAC openings. If there *is* an opening at the time of your interview (and openings happen often and quickly in all lines) then go ahead and tell them that's the position you really want. Then if they like you, they will arrange a MAC interview for you, usually with the Account Executive or Coordinator, and possibly the Counter Manager. You may be asked to do a make-up application at this interview, or maybe one later...but you will almost certainly be asked to do one.

Things to keep in mind...if you are offered a different position, do not take it thinking you can move over to MAC soon. Nordstrom and most lines require you to commit to that line for at least a year. Unless it's a dire situation, Nordstrom will *not* move you until your year is up. And second, you will almost certainly not be offered full-time with MAC unless the store is very small. MAC has lots of part-time people and not that many full-time, so if you need full-time you may need to start in a different line, or plan to have 2 jobs while you work your way up in MAC.

It's never a bad idea to befriend the Counter Manager at the counter you want to work for. She can tip you off to when there are openings and it's a good time to apply, and can talk you up to the manager/assistant.

I hope this helps!


I was wondering the same! Any tips on interviewing ?? r/o

my belks is planning to open a mac counter (dream job) and I went in to talk to the manager. She said they haven't made the final decision but if they get it they will be taking applications in September. I left my name & number for her to call when they take them but I told her I wanted to start part time (so I could see how it went as I have a full time job w/good benefits) and she said they would only be hiring three full timers. I asked if she knew starting pay & she didn't so I said, hey--then I will go for full time, I don't want to miss the opportunity. I haven't worked retail but I am a sales assistant at a large manufacturing company. I handle the sales for the entire international & west coast region plus a few key accounts for my boss & the ceo (ll bean, brookstone, plow & hearth, ...) so I wonder if they will count that as sales experience. I will be taking a huge pay cut I am sure but I still want it badly...any advice on the makeup application part/interviewing/dress...TIA!!!


Well-known member
For your interview you must wear black, really just show up like you already work for MAC. Make sure your makeup is flawless and well blended. Be polite to everyone at the counter, not just the managers. The other day we had a girl come to interview, and she interupted me ringing a customer (on a day where we had a 7 person waiting line) so I could have our dept manager paged. I told her she would have to wait while I finished with my custy, and sat there the whole time tapping her foot. First impressions are uber important for MAC. Remember many times gals are fighting to get that job, so you want to be known as someone the team wants to work with!! Good luck!!


Well-known member
No I'm at another store. I did tell my counter and our assistant counter manager what happend!!! Hell hath no fury like a cranky MAC artist on a busy saturday!

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