Would these survive in your house?


Well-known member
I have a rowdy German Shepherd and a young cat running around the house - enough said. Very creative though.


Well-known member
Just thinking about the amount of patience involved makes me break into a sweat. My cats would make one of those eggs their bitch!


Well-known member
My dog would probably woof at it, sniff it, maybe even lick it, but I doubt he'd break it to be honest.

My 22 and 24 year old brothers, however, are another story.

Gorgeous work and very innovative though.


Well-known member
4 kids + 1 extra child daily + 3 dogs + 2 dogs that visit regularly + 3 adults say that these creations would not make it through the door.


Well-known member
Wow, those are amazing! Anyway, considering nearly none of my picutre frames have survived my little kitties I think not


Well-known member
I live in a dorm, but without a roommate so they'd probably survive. Very cool idea, I like them.


Well-known member
those are cool but im a slob so knowing me, they would unknowingly end up on the floor and i would step on them.


Well-known member
wow these are amazing and very creative.
i don't have any pets but knowing how clumsy i can be then yeah no chance for survival!


Well-known member
I have a tremor, so I don't think I could even hold them. With 8 pets, the odds are extremely poor they would even make it in the front door. One of my dogs likes to give a waist hug upon my arrival. Another one, likes to give me a pat and will wrap his paw around my leg to get my attention.

Beautiful works of art indeed. They would need extreme protection.

What an artist! That takes a lot of patience, a steady hand, and much work. The detail is so much like lace it's incredible.


Well-known member
those are awesome.

but i've got a couple of cats that own the house, so i doubt they'd last very long here...and even if they could stand the test of the cats, they sure as hell wouldn't make it through one of our lovely earthquakes.


Active member
We have two cats, so no.

My cat is very graceful and even though he jumps up on everything, he probably wouldn't break it. He might want to play with it though...

My boyfriend's kitten on the other hand is the clumsiest, least graceful kitten ever. He manages to knock EVERYTHING in his path over, even though he is super tiny and just 6 pounds (as opposed to my 14 pound cat). His kitten would destroy it within 2.5 seconds without a doubt.


Well-known member
very cool!! I used to collect blown, russian easter eggs when I was a kid. These are amazing


Well-known member
I used to make those cut eggs and also psyanky-Ukranian batik painted eggss. I had art showings of my metalworks in the late 80's and wanted something to dress the gallery up with as a theme,so I did a lot of eggs. Some of my sculptures had enameled metal,so I wanted to do something like "Budget Faberge Eggs". There were actually places around Philadelphia-were I was at the time-that sold kitsky (styluses) and materials for egg art. I had cats at the time,so I stored them in locked cabinets or gave them away to friends.
I really liked holding the egg over a candle and melting the beeswax off when it was done,it smelled really good.

I was at a store buying eggs and a man yelled at me,"Just buy them! What are you gonna do, take them home and admire them or are you going to be like a normal person and eat them.?!!!" LOL