would you ever leave the house without makeup on?


Well-known member
I do. Only because i it doesnt't make sense if I'm dropping my son at school, working out or making a quick run somewhere where I'll be driving. I prefer to have makeup on alot of the times but I have been letting my skin breathe recently...


Well-known member
Every single guy that I have ever ever ever been involved with say I, and women in general, look better without makeup on. Obviously I like makeup (im on specktra all the time), I like to wear it for special occasions, to sass up my eyes, play with fun colors. But in no way will I let makeup ( or lack thereof) keep me from running errands, going out in public, or steal my ZZZ's because I must put it on. Plus taking it off is a bitch...most of the time I'd rather not bother.

Visual Edge

Well-known member
I think when you get used to your make-up improved version of yourself if becomes hard to see yourself without it. I know a lot of girls who arent as great with application can go without it but a perfectly applied face of make-up makes eeeeeverybody look better.

I do go out without make-up depending on how long I'll be out for and Im feeling but I usually prefer to wear it because a) I look better and am thus more confident and b) I like to practice!! If I'm just running some errands, I'll go out barefaced and if Im under the wheather I never wear make-up but usually, to meet up with friends or go out for long periods, I always wear my make-up.

We don't need to justify our addiction! Feeling good about yourself is important and I say that whatever can help you relax in your own skin is worth it. Besides, we decorate our houses, our notebooks, our offices, our online profiles... why not decorate ourselves? Of course, if were going to be stuck in the same skin everyday we'll get tired of it- make-up is an easy and removable way to customize ourselves. What's the problem with that?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieR429
Every single guy that I have ever ever ever been involved with say I, and women in general, look better without makeup on. Obviously I like makeup (im on specktra all the time), I like to wear it for special occasions, to sass up my eyes, play with fun colors. But in no way will I let makeup ( or lack thereof) keep me from running errands, going out in public, or steal my ZZZ's because I must put it on. Plus taking it off is a bitch...most of the time I'd rather not bother.

I second this statement...I loooove my makeup, and I love playing with it, coming up with new looks, etc...but if I don't have the time, then I don't have the time. I almost never wear makeup to work, because I usually can't be bothered...although I've been wearing Revlon's colorstay for the last few days, because it's actually keeping my face matte...which is impressive.

Anyway, my rule of thumb is this; I will go out of the house with a naked face. I will go out of the house with minimal makeup. I will go out of the house with a face-full of makeup. ...but I will NEVER walk out of my house with half-done or crappily applied makeup. I just have too much respect for myself to do that. LOL


Well-known member
I'm embracing looking "naturally pretty" as oppose to "makeup pretty".

Ever since I got that comment that I was "makeup pretty" - I make an effort to really fix my skin so I don't have to wear foundation/concealer (almost there, stupid acne scars) and go out with confidence and pretty as I do with makeup on.

Now, I feel ridiculous if I go out full-face to the store or something. It really isn't worth all the time and waste of makeup. The only time I do go all out and add lashes and all that jazz is if I KNOW I'mma be photographed, lol. But all my friends seen me without makeup.

But for work/school where I see a lot of peers my age, I at least put concealer/mascara/blush and I'm out. There are times when I don't at all out of pure laziness and not caring.

For PE class I do a bit of concealer/mascara but yesterday I went bare faced exposing some old acne scars and I felt OK. Lol, baby steps. But sweat + makeup does not mix.


Well-known member
When I was in high school, I would wear makeup every. single. day. and I absolutely could not let anyone see me without makeup on. I was really insecure then but now I'm confident in myself and really don't care. I go out without makeup probably more than I wear makeup :p


Well-known member
You see, I am one of those people who can look like this:


If I don't have makeup on. I swear, I look like a totally different person. So I need to put makeup on, to look alive. And this includes everywhere and anywhere...I don't put on a lot, but I do: tightline, mascara, false lashes (not a lot, huh? Lol, they're usually half lashes that look more natural), natural sheer eyeshadow, chapstick, bronzer. Ok, well that's a lot lol. But it doesn't LOOK like a lot on me, because of the way I do it

I wish I had natural beauty, but I don't. My features just aren't cut out for it.


Well-known member
I will go out without makeup if its just a quick trip to the store or post office or something like that. Usually though, at the very least I'm wearing concealer and mascara and something on my lips.


Well-known member
I do sometimes, if I'm ill, or really tired, or hungover, and it's just on a short trip, like to the supermarket.
Other than that, no, never... I wouldn't leave on an actual outing without having at the very least my brows done, blush and mascara!


Well-known member
Without a full face...most definitely. Especially in the summer I get super lazy with makeup. Without concealer...never. I wasn't blessed with perfect skin so concealer is a must for me.


Well-known member
I don't usually leave the house without at least some mineral powder, blush and gloss. Even if I'm just going to the DVD store, supermarket or to pick up takeaways. I have some acne scars on my chin though, which are almost at the point of not needing powder/concealer.

I only ever wear a full face if I'm going out at night, mainly because it takes me anywhere from 45 - 60mins lol.


Well-known member
oh mercy yes! mostly to school as i have to be up by 6-6:30 and on a bus at 7:30, but yes, i often dont have time for makeup


Well-known member
The bare minimum would be some mineral foundation (and sunglasses) if I'm going running, anywhere else quick, mineral foundation, bronzer and mascara. Any length of time out, it has to be everything!


Well-known member
I'm probably not wearing makeup (I might do lipgloss because it's always in my purse) 4 days a week and I'm definitely out almost every day... somehow something outside my house manages to drag me out at least once a day.


Well-known member
usually i only wear makeup for work, or if i really feel like wearing it. when it is during the semester it really becomes a battle of sleep vs makeup, and sleep wins everytime. i go out most of the time without makeup on, dark circles (which seem to be tattooed on), acne scars and all!


Well-known member
Yes, and frequently do!! I love cosmetics - but they arent an integral part of who I am, so if I dont wear it it doesnt really matter. I do it for special occasions, just when I need a pick up, or when I feel like I have time and just want to look nice. My sister is completely OCD about cosmetics - she wont even open her bloody front door if she doesnt have a full face on and thats a bit of a deterrent for me


Active member
Even though I don't like to, I do leave the house without makeup because there's those moments where I want ice cream...right now! So I just go to the store, which is like a minute away, get my ice cream, and go home.

There's this girl I used to work with that said she would never ever go outside without makeup, even if it's just to check the mail.


Well-known member
Ironically enough, when I was younger I wouldnt dream of leaving the house without my foundation, eyeliner, and mascara. Then i went thru a period where I thought to myself "Amanda, your face looks fine, WHY ARE you wearing foundation?" and just stopped wearing make-up so much. Now I try to just wear some concealer, do my brows and make a lippie to brighten my face up a bit. But like some gals have said, I wouldn't go shopping without make up. IDK why, but yeah.