Would you rather? Zobmondo...


Well-known member
(copy and paste and post your answers in your reply)
*Be forced to French kiss someone with no teeth -OR- someone chewing tobacco?

*Never be able to answer a question -OR- never be able to ask one?

*Eat a cupful of foam packing peanuts -OR- an entire ten year old fruitcake?

*Quickly lick the back of a urinal at a restaurant -OR- wash your face in the clean water from a toilet bowl at the same restaurant?

*Sponge bathe a sumo wrestler -OR- hand wash 150 dirty sweaty jockstraps?

*Wear orange -OR- a tuxedo all the time?

*During your wedding reception, have your best friend make a pass at your spouse -OR- five years into your marriage, have one of your parents make a pass at your spouse while drunk at a party?

*Scald your tongue before sitting down to eat a meal you already paid one hundred dollars for -OR- get hit with a bad case of gas ribght before a highly anticipated sexual encounter?

*Have a small but ripe pimple always on the end of your nose -OR- a small mole with a thick non cuttable hair growing out of it on your cheek?

*Give up your three favorite hobbies in life -OR- lose your sex drive?

*Eat a raw catfish -OR- a raw pig's foot?

*Get two weeks paid vacation each year and go wherever you want -OR- get six weeks but not be allowed to travel anywhere?

*Have to write a ten page term paper entirely in Morse code -OR- in pig Latin?

*See the Bald Eagle -OR- the Grizzly Bear become extinct?

*Have the ability of ten athletes -OR- the knowledge of ten scholars?

*Never be able to say the word "love" -OR- never be able to kiss?

*As a man have your testicles eaten off by a squirrel -OR- your eyeballs pecked out by a bird?

*Have skeletons in your closet -OR- an undeserved ill reputation?

*Trip and fall to the ground while walking up to give a speech -OR-forget your spouse's name while introducing him/her to your ex?

*As a man, lose your girlfriend's pet -OR- her diamond ring?

*Have to chug a gallon of cold beet juice -OR- four sixteen ounce glasses of warm cod liver oil?

*Never need to sleep -OR- eat again?

I look forward to your answers!!


Well-known member
*Be forced to French kiss someone with no teeth -OR- someone chewing tobacco? NO TEETH.

*Never be able to answer a question -OR- never be able to ask one? ANSWER.

*Eat a cupful of foam packing peanuts -OR- an entire ten year old fruitcake? PEANUTS.

*Quickly lick the back of a urinal at a restaurant -OR- wash your face in the clean water from a toilet bowl at the same restaurant? CLEAN TOILET WATER.

*Sponge bathe a sumo wrestler -OR- hand wash 150 dirty sweaty jockstraps? SUMO WRESTLER.

*Wear orange -OR- a tuxedo all the time? ORANGE.

*During your wedding reception, have your best friend make a pass at your spouse -OR- five years into your marriage, have one of your parents make a pass at your spouse while drunk at a party? BEST FRIEND.

*Scald your tongue before sitting down to eat a meal you already paid one hundred dollars for -OR- get hit with a bad case of gas ribght before a highly anticipated sexual encounter? SCALD MY TONGUE.

*Have a small but ripe pimple always on the end of your nose -OR- a small mole with a thick non cuttable hair growing out of it on your cheek? MOLE.

*Give up your three favorite hobbies in life -OR- lose your sex drive? BYE BYE HOBBIES.

*Eat a raw catfish -OR- a raw pig's foot? CATFISH.

*Get two weeks paid vacation each year and go wherever you want -OR- get six weeks but not be allowed to travel anywhere? SIX WEEKS.

*Have to write a ten page term paper entirely in Morse code -OR- in pig Latin? PIG LATIN.

*See the Bald Eagle -OR- the Grizzly Bear become extinct? GRIZZLY.

*Have the ability of ten athletes -OR- the knowledge of ten scholars? KNOWLEDGE.

*Never be able to say the word "love" -OR- never be able to kiss? NEVER BE ABLE TO SAY THE WORD "love".

*As a man have your testicles eaten off by a squirrel -OR- your eyeballs pecked out by a bird? TESTICLES.

*Have skeletons in your closet -OR- an undeserved ill reputation? UNDESERVED REPUTATION.

*Trip and fall to the ground while walking up to give a speech -OR-forget your spouse's name while introducing him/her to your ex? TRIP AT A SPEECH.

*As a man, lose your girlfriend's pet -OR- her diamond ring? RING.

*Have to chug a gallon of cold beet juice -OR- four sixteen ounce glasses of warm cod liver oil? BEET JUICE.

*Never need to sleep -OR- eat again? SLEEP.


Well-known member
(copy and paste and post your answers in your reply)

*Be forced to French kiss someone with no teeth -OR- someone chewing tobacco? No teeth

*Never be able to answer a question -OR- never be able to ask one? Had to think about it, but never ask. I need to be able to answer my daughters questions. I can just give her commands, use actions, and make statements, since I can't ask her any.

*Eat a cupful of foam packing peanuts -OR- an entire ten year old fruitcake? The fruitcake. Like the woman that appeared on Tyra, I have a terrible fear of styrofoam.

*Quickly lick the back of a urinal at a restaurant -OR- wash your face in the clean water from a toilet bowl at the same restaurant? Wash my face with the water. It's cleaner than Mc D's ice cubes, since the bowls are bleached and whatnot.

*Sponge bathe a sumo wrestler -OR- hand wash 150 dirty sweaty jockstraps? I'll pick the sumo.

*Wear orange -OR- a tuxedo all the time? Tux, I guess

*During your wedding reception, have your best friend make a pass at your spouse -OR- five years into your marriage, have one of your parents make a pass at your spouse while drunk at a party? Number two!!

*Scald your tongue before sitting down to eat a meal you already paid one hundred dollars for -OR- get hit with a bad case of gas right before a highly anticipated sexual encounter? Burn my tongue. I'll just get a doggy bag.

*Have a small but ripe pimple always on the end of your nose -OR- a small mole with a thick non cuttable hair growing out of it on your cheek? The pimple. What else is select cover-up for?

*Give up your three favorite hobbies in life -OR- lose your sex drive? Sex drive.

*Eat a raw catfish -OR- a raw pig's foot? *barf* I have NO idea.

*Get two weeks paid vacation each year and go wherever you want -OR- get six weeks but not be allowed to travel anywhere? Two weeks.

*Have to write a ten page term paper entirely in Morse code -OR- in pig Latin? Pig Latin, that's easy

*See the Bald Eagle -OR- the Grizzly Bear become extinct? This question disturbs me, I cannot choose.

*Have the ability of ten athletes -OR- the knowledge of ten scholars? Knowledge, duh.

*Never be able to say the word "love" -OR- never be able to kiss? Never be able to say I love you! I'll just say " I l-o-v-e you" or " I heart you"

*As a man have your testicles eaten off by a squirrel -OR- your eyeballs pecked out by a bird? Oh god..lol. I will have to say bye to the twin stones. Sight is such a blessing.

*Have skeletons in your closet -OR- an undeserved ill reputation?

*Trip and fall to the ground while walking up to give a speech -OR-forget your spouse's name while introducing him/her to your ex? Trip while walking up to give a speech.. I've done it before in front of a very prestigious crowd.

*As a man, lose your girlfriend's pet -OR- her diamond ring? Ring, it can be easily replaced.

*Have to chug a gallon of cold beet juice -OR- four sixteen ounce glasses of warm cod liver oil? Beet juice isn't bad at all.

*Never need to sleep -OR- eat again? Never eat.


Well-known member
(copy and paste and post your answers in your reply)
*Be forced to French kiss someone with no teeth -OR- someone chewing tobacco?

No teeth. Tobacco is just yick.

*Never be able to answer a question -OR- never be able to ask one?
never be able to answer one.

*Eat a cupful of foam packing peanuts -OR- an entire ten year old fruitcake?

there is a difference?

*Quickly lick the back of a urinal at a restaurant -OR- wash your face in the clean water from a toilet bowl at the same restaurant?

wash my face in clean water. Then use my alcohol pads over my face and run around screaming UNCLEAN UNCLEAN

*Sponge bathe a sumo wrestler -OR- hand wash 150 dirty sweaty jockstraps?

Sponge bathe. At least they will say thank you.

*Wear orange -OR- a tuxedo all the time?

ORANGE no contest!

*During your wedding reception, have your best friend make a pass at your spouse -OR- five years into your marriage, have one of your parents make a pass at your spouse while drunk at a party?

First one. Then I can shove a full cake in her face and start yelling obscenties. Just so I can have one of those " Wedding day disasters" LOL

*Scald your tongue before sitting down to eat a meal you already paid one hundred dollars for -OR- get hit with a bad case of gas ribght before a highly anticipated sexual encounter?

The Gas.

*Have a small but ripe pimple always on the end of your nose -OR- a small mole with a thick non cuttable hair growing out of it on your cheek?

Pimple. It will give me the joy of squeezing.

*Give up your three favorite hobbies in life -OR- lose your sex drive?

Sex drive.

*Eat a raw catfish -OR- a raw pig's foot?


*Get two weeks paid vacation each year and go wherever you want -OR- get six weeks but not be allowed to travel anywhere?

Only if they reimburse me for the flights and expenses.

*Have to write a ten page term paper entirely in Morse code -OR- in pig Latin?

Morse code. Then I can make up all sorts of shit right? This is how it would go *dot dot dot dash dot dash dot dash dash dash dot" And then it would make me look super geeky.

*See the Bald Eagle -OR- the Grizzly Bear become extinct?


*Have the ability of ten athletes -OR- the knowledge of ten scholars?
*Never be
able to say the word "love" -OR- never be able to kiss?
Never say LOVE

*As a man have your testicles eaten off by a squirrel -OR- your eyeballs pecked out by a bird?

eyeballs pecked out by a bird

*Have skeletons in your closet -OR- an undeserved ill reputation?

Skeletons in the closet. *shifty eye look*

*Trip and fall to the ground while walking up to give a speech -OR-forget your spouse's name while introducing him/her to your ex?

Trip and fall to the ground.

*As a man, lose your girlfriend's pet -OR- her diamond ring?

RING. The pet would be suicide.

*Have to chug a gallon of cold beet juice -OR- four sixteen ounce glasses of warm cod liver oil?

Beet juice.

*Never need to sleep -OR- eat again?

Never eat!


Well-known member
LOL OMG..........

me and my best friend play this ALL the time!!! I never knew other people knew about it, too!

Of course, ours is super sick and disgusting


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Wattage
....Of course, ours is super sick and disgusting

Here's my vote. We let this set of questions run its course. Then when the thread slows a bit, insert a new set of questions. Each new set of questions can grow even more disgusting. Yeah, I'm sick like that!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
Pimple. It will give me the joy of squeezing.



Well-known member
My friend had a book on this stuff lol, and whenever people were around she'd start reading lines from it lol...


Well-known member
*Be forced to French kiss someone with no teeth -OR- someone chewing tobacco?

No teeth (gag)

*Never be able to answer a question -OR- never be able to ask one?

Never be able to answer one. You could still learn without answering a question.

*Eat a cupful of foam packing peanuts -OR- an entire ten year old fruitcake?

Packing peanuts.

*Quickly lick the back of a urinal at a restaurant -OR- wash your face in the clean water from a toilet bowl at the same restaurant?

Damn girl, one of these is supposed to be the better choice!! Ummm, toilet water, I guess. Bleeeahh! Licking that urinal would definitly get you seriously ill.

*Sponge bathe a sumo wrestler -OR- hand wash 150 dirty sweaty jockstraps?

Sumo wrestler. Seems quicker and at least you have the sponge between the two of you. And it is one person's funk as opposed to 150. Allthough, those fat crevices would be preeeeetty gross. Sorry for that visual.

*Wear orange -OR- a tuxedo all the time?

Orange!!! Represent my husband's Dutch pride!!! Woo woo! And hey, if the mood struck, wear an orange tuxedo! You can wear an orange version of any outfit.

*During your wedding reception, have your best friend make a pass at your spouse -OR- five years into your marriage, have one of your parents make a pass at your spouse while drunk at a party?

Hands down the best friend. Friends can come and go, but family is usually always around. Awwwwkkkward, if it was your mom, eh?

*Scald your tongue before sitting down to eat a meal you already paid one hundred dollars for -OR- get hit with a bad case of gas ribght before a highly anticipated sexual encounter?

Burnt tongue. Another $100 is easy to come by.

*Have a small but ripe pimple always on the end of your nose -OR- a small mole with a thick non cuttable hair growing out of it on your cheek?

Pimple. Concealer can't cover up a long, nasty mole hair.

*Give up your three favorite hobbies in life -OR- lose your sex drive?

You can always find new hobbies!!!! Like, for example, finding new sexual positions!

*Eat a raw catfish -OR- a raw pig's foot?

Catfish! I have seen pickled pig's feet and those looked rank. I love sushi. Raw catfish would just kind of be like a really ghetto sushi.

*Get two weeks paid vacation each year and go wherever you want -OR- get six weeks but not be allowed to travel anywhere?

I love to travel, but I love my DH more and it would be more time with him. Definitely 6 weeks.

*Have to write a ten page term paper entirely in Morse code -OR- in pig Latin?

Morse Code. At least mastery of Morse Code could possibly help me at some point one day.

*See the Bald Eagle -OR- the Grizzly Bear become extinct?

Really, neither. This is tough. But if forced to choose: Grizzly bear. The eagle is symbolic and won't maul me.

*Have the ability of ten athletes -OR- the knowledge of ten scholars?

Ten scholars. Then work on having as much athletic ability as I can.

*Never be able to say the word "love" -OR- never be able to kiss?

Say love. My DH and I say it all the time, so we know it. We would know it without saying it. Touch would be missed though.

*As a man have your testicles eaten off by a squirrel -OR- your eyeballs pecked out by a bird?

Damn. I am asking my husband about this and he is torn. His answer is that he would use his nuts as bait, catch the squirrel, club the bird with it ("it" is the squirrel by the way, not his guy bits), get the hell out of there and live to have sex at full-capacity many more times! Hey, this works out to my benefit, but oh man, what an answer!

*Have skeletons in your closet -OR- an undeserved ill reputation?

Undeserved ill repute. Because it is based on fantasy, not reality. Skeletons are real. You did something shitty to deserve them.

*Trip and fall to the ground while walking up to give a speech -OR-forget your spouse's name while introducing him/her to your ex?

Trip and fall.

*As a man, lose your girlfriend's pet -OR- her diamond ring?

Ring. Definitely.

*Have to chug a gallon of cold beet juice -OR- four sixteen ounce glasses of warm cod liver oil?

Volume makes no difference. Beet juice. Pretty good for you anyway. I like beets. I actually see both making you yak though.

*Never need to sleep -OR- eat again?

Sleep. You would get a lot done and be able to experience so much more! Annnd, you would have more time to jog off all of that food you are eating!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Here's my vote. We let this set of questions run its course. Then when the thread slows a bit, insert a new set of questions. Each new set of questions can grow even more disgusting. Yeah, I'm sick like that!

That was my intent!
I have the ENTIRE GAME of cards to go through


Well-known member
*Be forced to French kiss someone with no teeth -OR- someone chewing tobacco?
no teeth please...

*Never be able to answer a question -OR- never be able to ask one?
ask one

*Eat a cupful of foam packing peanuts -OR- an entire ten year old fruitcake?
aaaaghs, peanuts...

*Quickly lick the back of a urinal at a restaurant -OR- wash your face in the clean water from a toilet bowl at the same restaurant?
if its really clean i'll go for the second sentence

*Sponge bathe a sumo wrestler -OR- hand wash 150 dirty sweaty jockstraps?
sumo wrestler

*Wear orange -OR- a tuxedo all the time?

*During your wedding reception, have your best friend make a pass at your spouse -OR- five years into your marriage, have one of your parents make a pass at your spouse while drunk at a party?
my friend!

*Scald your tongue before sitting down to eat a meal you already paid one hundred dollars for -OR- get hit with a bad case of gas ribght before a highly anticipated sexual encounter?
the second sentence

*Have a small but ripe pimple always on the end of your nose -OR- a small mole with a thick non cuttable hair growing out of it on your cheek?
wow, that original! the first one...

*Give up your three favorite hobbies in life -OR- lose your sex drive?
give up hobbys

*Eat a raw catfish -OR- a raw pig's foot?
awwwww, stop it!! a catfish

*Get two weeks paid vacation each year and go wherever you want -OR- get six weeks but not be allowed to travel anywhere?
the first one, easy

*Have to write a ten page term paper entirely in Morse code -OR- in pig Latin?
latin is cool

*See the Bald Eagle -OR- the Grizzly Bear become extinct?
bald eagle...
what is grizzly? :confused:

*Have the ability of ten athletes -OR- the knowledge of ten scholars?
10 athletes

*Never be able to say the word "love" -OR- never be able to kiss?
never say love

*As a man have your testicles eaten off by a squirrel -OR- your eyeballs pecked out by a bird?
ball eaten by a squirrel

*Have skeletons in your closet -OR- an undeserved ill reputation?
ill reputation

*Trip and fall to the ground while walking up to give a speech -OR-forget your spouse's name while introducing him/her to your ex?
no god! the first one

*As a man, lose your girlfriend's pet -OR- her diamond ring?
i'd loose a diamond ring

*Have to chug a gallon of cold beet juice -OR- four sixteen ounce glasses of warm cod liver oil?
aghs, i'll go for the second sentence

*Never need to sleep -OR- eat again?
i love sleeping and eating...i'll choose... sleep:confused:


Well-known member
*Be forced to French kiss someone with no teeth -OR- someone chewing tobacco? Tobacco as long as SHE kept it off to the side.

*Never be able to answer a question -OR- never be able to ask one? Awnser because it's alot harder to ASK a question with my eyes.

*Eat a cupful of foam packing peanuts -OR- an entire ten year old fruitcake? Fruitcake - I like it no matter what

*Quickly lick the back of a urinal at a restaurant -OR- wash your face in the clean water from a toilet bowl at the same restaurant? Wash my face - because I can sterilize that quicker

*Sponge bathe a sumo wrestler -OR- hand wash 150 dirty sweaty jockstraps? The jockstraps - because I don't wash other guys

*Wear orange -OR- a tuxedo all the time? How sweet would it be if it was both at the SAME time?!

*During your wedding reception, have your best friend make a pass at your spouse -OR- five years into your marriage, have one of your parents make a pass at your spouse while drunk at a party? Parents - seeing their face of rejection would be priceless

*Scald your tongue before sitting down to eat a meal you already paid one hundred dollars for -OR- get hit with a bad case of gas ribght before a highly anticipated sexual encounter? Bad gas - because it's happened before and I know how to deal with it.

*Have a small but ripe pimple always on the end of your nose -OR- a small mole with a thick non cuttable hair growing out of it on your cheek? Mole - because there's always surgery

*Give up your three favorite hobbies in life -OR- lose your sex drive? There really isn't any choice in this question...

*Eat a raw catfish -OR- a raw pig's foot? Pig's foot because I hate seafood.

*Get two weeks paid vacation each year and go wherever you want -OR- get six weeks but not be allowed to travel anywhere? Six weeks - because I could think of plenty to do that doesn't involve travel

*Have to write a ten page term paper entirely in Morse code -OR- in pig Latin? I'd rather chop my hands off.

*See the Bald Eagle -OR- the Grizzly Bear become extinct? Bald eagle - because it's a pretty worthless animal, IBanimalloversattackmebecausetheyknowit'struetoo

*Have the ability of ten athletes -OR- the knowledge of ten scholars? Ability of ten athletes because I use my mind enough already

*Never be able to say the word "love" -OR- never be able to kiss? Say the word love, I don't say it anyway, I MEAN IT

*As a man have your testicles eaten off by a squirrel -OR- your eyeballs pecked out by a bird? Honestly I could do without balls, they just get in the way, I can replicate what they produce hormone-wise, plus I'd still have my real pride.

*Have skeletons in your closet -OR- an undeserved ill reputation? Already got both, couldn't care less...

*Trip and fall to the ground while walking up to give a speech -OR-forget your spouse's name while introducing him/her to your ex? Trip and fall because it breaks the ice, because it makes it seem extra cold to the ex when you don't remember your spouses's name.

*As a man, lose your girlfriend's pet -OR- her diamond ring? Pet - now lose or "lose" depends on who cleans up the crap.

*Have to chug a gallon of cold beet juice -OR- four sixteen ounce glasses of warm cod liver oil? Whichever one is better for me, cause I've done crazy things for my health anyway.

*Never need to sleep -OR- eat again? Sleep because then I could just fill my spare time with eating.


Well-known member
*Be forced to French kiss someone with no teeth -OR- someone chewing tobacco?

No teeth

*Never be able to answer a question -OR- never be able to ask one?


*Eat a cupful of foam packing peanuts -OR- an entire ten year old fruitcake?

packing peanuts

*Quickly lick the back of a urinal at a restaurant -OR- wash your face in the clean water from a toilet bowl at the same restaurant?

Wash my face

*Sponge bathe a sumo wrestler -OR- hand wash 150 dirty sweaty jockstraps?

hand-wash the jicks..eww

*Wear orange -OR- a tuxedo all the time?


*During your wedding reception, have your best friend make a pass at your spouse -OR- five years into your marriage, have one of your parents make a pass at your spouse while drunk at a party?

Wedding/best friend

*Scald your tongue before sitting down to eat a meal you already paid one hundred dollars for -OR- get hit with a bad case of gas ribght before a highly anticipated sexual encounter?

The gas...

*Have a small but ripe pimple always on the end of your nose -OR- a small mole with a thick non cuttable hair growing out of it on your cheek?


*Give up your three favorite hobbies in life -OR- lose your sex drive?

give up my hobbie

*Eat a raw catfish -OR- a raw pig's foot?

catfish (it's like sushi, right??)

*Get two weeks paid vacation each year and go wherever you want -OR- get six weeks but not be allowed to travel anywhere?

two weeks vacation

*Have to write a ten page term paper entirely in Morse code -OR- in pig Latin?

pig latin

*See the Bald Eagle -OR- the Grizzly Bear become extinct?

grizzly bear

*Have the ability of ten athletes -OR- the knowledge of ten scholars?

knowledge of ten scholars

*Never be able to say the word "love" -OR- never be able to kiss?

not be able to kiss

*As a man have your testicles eaten off by a squirrel -OR- your eyeballs pecked out by a bird?

I'm not a man!

*Have skeletons in your closet -OR- an undeserved ill reputation?

skeletons in my closet

*Trip and fall to the ground while walking up to give a speech -OR-forget your spouse's name while introducing him/her to your ex?

trip and fall

*As a man, lose your girlfriend's pet -OR- her diamond ring?

not a man again!

*Have to chug a gallon of cold beet juice -OR- four sixteen ounce glasses of warm cod liver oil?

cold beet juice

*Never need to sleep -OR- eat again?

never sleep again...I love food!


Well-known member
*Be forced to French kiss someone with no teeth -OR- someone chewing tobacco? no teeth

*Never be able to answer a question -OR- never be able to ask one? never be able to answer one.

*Eat a cupful of foam packing peanuts -OR- an entire ten year old fruitcake? packing peanuts, please.

*Quickly lick the back of a urinal at a restaurant -OR- wash your face in the clean water from a toilet bowl at the same restaurant? wash my face.

*Sponge bathe a sumo wrestler -OR- hand wash 150 dirty sweaty jockstraps? THIS ONE ISNT FAIRRRR i refuse

*Wear orange -OR- a tuxedo all the time? dude a tuxedo all the time would be haute haha

*During your wedding reception, have your best friend make a pass at your spouse -OR- five years into your marriage, have one of your parents make a pass at your spouse while drunk at a party? parents because if they were drunk it would be a one time thing

*Scald your tongue before sitting down to eat a meal you already paid one hundred dollars for -OR- get hit with a bad case of gas ribght before a highly anticipated sexual encounter? the meal for sure haha

*Have a small but ripe pimple always on the end of your nose -OR- a small mole with a thick non cuttable hair growing out of it on your cheek? pimple. i have them anyways :roll:

*Give up your three favorite hobbies in life -OR- lose your sex drive? sex drive.

*Eat a raw catfish -OR- a raw pig's foot? hold on i'm gagging

*Get two weeks paid vacation each year and go wherever you want -OR- get six weeks but not be allowed to travel anywhere? six weeks

*Have to write a ten page term paper entirely in Morse code -OR- in pig Latin? pig latin!

*See the Bald Eagle -OR- the Grizzly Bear become extinct? grizzly bear

*Have the ability of ten athletes -OR- the knowledge of ten scholars? knowledge

*Never be able to say the word "love" -OR- never be able to kiss? never be able to say the word love

*As a man have your testicles eaten off by a squirrel -OR- your eyeballs pecked out by a bird? testiclesssss

*Have skeletons in your closet -OR- an undeserved ill reputation? skeletons

*Trip and fall to the ground while walking up to give a speech -OR-forget your spouse's name while introducing him/her to your ex? trip! i'd laugh
it'd be great.

*As a man, lose your girlfriend's pet -OR- her diamond ring? ooh..uh...diamond ring

*Have to chug a gallon of cold beet juice -OR- four sixteen ounce glasses of warm cod liver oil? one time i smelled beet juice and literally gagged. i guess the cod liver, but to be honest i dont knnow how it tastes

*Never need to sleep -OR- eat again? never be able to eat


Well-known member
(copy and paste and post your answers in your reply)

*Be forced to French kiss someone with no teeth -OR- someone chewing tobacco?
Chewing tobacco.. my hubby does it so...

*Never be able to answer a question -OR- never be able to ask one?
Never be able to answer, definitely

*Eat a cupful of foam packing peanuts -OR- an entire ten year old fruitcake?
Foam peanuts! I wouldn't eat a ten minute old fruitcake!!!

*Quickly lick the back of a urinal at a restaurant -OR- wash your face in the clean water from a toilet bowl at the same restaurant?
DEFINITELY wash my face with the toilet water. No pee lickin fer me!

*Sponge bathe a sumo wrestler -OR- hand wash 150 dirty sweaty jockstraps?
Handwash the Jock Straps...

*Wear orange -OR- a tuxedo all the time?

*During your wedding reception, have your best friend make a pass at your spouse -OR- five years into your marriage, have one of your parents make a pass at your spouse while drunk at a party?
The best friend. B/C I could kick her ass in front of everyone, LOL!

*Scald your tongue before sitting down to eat a meal you already paid one hundred dollars for -OR- get hit with a bad case of gas ribght before a highly anticipated sexual encounter?
Well, I guess I'd have to pick the tongue scalding b/c the 2nd one happens all the time. Damn pregnancty. LMAO!

*Have a small but ripe pimple always on the end of your nose -OR- a small mole with a thick non cuttable hair growing out of it on your cheek?
OMG the thought is unbearable but I'd have to pick the pimple

*Give up your three favorite hobbies in life -OR- lose your sex drive?
Give up the hobbies definitely.

*Eat a raw catfish -OR- a raw pig's foot?
:holysheep: Pig's foot.. ughhhhhhh

*Get two weeks paid vacation each year and go wherever you want -OR- get six weeks but not be allowed to travel anywhere?
Definitely the 2 weeks

*Have to write a ten page term paper entirely in Morse code -OR- in pig Latin?

*See the Bald Eagle -OR- the Grizzly Bear become extinct?
Grizzly Bear...

*Have the ability of ten athletes -OR- the knowledge of ten scholars?
Knowledge of ten scholars.

*Never be able to say the word "love" -OR- never be able to kiss?
Oh man! I guess not be able to kiss b/c there are way too many people I have got to say ILY to.

*As a man have your testicles eaten off by a squirrel -OR- your eyeballs pecked out by a bird?
Well, I'm not a man, but I'd rather have no testicles than no sight so definitely the first one.

*Have skeletons in your closet -OR- an undeserved ill reputation?
Ill rep. b/c I could always run from it!!! HAHA!

*Trip and fall to the ground while walking up to give a speech -OR-forget your spouse's name while introducing him/her to your ex?
Trip and fall, b/c I could eventually live it down.

*As a man, lose your girlfriend's pet -OR- her diamond ring?
Oh lord... the ring.

*Have to chug a gallon of cold beet juice -OR- four sixteen ounce glasses of warm cod liver oil?
Cold beet juice

*Never need to sleep -OR- eat again?
Ok this is the worst of all but I'd HAVE to pick food over sleep.


Well-known member
*Be forced to French kiss someone with no teeth -OR- someone chewing tobacco? Tobacco.

*Never be able to answer a question -OR- never be able to ask one?

*Eat a cupful of foam packing peanuts -OR- an entire ten year old fruitcake?
Packing peanuts. Haha.

*Quickly lick the back of a urinal at a restaurant -OR- wash your face in the clean water from a toilet bowl at the same restaurant?
Wash my face.

*Sponge bathe a sumo wrestler -OR- hand wash 150 dirty sweaty jockstraps?

*Wear orange -OR- a tuxedo all the time?

*During your wedding reception, have your best friend make a pass at your spouse -OR- five years into your marriage, have one of your parents make a pass at your spouse while drunk at a party?
Parents making a pass. Haha.

*Scald your tongue before sitting down to eat a meal you already paid one hundred dollars for -OR- get hit with a bad case of gas ribght before a highly anticipated sexual encounter?
Burn my tongue.

*Have a small but ripe pimple always on the end of your nose -OR- a small mole with a thick non cuttable hair growing out of it on your cheek?

*Give up your three favorite hobbies in life -OR- lose your sex drive?

*Eat a raw catfish -OR- a raw pig's foot?

*Get two weeks paid vacation each year and go wherever you want -OR- get six weeks but not be allowed to travel anywhere?
Two weeks vacation!

*Have to write a ten page term paper entirely in Morse code -OR- in pig Latin?
Pig Latin, hahaha.

*See the Bald Eagle -OR- the Grizzly Bear become extinct?
Hmm... Bald Eagle. I guess... weird. I like bears and am scared of birds. Hahaa.

*Have the ability of ten athletes -OR- the knowledge of ten scholars?
I think knowledge.

*Never be able to say the word "love" -OR- never be able to kiss?
Never say love, 'cause actions can speak louder than words and I only kiss people I love. Haha.

*As a man have your testicles eaten off by a squirrel -OR- your eyeballs pecked out by a bird?
Eww... I guess testicles.

*Have skeletons in your closet -OR- an undeserved ill reputation?

*Trip and fall to the ground while walking up to give a speech -OR-forget your spouse's name while introducing him/her to your ex?
Trip and fall.

*As a man, lose your girlfriend's pet -OR- her diamond ring?

*Have to chug a gallon of cold beet juice -OR- four sixteen ounce glasses of warm cod liver oil?
Beet juice.

*Never need to sleep -OR- eat again?
Eat. Haha. :p


Well-known member
Round two:


If you had to fart at a party, go outside and get unexpected liquid discharge OR blast away in a bedroom only to realize several couples were using it as a makeout room and heard the whole thing?

Knowing you will die tomorrow, spend your last day with your friends OR on a date with your favorite movie star?

Go to an interview with the stomach flu OR after staying out til 3 a.m.?

Be gored to death by a bull OR squeezed to death by an anaconda?

Be a woman with men's legs (no shaving) OR a man with woman's arms?

Be known as a coward OR a traitor?

Experience the Titanic OR the Hindenburg?

In an hour, eat 20 hard boiled eggs OR 30 hot dogs (no buns)?

Give $500 to charity OR bet the entire $500 on one hand of blackjack, knowing you'll donate the entire $1000 if you win?

Count all the grains of sand in a sand castle OR all the eye droppers full of water in an Olympic sized swimming pool?

Get caught by your spouse in bed with your adulterous lover OR get caught by the press embezzling money from the charity over which you preside?

Wear glasses that impair your vision OR a muzzle that impairs your speech?

Have jock itch OR athlete's foot for the rest of your life?

Pick someone's nose OR swallow a teaspoon of his or her spit?

Have quick setting concrete dry after being poured into your nose OR your ears?

Drink eight ounces of month-old dirty aquarium water OR squeeze the dirty liquid from a disgusting used sponge into your mouth and drink it?

Be the ugliest person OR the dumbest person in the world?

Be a pathetic wanna be OR a wasted has been?

Eat four slices of moldy bread OR one rotten apple?

While still living get a glimpse of Heaven OR Hell?

Date a person who constantly hums OR repeats everything you just said?

Have beetles crawl all over your face OR over every part of your body BUT your face?

Wet the bed with your partner sleeping next to you for the first time OR wet your pants in a college class?

Be at the top of a Ferris Wheel for 24 hours OR on a roller coster for two hours straight?

Be old and look young with a great deal of plastic surgery OR look old at a young age?

Always eat out of dirty dishes OR always wear filthy clothes?

Drink out of a toilet bowl OR eat mysterious morsels out of a garbage disposal?

Always almost have to sneeze OR hit your funny bone every fifteen minutes?

As a woman wake up with blond male chest hair OR 50 extra pounds?

With NO explanation, tell you wife at a fashion show what a fat pig she is OR boo your son at his school play?

More to come!


Well-known member
If you had to fart at a party, go outside and get unexpected liquid discharge OR blast away in a bedroom only to realize several couples were using it as a makeout room and heard the whole thing?
-Blast away with people around...haha, I don't like the sound of 'liquid discharge'

Knowing you will die tomorrow, spend your last day with your friends OR on a date with your favorite movie star?

Go to an interview with the stomach flu OR after staying out til 3 a.m.?
-After staying out til 3am, I do this almost everyday, it's a wonder I function properly.

Be gored to death by a bull OR squeezed to death by an anaconda?
-Squeeze to death...

Be a woman with men's legs (no shaving) OR a man with woman's arms?
A woman with mens legs...I'd wear pants. haha

Be known as a coward OR a traitor?
-Tough...Coward I think.

Experience the Titanic OR the Hindenburg?
-Titanic, I dont know what the other is...???

In an hour, eat 20 hard boiled eggs OR 30 hot dogs (no buns)?
-I cant eat hard bioled egg yolk...so hand me the mixed meat.

Give $500 to charity OR bet the entire $500 on one hand of blackjack, knowing you'll donate the entire $1000 if you win?
-Lets gamble baby! haha

Count all the grains of sand in a sand castle OR all the eye droppers full of water in an Olympic sized swimming pool?
-Eyedroppers, I'd lose count of grains of sand.

Get caught by your spouse in bed with your adulterous lover OR get caught by the press embezzling money from the charity over which you preside?
-Caught embezzling, I couldnt do that ot my love.

Wear glasses that impair your vision OR a muzzle that impairs your speech?

Have jock itch OR athlete's foot for the rest of your life?
-Damnit....I'd rather have funky feet than a funky..ew.....*gag*

Pick someone's nose OR swallow a teaspoon of his or her spit?
-Pick someones nose...

Have quick setting concrete dry after being poured into your nose OR your ears?
-PAINFUL! My ears. haha

Drink eight ounces of month-old dirty aquarium water OR squeeze the dirty liquid from a disgusting used sponge into your mouth and drink it?
-Aquarium water..since the sponge just says 'dirty liquid'...who KNOWS what that is..

Be the ugliest person OR the dumbest person in the world?
-here's me being challow...I'd rather be pretty dumb...I mean...look at paris hilton...haha

Be a pathetic wanna be OR a wasted has been?
-A wasted has been. As long as you were on top once, you can always star in your own reality TV show...haha

Eat four slices of moldy bread OR one rotten apple?
-I do NOT f*ck with mold...gross. hand me that apple.

While still living get a glimpse of Heaven OR Hell?
Show me hell, so I can work harder for heaven.

Date a person who constantly hums OR repeats everything you just said?
-Gimme the hummer. teehee

Have beetles crawl all over your face OR over every part of your body BUT your face?
-Uhm...everypart but my face. I'd gag.

Wet the bed with your partner sleeping next to you for the first time OR wet your pants in a college class?
-IN CLASS! agh, at least I can change classes, my hair cut, and my name....

Be at the top of a Ferris Wheel for 24 hours OR on a roller coster for two hours straight?
At the top of a ferris wheel...can I bring my boyfriend?

Be old and look young with a great deal of plastic surgery OR look old at a young age?
Be old and made of plastic. haha

Always eat out of dirty dishes OR always wear filthy clothes?
Eat out of dirty dishes, I'd rather smell nice.

Drink out of a toilet bowl OR eat mysterious morsels out of a garbage disposal?
Drink out of the toilet.

Always almost have to sneeze OR hit your funny bone every fifteen minutes?
Hit my funny bone, I hate how it feels to almost have to sneeze.

As a woman wake up with blond male chest hair OR 50 extra pounds?
Extra 50...lipo and the gym, here I come.

With NO explanation, tell you wife at a fashion show what a fat pig she is OR boo your son at his school play?
AWE!I couldnt do thaT!


Well-known member

If you had to fart at a party, go outside and get unexpected liquid discharge OR blast away in a bedroom only to realize several couples were using it as a makeout room and heard the whole thing?
blast away in the bedroom. I'm not about to shit myself.

Knowing you will die tomorrow, spend your last day with your friends OR on a date with your favorite movie star? ***My friends.

Go to an interview with the stomach flu OR after staying out til 3 a.m.? ***After staying out. Makeup covers that.

Be gored to death by a bull OR squeezed to death by an anaconda?
***Squeezed to death.

Be a woman with men's legs (no shaving) OR a man with woman's arms?
***Man's legs, I can wear jeans all the time.

Be known as a coward OR a traitor?
***Coward, at least my loyalty will never be questioned.

Experience the Titanic OR the Hindenburg?
***Titanic...I think.

In an hour, eat 20 hard boiled eggs OR 30 hot dogs (no buns)?
***Hard boiled eggs. I think I've DONE this...

Give $500 to charity OR bet the entire $500 on one hand of blackjack, knowing you'll donate the entire $1000 if you win?
***Give it all away, no gambling.

Count all the grains of sand in a sand castle OR all the eye droppers full of water in an Olympic sized swimming pool?

Get caught by your spouse in bed with your adulterous lover OR get caught by the press embezzling money from the charity over which you preside?
***Let him catch me in bed. That's between us.

Wear glasses that impair your vision OR a muzzle that impairs your speech?
***Muzzle. I need to see.

Have jock itch OR athlete's foot for the rest of your life?
***Athlete's foot. o.0

Pick someone's nose OR swallow a teaspoon of his or her spit?
***Pick their nose. I gagged a little bit typing that out last night.
Have quick setting concrete dry after being poured into your nose OR your ears?
***ears. If it's in your nose i'll go into your sinuses.

Drink eight ounces of month-old dirty aquarium water OR squeeze the dirty liquid from a disgusting used sponge into your mouth and drink it?
***Sponge. *puke*
Be the ugliest person OR the dumbest person in the world?
Be the ugliest, again, makeup helps, I can't abide stupid people.

Be a pathetic wanna be OR a wasted has been?
***Wasted has been. At least then I can say I was something once.

Eat four slices of moldy bread OR one rotten apple?
***Bread. Ew.

While still living get a glimpse of Heaven OR Hell?
***Heaven. I think...No, Hell. People would believe that more.

Date a person who constantly hums OR repeats everything you just said?
***I'll slap a bitch for humming.

Have beetles crawl all over your face OR over every part of your body BUT your face?
***All over my face. EW.

Wet the bed with your partner sleeping next to you for the first time OR wet your pants in a college class?
***With my partner. I can blame it on him.

Be at the top of a Ferris Wheel for 24 hours OR on a roller coster for two hours straight?
***Ferris Wheel. My back can't take 24 hours of rollercoastering.

Be old and look young with a great deal of plastic surgery OR look old at a young age?
old and look young, isn't that today's society anyway?

Always eat out of dirty dishes OR always wear filthy clothes?
***There are varying degrees of 'dirty' but not of 'filthy' so...dishes it is.

Drink out of a toilet bowl OR eat mysterious morsels out of a garbage disposal?
***Toilet bowl. It's been recently bleached. Like daily.

Always almost have to sneeze OR hit your funny bone every fifteen minutes?
***Sneeze. I can't abide hitting my FB.

As a woman wake up with blond male chest hair OR 50 extra pounds?
***Chest hair, I can wax that shit.

With NO explanation, tell you wife at a fashion show what a fat pig she is OR boo your son at his school play?
***Tell my wife she's a fat pig. She's an adult...my son is a child.


Well-known member
*Never be able to answer a question -OR- never be able to ask one?

*Eat a cupful of foam packing peanuts -OR- an entire ten year old fruitcake?
Peanuts-neither of these will taste good going down but the peanuts will feel less like a rock in my stomache afterward.

*Quickly lick the back of a urinal at a restaurant -OR- wash your face in the clean water from a toilet bowl at the same restaurant?
Wash *shudder*

*Sponge bathe a sumo wrestler -OR- hand wash 150 dirty sweaty jockstraps?
Sumo-I hate hand washing.

*Wear orange -OR- a tuxedo all the time?
Tuxedo. I find orange clothing icky.

*During your wedding reception, have your best friend make a pass at your spouse -OR- five years into your marriage, have one of your parents make a pass at your spouse while drunk at a party?
best friend-at least I can get rid of a friend. I'm stuck with my parents.

*Scald your tongue before sitting down to eat a meal you already paid one hundred dollars for -OR- get hit with a bad case of gas ribght before a highly anticipated sexual encounter?
Scald tongue.

*Have a small but ripe pimple always on the end of your nose -OR- a small mole with a thick non cuttable hair growing out of it on your cheek?

*Give up your three favorite hobbies in life -OR- lose your sex drive?
This is tough! I'll go with hobbies since I have so many that its no big deal to lose some.

*Eat a raw catfish -OR- a raw pig's foot?
catfish *retch*

*Get two weeks paid vacation each year and go wherever you want -OR- get six weeks but not be allowed to travel anywhere?
6 weeks-I never go anywhere anyway.

*Have to write a ten page term paper entirely in Morse code -OR- in pig Latin?
Morse code-pig latin has always confused me.

*See the Bald Eagle -OR- the Grizzly Bear become extinct?
Grizzly-bald eagles don't generally attack people and pets

*Have the ability of ten athletes -OR- the knowledge of ten scholars?
Knowledge hands down.

*Never be able to say the word "love" -OR- never be able to kiss?
no kissing-I express myself a lot with words so I need them all!

*As a man have your testicles eaten off by a squirrel -OR- your eyeballs pecked out by a bird?
I'm female so I can't decide this.

*Have skeletons in your closet -OR- an undeserved ill reputation?
reputation-at leastr its all out in the open, nothing waiting to bite you someday when it comes out.

*Trip and fall to the ground while walking up to give a speech -OR-forget your spouse's name while introducing him/her to your ex?
Trip and fall-I want nothing to hurt my spouse ever.

*As a man, lose your girlfriend's pet -OR- her diamond ring?
Diamond ring-pets are irreplacable

*Have to chug a gallon of cold beet juice -OR- four sixteen ounce glasses of warm cod liver oil?
Beet juice-cold is better than warm when chugging.

*Never need to sleep -OR- eat again?
SLEEP! This would be great since I have a newborn