Would you trust this???


Well-known member
Hey everyone! I posted a CP request in another forum for 2 pairs of jeans from eluxury.com because they don't ship to Canada. Someone responded saying they will do it but now i'm not so sure if i trust it. Its a guy and he has good feedback on the site but when i searched his eBay name for more feedback, it didn't exist. He says for me to pay first then he'll place the order, which i understand. Then he would have to ship it to Canada (with tracking, of course) and thats that! But i'm not so sure i trust it! Maybe i'm getting a bad vibe? Should a wait for another offer? If so, how do I go about doing this? I've never requested a CP before. Do i pay first and then they order? Or other way around? Whats the best payment method.....paypal? I can i be sure i won't get frauded or ripped off? I need advice! Thanks!

I'd even feel better if it was someone from this site.....i just it more i guess!


If you're getting a bad vibe don't do it, but if you REALLY want the jeans get him to do one pair or something and then if you get the one pair ask him to do the second that way if he ends up NOT getting them to you (which hopefully wouldn't happen) you'd only be out for one pair instead of two.


Well-known member
Make sure to pay with a credit card/debit card that way you can do a chargeback if he doesn't hold up his end of the bargain. He will have to prove he shipped this. Also, ask for his Ebay name again...hopefully it was just a mistake or typo. When he gives you one, you could also send him a message through Ebay and ask that he respond through Ebay to make sure the name is his


Well-known member
Ok so i found another person to do it for me. She sounds way better and isn't demanding for money right away! How do i pay with credit card? Through paypal? I also noticed that when i have no money in my paypal account and i buy something, they pull it out of my debit account instead of my credit card! How do i fix this? Or even if i have some money in that account, they pull that and take the remaining balance from debit!


Well-known member
You have to change your preferences in Paypal. Log into your Paypal account & up on the top there is a toolbar. One of the choices will be "profile," click on that. There you will be able to put in a credit card. Make sure when you pay for something, you change it to your credit card, otherwise it will pull from your debit card, or whatever you have set as your primary card. When you make a payment...there is an option that says "change funding options," click on that, and from there you will be able to choose what card you want to use. Hope that helps you


Well-known member
Sorry stupid question.......i do get what it is but maybe we call it something else in Canada LOL but whats a chargeback? If they don't ship to me, my visa will give me the money back? How does this work??

Thanks i appreciate your help!


Well-known member
No problem at all. A chargeback or dispute (as it's sometimes called) is when you just call your bank/credit card company and tell them that you have not received something, or whatever your complaint may be. They will give you your money back immediately & then investigate. You may have to send in a written statement, or other proof (so make sure to keep all emails, communication, etc with this person). The other person will also have to provide proof, and they will decide from there.