Yaby freestyle palette question


Well-known member
Does anyone own this palette? What do you think? And is the stainless steel inside top cover magnetic aswell? Because I'd like to fit as much as possible in there!


freestyle palette [pal001] : yaby cosmetics, online store


New member
I own two of them and they're great. They're roughly 5.5" x 4.25" though, not very big. The stainless steel top is not magnetized. If you want as much room as possible I'd go for the large z palettes. I heard MUFE has a new one out that's similar- with a flat magnetic surface, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere.


Well-known member
I have the yaby freestyle palette, it's nice though it gets dirty (because it's white) and you have to wipe it down. Some of my powders broke in it, but that might be from how I stored them. I saw the MUFE palette, it looks just like a big square tin and is also nice. I've heard, however, that the Z-palette is flimsy compared to most others.


Well-known member
I have yaby freestyle palettes and z palettes and I prefer the z palettes--they're larger and I find it easier to rearrange the pans, plus they don't get as dirty looking. The yaby palette I actually really love is the 20 pan empty: I filled it with my favorite lippies, concealers and color correctors and it's great for travel. It has a more airtight closure and the stainless steel mirror-like finish on the inside lid is helpful for applying products; you could do the same thing with the 40 pan palette. I definitely could not stack two layers of pans in the freestyle or the z palette. I don't find the z palette flimsy, but I don't carry it around in my purse (and nor would I carry any magnetized palette around with my laptop and phone!) They do pack great in luggage and I haven't had one break or open accidentally yet. I think z palettes will be on sale shortly with the launch of the new prints...I saw an email somewhere.


Well-known member
I own a yaby palette and 4 zpalettes. Between both I prefer Zpalette because it's bigger and has a clear window. Yaby palettes are really sturdy and the metal sheet sometimes comes handy. I don't think there's enough room for double-stack in a yaby palette and def you can't do it with a Zpalette.
I have seen new MUFE palettes in person. They are bigger than a Zpalette and sturdy too. There's enough room to double stack by glueing pans on the lid. The only downside for me is that it is not see-thourgh, I don't like to label my palettes :p