

Well-known member
wehehhe!! I decided to try out the "classic look" after I saw Laura Doll and Graziella's (sp?) FOTDS. But, of course, I wiped off the lips before I went to work because I am such a chicken shit. lol.. First I had on Mac Red l/s with russian red l/g over it. I thought I was a bit too red, so I wiped it off and put on So Chaud l/s with russian red l/g. This is the outcome..

dark msf
margin blush
glisadde msf
(I think I should've gone a bit lighter on the cheeks)

baselight paint
provence pig.
bronze e/s
satin taupe e/s
ricepaper e/s
nightfish f/l
engraved p/p

so chaud l/s
russian red l/g

before I got to work, I wipe it off and put on some VV5 l/s


Well-known member
HOTTTTTTTTTTTTT. I so need Russian Red. I keep saying that. It looks beautiful on you. I understand about being chicken. But when I get my hands on Russian Red...I vow I shall wear it to work & everyone will think I'm a prostitute, but I don't care, lol. You look gorgeous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzreyes
Thanks girrrls
One day, I'll wear it out in public. SOMEDAY!

Hot! You're such a chicken, though.


Well-known member
it looks great on you!

its sounds like glissade and margin is a bit much (i hope this didn't sound mean.. just that you mentioned you should have gone lighter on the cheeks), but i don't think so cuz...it looks terrific in the pic!

the lips are hot.. they remind me of the slimshine lips.. of course not the same red, but the same great texture!

i wish i had the balls to try it

oh mzreyes.. do you have viva glam 1? if so, do you like so chaud better? i think vg 1 is a red that i liked.. but very few ppl mention it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Hot! You're such a chicken, though.

I know I know. lol.. Don't red lips make me look a bit pale though? That's why I took it off. And maybe thats why I piled on the blush. lol.. I need to tan


Well-known member
That looks really hot! I don't think the red makes you look pale at all.

I'm dying for a really good red lipstick. :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzreyes
I know I know. lol.. Don't red lips make me look a bit pale though? That's why I took it off. And maybe thats why I piled on the blush. lol.. I need to tan

Maybe to you 'cause you're not used to it, but you look smokin' hot!


Well-known member
i love this look!!!
suits you well
i get what your saying about the red lips
i was going to be dareing one day and wear it for college
just aswell i didnt
cause another girl and she got ripped to pieces (made fun of)
for her red lips

some people just dont understand the beauty of make up


Well-known member
Originally Posted by laura-doll
i love this look!!!
suits you well
i get what your saying about the red lips
i was going to be dareing one day and wear it for college
just aswell i didnt
cause another girl and she got ripped to pieces (made fun of)
for her red lips

some people just dont understand the beauty of make up

aww that sucks. Yea, some ppl just don't understand. But shit, I seriously felt like a clown. lol


Well-known member
this is hot! and just like you, i'm afraid of red (and fuschia, and bright pink), too. this is the only place people will understand the art of makeup.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by yummy411
oh mzreyes.. do you have viva glam 1? if so, do you like so chaud better? i think vg 1 is a red that i liked.. but very few ppl mention it.

I don't have VG1, but I've seen it on one of my friends who is probably 2 shades darker than me (I'm NC40). On her it looked like a brick red. When I put on So Chaud alone, it looks straight up ORANGE. But very nice
It would probably be very pretty with silly girl l/g (but I don't have it). Or maybe next time I'll try it with vital spark l/g. I think the russian red l/g made it look more red.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by juicyaddict
this is hot! and just like you, i'm afraid of red (and fuschia, and bright pink), too. this is the only place people will understand the art of makeup.

I'm afraid too. lol.. I seldom walk out of the house with brightly colored lips, I feel like a clown.

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