Yes Another One!!!


Well-known member
So I'm sitting here at work, bored out of mind, and I figured I could play a game with me SPEKTRA FAM.

So let's play fill in the blanks. If you like, you can add more questions and sentences.

1. I ___________ it when people____________.

2. My favorite catch phrase is _____________________.

3. I'm known for ______________________.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a/an _________________________.

5. People assume I'm _______________, but I'm really _________________.

6. If I had my way I would ___________________________.

7. My favorite color is ________________________.

8. My S/O thinks I like_____________________but I really like______________.

9. My S/O thinks he's good at ____________________, but he's even better at _____________________.

10. The last lie I told was ___________________________.

Ok now I'll answer.
1. hate when people say something is ghetto
2. It's not that serious, no one died!
3. My strong opinions and big mouth (and makeup of course)
4. Fashion Designer
5. Hard and Tough, a cry baby
6. End the WAR
7. Black
8. his cooking, he's friend's cooking
9.kissing, well you know

10. This morning when I kissed my S/O goodbye and I smiled and nodded


Well-known member
1. I hate it when people are late when meeting me.

2. My favorite catch phrase is fucksocks.

3. I'm known for being argumentative.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a writer.

5. People assume I'm quiet but I'm really just disinteresting in what you're saying, lol.

6. If I had my way I would end extreme poverty and injustice.

7. My favorite color is black & teal.

8. My S/O thinks I like ? but I really like ?

9. My S/O thinks he's good at ? but he's even better at ?

10. The last lie I told was probably something to my boss, hah, I hate him.


Well-known member
im pretty bored so thought id join in

1. I hate it when people leave the toilet seat up.. especially men!

2. My favorite catch phrase is 'are ya buzzin?' or 'fashion before comfort!'

3. I'm known for my makeup and clothes addiction lol

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a teacher

5. People assume I'm shy but I'm really the opposite once you get to know me

6. If I had my way I would make fatty foods illegal or hard to find to stop obesity and crap like that, put murderers/rapists etc. in jail for life rather than just a few year and stop animal cruelty for good

7. My favorite color is pink, purple, blue

8. My S/O thinks I like arguing with him but I really like being the opposite

9. My S/O thinks he's good at being mannered but he's even better at drawing

10. The last lie I told was that my foot was fine even though i could hardly walk on it


Well-known member
1. I hate it when people (my people) complain about silly stuff especially when it's free! or when they could've stayed home and cooked it themselves!

2. My favorite catch phrase is "your lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine".

3. I'm known for things that I did in college and sometimes regret, but am so damn good at.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a psychiatrist.

5. People assume I'm nice and helpful, but I'm really mean and hateful.

6. If I had my way I would be in Europe apprenticing in the world's best kitchens.

7. My favorite color is purple.

8. My S/O thinks I like length but I really like width.

9. My S/O thinks he's good at sex, but he's even better at cutting the grass.

10. The last lie I told was to myself while justifying my last few MAC purchases and a John Hardy Bracelet and a David Yurman Set.

Can you guys tell I'm compensating for something???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
2. My favorite catch phrase is fucksocks.

"Fucksocks???????" I love it!!!!!!!!!
In what manner would I use this term, for future reference?

1. I love it when people give me free stuff!!!.

2. My favorite catch phrase is "Don't hate, participate" (corny, I know).

3. I'm known for being a great saleswoman (I could sell ice to an eskimo).

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a/an chef.

5. People assume I'm insecure, but I'm really insecure.

6. If I had my way I would Bitch-Slap Joel Osteen (not that I hate religion, he just annoys me).

7. My favorite color is Pink!!!.

8. My S/O thinks I like "Dancing With The Stars" but I really like "So You Think You Can Dance".

9. My S/O thinks he's good at taking care of me, but he's even better at loving me

10. The last lie I told was "Wow, you look great!".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sexychefva804
1. I hate it when people (my people) complain about silly stuff especially when it's free! or when they could've stayed home and cooked it themselves!

2. My favorite catch phrase is "your lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine".

3. I'm known for things that I did in college and sometimes regret, but am so damn good at.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a psychiatrist.

5. People assume I'm nice and helpful, but I'm really mean and hateful.

6. If I had my way I would be in Europe apprenticing in the world's best kitchens.

7. My favorite color is purple.

8. My S/O thinks I like length but I really like width.

9. My S/O thinks he's good at sex, but he's even better at cutting the grass.

10. The last lie I told was to myself while justifying my last few MAC purchases and a John Hardy Bracelet and a David Yurman Set.

Can you guys tell I'm compensating for something???

I love your catch phrase, its Genius!!


Well-known member
1. I hate it when people lie.

2. My favorite catch phrase is Wowzers.

3. I'm known for always having a sports car.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a/an astronaut.

5. People assume I'm shy, but I'm really unsure of what to say.

6. If I had my way I would win the lottery.

7. My favorite color is Purple.

8. My S/O thinks I like __________ but I really like________. (I don't have an answer for this one)

9. My S/O thinks he's good at driving, but he's even better at "that other thing"

10. The last lie I told was "I can't make it because I have to pick my dad up from the airport".


Well-known member
1. I hate it when people use improper grammar.

2. My favorite catch phrase is shoot for your dreams.

3. I'm known for who knows?

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a singer.

5. People assume I'm mean, but I'm really reserved.

6. If I had my way I would rich and loving life.

7. My favorite color is purple.

8. & 9. N/A

10. The last lie I told was something to my mother. I like to mess with her.


Well-known member
1. I appreciate when people are kind to animals.

2. My favorite catch phrase is: That's too funny! (I say this all the time when people tell me things that are supposed to be funny but that I don't think are funny!)

3. I'm known for always being on time.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a/an grocery clerk (I really loved the scanner thing).

5. People assume I'm quiet, but I'm really have a lot to say.

6. If I had my way I would finally be able to own a house, have a garden and get a dog of my own.

7. My favorite color is HOT Fuschia Pink.

8. My S/O thinks I like his back rubs but I really like his foot rubs better.

9. My S/O thinks he's good at dancing, but he's even better at making me laugh.

10. The last lie I told was that I couldn't go out with a friend because I was busy. I was really just wanting to stay in.

This is a lot of fun!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
5. People assume I'm quiet but I'm really just disinteresting in what you're saying, lol.

I totally feel you on this one!


1. I hate it when people are rude and ignorant.

2. My favorite catch phrase is ??. I don't really have one.

3. I'm known for being really quiet. My coworkers always complain that they never know when I'm there because they never hear me.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a hairdresser.

5. People assume I'm Vietnamese, or mixed race, but I'm really Chinese.

6. If I had my way I would not have to work. Or only work part-time.

7. My favorite color is purple.

8. My S/O thinks I like watching MMA with him, but I really like watching volleyball instead.

9. My S/O thinks he's good at cooking, but he's even better at doing laundry.

10. The last lie I told was "The steak tastes fine, honey!".


Well-known member
1. I hate it when people complain all the time.

2. My favorite catch phrase is cool beans (in English) and top moumoutte (in French

3. I'm known for being a really sociable person.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a director or a singer.

5. People assume I'm serene at work but I'm really wanting to kick some asses sometimes!

6. If I had my way I would start my own makeup company.

7. My favorite color is red & black & purple.

8. My S/O thinks I like singing for fun but I really like singing and planning on taking classes.

9. My S/O thinks he's good at ... but he's even better at...

10. The last lie I told was at work...actually I'm not lying, I just don't say some things


Well-known member
1. I hate it when people are rude and or contrary for no damn good reason.

2. My favorite catch phrase is SAY WHAT?

3. I'm known for being a smart aleck

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a singer/dancer/actress. 2 out of 3 ain't bad. ( Part time, anyway, LOL)

5. People assume I'm , detached, and cold but I'm really a big softy. I just can't show that side to everyone. ( A
typical Cancer!)

6. If I had my way,I would end this stupid war, make all the public school systems in the US a million times better than they are, re-institute recess and gym class, and music programs in school, as well as make comprehensive study in foreign languages a requirement. Oh yeah, I'd be rich, too.

7. My favorite color is BLUE

8. My S/O thinks I like Cowgirl but I really like Doggy. Okay I like them both but I definitely favor doggy

9. My S/O thinks he's good at ____________________, but he's even better at _____________________. <---------Oh jeez, I'd rather not go there, LOL

10. The last lie I told was " I'm picking you up at noon!" It is now 12:49.


Well-known member
1. I love it when people know how to have fun.

2. My favorite catch phrase is - HeavenLeiBlu ur like so catting my catchphrase :p lol I have many more so don't worry

3. I'm known for being loud and weird.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a/an business woman...i now hate anything that has business involved in it lol.

5. People assume I'm rude. but I'm really nice just too protective of myself which comes across as rude...i'm working on it

6. If I had my way I would be happy.

7. My favorite color is pink!!! .

8. My S/O thinks I like_____________________but I really like______________.

9. My S/O thinks he's good at ____________________, but he's even better at _____________________.

10. The last lie I told was 'i'm fine'.


Well-known member
1. I hate it when people gossip

2. My favorite catch phrase is life is too short, so live it up.

3. I'm known for being lazy

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a/an vet

5. People assume I'm shy, but I'm really loud and perverted.

6. If I had my way I would quit pharmacy school and find out something i'd enjoy.
7. My favorite color is gold!!

8. My S/O thinks I like him but I really like his brother.

9. My S/O thinks he's good at licking but he's even better at banging.

10. The last lie I told was, yes im looking for a job.


Well-known member
1. I hate it when people slice the tops off the boxes at work.

2. My favourite catchphrase is "Suck it, Redstone!"

3. I'm known for my makeup, my interesting fashion sense, my opinions, and just for who I am.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a baseball announcer/sports broadcaster.

5. People assume I'm crazy, but I'm actually like this all the time.

6. If I had my way both my manager and one of the CM's would be long fired, our old manager would be back, and I would be a sales leader at my store.

7. My favourite colours are orange, yellow, and hot pink.

10. The last lie I told was that I had been "chatted-in" at work yesterday, and I delibrately did it too. So suck it, losers.


Well-known member
So let's play fill in the blanks. If you like, you can add more questions and sentences.

1. I hatewhen people gossip about people they are friends with_.

2. My favorite catch phrase is are you kiddding me?

3. I'm known for being fun.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a/an journalist

5. People assume I'm snobby , but I'm really nice most of the time.

6. If I had my way I would take a vacation right now.

7. My favorite color is hot pink.

8. My S/O thinks I like ??
but I really like?? . My hubby knows all

9. My S/O thinks he's good at everything , but he's even better at mopping the kitchen floor.

10. The last lie I told was that a coworker looked nice today when she asked...


Well-known member
1. I hate it when people expect me to serve them while on the phone. (So rude!)

2. My favorite catch phrase is meow :/ People at work are always looking for a cat!

3. I'm known for my bright make up.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a/an illustrator.

5. People assume I'm quiet, but I'm really hard to shut up :p

6. If I had my way I would quit my job right now.

7. My favorite color is pink!

8. My S/O thinks I like_____________________but I really like______________.

9. My S/O thinks he's good at ____________________, but he's even better at _____________________.

10. The last lie I told was that I couldn't do extra hours at work because I had plans that day :3


Well-known member
1. I _LOVE IT____ it when people__ask me about my makeup___.

2. My favorite catch phrase is __REALLY?!!

3. I'm known for __photography and makeup__.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a/an __member of a bomb squad____.

5. People assume I'm _a snob_____, but I'm really __not_.

6. If I had my way I would __Change the world's view on animals and natural resources______.

7. My favorite color is __red, no, lime, no, black, no.. uh...________.

8. My S/O thinks I like_chocolate_____but I really like__DARK CHOCOLATE!___.

9. My S/O thinks he's good at _public speaking _____, but he's even better at __ring announcing_____.

10. The last lie I told was __a very long time ago, i avoid lying as much as possible___.


Well-known member
1. I love it when people do a survey with me. (Yeah, that is seriously what my job is and sitting there for 4 hours doing nothing is rreeeaaallllyyyy llooooooonnnggggg.)

2. My favorite catch phrase is That's intense.

3. I'm known for coordinating/matching everything.

4. When I was younger I wanted to be a cashier at McDonald's.

5. People assume I'm standoffish, but I'm really just really shy and introverted.

6. If I had my way I would pursue that career that I really want, not the one that will earn me money.

7. My favorite color is dark blue-grey/slate

8. My S/O thinks I like_____________________but I really like______________.

9. My S/O thinks he's good at ____________________, but he's even better at _____________________.

10. The last lie I told was No, I'm not buying anymore makeup!