You hate me because of my family's money?


Well-known member
This is going to be a huge rant, so please bear with me. And I'm going to clear some things up first so I don't get attacked...

I come from a well-to-do family, not extremely wealthy, but I've always lived in a big house, always had nice cars, you know, basic rich suburbian family. I've worked since I was 12. I worked at my sister's job typing papers because I was a fast typer back then, something that was not seen too much. Then when I turned 16 I started a job at Taco Bell, and I worked there until I graduated highschool. I hardly ever spent money, birthday presents, christmas money, it all went into a savings account.

I saved and saved and saved until I had about 17 grand in the bank. And then my parents told me they were going to buy me a car for my 18th birthday (I was driving an old piece of junk I got from my uncle, but it ran and I never complained). So I sold my old car, and I explained to my dad that I didn't want them to buy me a car, that I wanted to buy my own with the money I had saved, and if they could help me if the cost was too high.

They said sure! And we looked at cars for a good month before I decided I wanted a Cadillac SRX, but at the time, I didn't have enough, so I got a CTS instead. I gave my savings to my parents and I've continued saving since, because for this coming birthday, I want a 2007 Cadillac SRX, which is 5 grand more than my CTS right now.

And so my friend of a few years that I met in highschool decided she was going to try and rally all my friends that are girls against me (none of the guys give a shit what she has to say... as expected from guys). She keeps telling them that I keep saying I'm better than them, and that I once told a girl she was too poor to be my friend. Which is TOTAL BULLSHIT! I would never say that to someone, it's cruel and wrong.

But then she called me and started attacking me about how my parents bought me my first car (a 2004 Cadillac CTS) for a graduation present and that I get everything handed to me, including my schooling and everything I own. Total bullshit, as I've explained, I paid for 90% of my car and I pay for my schooling myself. Everything I own pretty much is paid by ME except my house to live in, I even pay for my own food!

I hung up on her, and then saw her later that night, while my boyfriend tried his hardest to hold me back from yelling at her, I managed to walk up to her and all my "ex" friends while they stopped talking abruptly, obviously talking about me.

I was so angry and I eventually called her a betraying hypocrite for saying such stuff about me just because she was jealous. Then she got up and got into my face... (bad idea) so I ended up pushing her down and telling her to listen because I was sick of her shit.

I told her she was out of line by saying my parents paid for everything, and that she should look at herself! She is the ONE who NEVER pays for her own shit! She mooches all the time, asking people to pay for her food so she can buy Coach purses and Gucci sunglasses. Her parents paid for her Jetta and she's never even made a payment for her four year university her parents are paying for! She's never even had a job in her life, she just mooches off her parents.

So I told her to shove that up her ass, because she was no friend of mine to say such things about me. And then I told my (ex) friends:

"If you still wanna be friends with me, great, if not, well good luck in life. Because I don't have room in MY life for hypocrites who betray me."

Then I left with my boyfriend. And not really surprisingly, but half the guys there left to hang out with us saying she was out of line and all this crap. That she was just jealous.

I'm still mad, and I don't plan to ever talk to her again, but I am really hurt by the fact that all my other friends who are girls just believed what she said. I can't believe it, I have never shown my friends anything but respect, and I don't like talking about my money or my family's money ever.

Then this morning I talked to one of my friends on the phone and she told me that it always seemed that I get everything for free from my parents, because I have all these things and I'm only 20. But I told her "You have to realize that I pay for everything for myself, it's how my parents raised me, I worked for my money and my clothes. Even though my parents could have easily spoiled me, they never did."

Anyways... rant done for now...

I'm still seething... grr.


Well-known member
Bloodmittens, I'm really sorry to hear about this, it's a really horrible thing to have happen to you.

Its a term that gets thrown around a lot but I really do think this girl is very jealous and has deep insecurities, and this whole sorry situation says a lot more about her than it does about you. I think it's wise for you not to associate with her again, because this isn't something a true friend would do. A true friend wouldn't care how much money you have or what car you drive, in fact they'd be proud of you for working your butt off and saving the money to buy yourself nice things. They wouldn't get jealous of your financial situation and they sure as hell wouldn't spread nasty rumours about you.

I think you also need to reconsider your friendship with that group.The fact that none of them approached you and said "hey Such-and-such told me that you said this about me, is that true?" is really appaling, not to mention the fact that none of them saw through this girl's b.s and said "That's rubbish I know Bloodmittens and trust she wouldn't have said that"

You should be able to trust your closest friends with your life, and that they could so easily turn against you because of what one person says is a massive red flag to me. I have to admit I was a bit hesitant to write such forceful views about this, afterall it's your friendships at stake here. However I could put my life in the hands of my closest friends and trust them with it, thus I can say with absolute confidence that if such an incident were to happen to me (i.e. someone spreading rumours) it wouldn't even register in the minds of my friends let alone cause a rift between us. I think you deserve that sort of friendship

I also think its interesting that she has a go at you about your money, yet you mention that she likes buying things such as designer goods which are, lets face it, symbols of wealth and status. This is just me with my Dr Phil hat on
but I'd say that's further proof of her obvious issues with money. She buys things that give the impression of wealth and status, yet when she encounters someone who actually has possession of such things (i.e you) she feels threatened. (I don't mean to offend anyone with Coach purses or Gucci sunglasses because I'm sure you buy them because you like them, not because of the aforementioned reasons. That being said I think that on the balance of probabilities, the same cannot be said for this girl.)

Sorry about my long rambling post. Its 12:30am here and I'm trying to avoid doing an assignment :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angelique☆
Bloodmittens, I'm really sorry to hear about this, it's a really horrible thing to have happen to you.

Its a term that gets thrown around a lot but I really do think this girl is very jealous and has deep insecurities, and this whole sorry situation says a lot more about her than it does about you. I think it's wise for you not to associate with her again, because this isn't something a true friend would do. A true friend wouldn't care how much money you have or what car you drive, in fact they'd be proud of you for working your butt off and saving the money to buy yourself nice things. They wouldn't get jealous of your financial situation and they sure as hell wouldn't spread nasty rumours about you.

I think you also need to reconsider your friendship with that group.The fact that none of them approached you and said "hey Such-and-such told me that you said this about me, is that true?" is really appaling, not to mention the fact that none of them saw through this girl's b.s and said "That's rubbish I know Bloodmittens and trust she wouldn't have said that"

You should be able to trust your closest friends with your life, and that they could so easily turn against you because of what one person says is a massive red flag to me. I have to admit I was a bit hesitant to write such forceful views about this, afterall it's your friendships at stake here. However I could put my life in the hands of my closest friends and trust them with it, thus I can say with absolute confidence that if such an incident were to happen to me (i.e. someone spreading rumours) it wouldn't even register in the minds of my friends let alone cause a rift between us. I think you deserve that sort of friendship

I also think its interesting that she has a go at you about your money, yet you mention that she likes buying things such as designer goods which are, lets face it, symbols of wealth and status. This is just me with my Dr Phil hat on
but I'd say that's further proof of her obvious issues with money. She buys things that give the impression of wealth and status, yet when she encounters someone who actually has possession of such things (i.e you) she feels threatened. (I don't mean to offend anyone with Coach purses or Gucci sunglasses because I'm sure you buy them because you like them, not because of the aforementioned reasons. That being said I think that on the balance of probabilities, the same cannot be said for this girl.)

Sorry about my long rambling post. Its 12:30am here and I'm trying to avoid doing an assignment :p

Lol. Nah that's fine. I can see through her little problems now, and the fact that she hates me doesn't really bother me. It's more the other girls, it made me question whether I do give off that air, when I don't mean to. But I talked to my boyfriend about it and one of my other girlfriends who has known me for 9 years. She told me that's rubbish, and that all the girls are just jealous and they need to get over themselves and go and buy some more coach purses (I laughed so hard).

It is pretty funny that I have only once bought a coach purse, hated it and am actually selling it right now. I make most of my own accessories too... like my purse now I made myself and my jewelry. I don't wear expensive stuff at all, infact you could say I dress pretty bad for someone who comes from a wealthy family. But I'm comfy and I don't care... >_> Hmm.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by queenofdisaster
omg i really admire you for saving that much money.

Lol, it was a lot of "Do I really need that purse?" "No?" "Okay then, don't buy it."

Sometimes I wonder what I could have done with all that money if I had bought a Ford or something. Lol.


Well-known member
It's their problem and not yours! It's crazy that you even got to save that much! Most teens would be spending it left and right and then wondering why they don't have any money anymore. lol.

Tell her to stop being a golddigger and that it doesn't appeal with guys lol.

Your other friends are probably just jealous too, and since she's been saying sh*t about you 24/7, maybe they just starting believing it too?


Well-known member
( A Ford focus is still gonna run you 15k new. and I believe that its fords cheapest car, unless they still make the Escort. which I don't think that they do.)
I'm saving for a mustang but thats gonna Run me almost 40k. uughhhhhh

I admire you for saving that money, I know first hand its REALLY hard when there are still other things you want to buy.
I also know what its like for people to be like
"well whatever you spoiled Brat, because your parents bought you that car"
.. My parents haven't paid for ANY of my cars! not a red cent! .. its not like its MY fault they don't know how to earn and save their own money so their mommys only gave them their old hand-me-down Corolla and they COMPLAIN about it! good god I would have loved to have someone throw ANY Free car at me when i was 16! I had to take the bus to school!

cheers to you girl! and plus you don't need friends like that!


Well-known member
That all sounds so petty and childish. I wouldn't have even given it the time of day. If she was talking that much about you, it speaks volumes. Sometimes it's just best to keep your business under wraps because truth or not, people believe what they want.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
( A Ford focus is still gonna run you 15k new. and I believe that its fords cheapest car, unless they still make the Escort. which I don't think that they do.)
I'm saving for a mustang but thats gonna Run me almost 40k. uughhhhhh

I admire you for saving that money, I know first hand its REALLY hard when there are still other things you want to buy.
I also know what its like for people to be like
"well whatever you spoiled Brat, because your parents bought you that car"
.. My parents haven't paid for ANY of my cars! not a red cent! .. its not like its MY fault they don't know how to earn and save their own money so their mommys only gave them their old hand-me-down Corolla and they COMPLAIN about it! good god I would have loved to have someone throw ANY Free car at me when i was 16! I had to take the bus to school!

cheers to you girl! and plus you don't need friends like that!

Muha. Thank you. It is really hard to save up THAT much money, and I was stingy as hell, lol.

And I know what you mean about the free car! Sometimes I wish I let my parents just randomly buy me the car so I could have saved up more money to move out quicker ;D I have a second savings account for that, the other one is for my SRX 6(._.)...

But I like having my own car... I don't have to worry about my parents being like "Now... we're taking away the car for this and this reason, and you have to drive ours for this reason." I would HATE that. I like having it be mine and no one elses. Well... besides the cosigning stuff, but I paid for it, so it's mine.

I'm just gonna wait for the day that she comes up to me and is like "You know Ashley, I'm sorry... blah blah blah." and I'll just say "Yeah... well too bad. See ya."

I love doing that


Well-known member
She's just jealous and insecure. You were right to stand up to her. It's not your fault your family has money, you're just lucky, and seem to have a better work ethic and more financial savyness than that other chick. Just forget about them.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
People just need to learn to mind their own business. The only time I interfere with friends' finances is when they constantly complain about being broke and then show off their latest extravagant purchase. I just hate whiny people though who don't realize how good they have it. Unless you do that or something illegal to get your money, who cares how you spend it? Who cares if your parents did indeed spend their money on you? It's no one's business really.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by queenofdisaster
omg i really admire you for saving that much money.

Oh man, I agree... I spend my money before I even earn it


Well-known member
A it's completly childish and you know what i went through something very similar...but now that i'm older and i've acquired some tattoos and and an 'unfit ' live style i'm stucvk with those rich bitches in school or in the mall that are you look like this , you must be's so ironic, i'm probably better off than thoswe fake bimbos with their high credid card dept but they don't know where i'm from and anything...people piss me off when they were taljking one day in class about a particular car in the school lot, my friend (also a crazy chick) declared that it was my car and all their jaws just here we go anyway people either take advantage of you or hate carefull who you pick to be your friends! LOL


Well-known member
How can she possibly say something like that? Didn't she notice you working all those years?

No true friend would ever say something like that about their friends. It speaks volumes about her that she would do that to someone who was supposedly her friend; one can only wonder why type of trouble she's going to get into talking about someone like her future boss like that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dmenchi
A it's completly childish and you know what i went through something very similar...but now that i'm older and i've acquired some tattoos and and an 'unfit ' live style i'm stucvk with those rich bitches in school or in the mall that are you look like this , you must be's so ironic, i'm probably better off than thoswe fake bimbos with their high credid card dept but they don't know where i'm from and anything...people piss me off when they were taljking one day in class about a particular car in the school lot, my friend (also a crazy chick) declared that it was my car and all their jaws just here we go anyway people either take advantage of you or hate carefull who you pick to be your friends! LOL

Holy crap! I know exactly how you feel about that too! In high school people would not believe that my house was my house because I had just started to get tattoos and I had piercings (at the time, work made me take them out T_T) and I hated it! When I get out of my car NOW people look at me weird. Like "You don't look like you can afford that! Look at your tattoos and your hair! Omg!"

Those high school chick likeys annoy me. My boyfriend's friend who we hang around with a lot has parties ALL the time, and somehow at least 10 high school tan fakey chicks come there and all google at my car and then ask who's car it is and I raise my hand and they're all like "O___O!!!"

Then they start googled at my tattoos - "OMG! How much did that cost!?"
"A lot."
"Did it hurt?"
"Well... yeah, needles in your skin hurts."
"OMG! How did you afford that car!?!"

I've gotten used to it. But I try and stay away from it, when I had my beat up car I didn't get annoying so much. Sigh...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
Lol, it was a lot of "Do I really need that purse?" "No?" "Okay then, don't buy it."

Sometimes I wonder what I could have done with all that money if I had bought a Ford or something. Lol.

can you post some more money saving tips please

how about with mac?



Well-known member
h.s. is all about backstabbing biotches! girl i hear u! i pay for my stuff too and im saving for my car that I will pay for NOT MY PARENTS. i just feels good to work for ur own things, its as if u budgeted, saved, and it all paid off. dont worry im sure there's good people out there who wont backstab u cuz their jealous


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Eemaan
can you post some more money saving tips please

how about with mac?


Lol. MAC is an exception. But normally when I find out about a collection, I read what I will want. For instance, the Holiday collection is coming out, and I want pretty much everything from Antiquitease, and then some Holiday packages. So I write down everything, put stars next to what I want. Count it all up, then I start saving right then. I take about $35-60 dollars out of each of my weekly checks, and set it aside. I also count in how many giftcards I am going to get for my birthday and Christmas and if my mom's going to give me anything for thanksgiving. For my birthday I usually ask for MAC giftcards, so that going to be around $300 in giftcards for this year. And then I'm saving up to about $500 and ALWAYS save a little more. What happens if you find something you thought you weren't going to like but you end up loving it? And sometimes I find that I save a ton of money and I always have left overs because I don't like something. Always save extra.

Financing is awesome for me, I have always been great with my checkbooks and always on top of my money. I also keep my debit card at home, and my ATM card at home too. I always have my mom's credit card on me if something bad happens, but otherwise it has a lock unless she unlocks it.

Also, when you go out somewhere to go shopping, or a friend takes you along shopping with them, bring a $20 along, or depending if it's somewhere you haven't been, a $50. It's really all about taking your money and keeping care of it. Don't throw it around like it's nothing or you'll regret it. I'm happy I keep a close eye on my money and income, because now I'm the only girl who has a Cadillac at my age that I bought with my hard earned money, rather than something my parents bought me. It's a great feeling, and I love it

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
3 of my "best friends" since childhood, didn't even stop by to see how I was doing, even when they pass my house everyday. Granted, they called once and left a message the day she passed away.

My mother died during the summer between 9th and 10th grade. When I went back to school in late August, no one except my teachers acknowledged it. They all knew, but no one said anything, friends or otherwise.

My friend's father died while we were in college, no one acknowledged it until I told the house she was living in to send flowers and a card. The house system was supposed foster "community" and even though she wasn't BFF with the people in the house, she was active and friendly enough.

I'm sick as a dog, so I forget what my point was, except that people really are awful when it comes to funerals and death.