You need to sound happier!


Well-known member
OMG lol... I think the ladies I work with are great, I really do... But sometimes they can really bother me.

So I get a call from a co-worker, and answer the phone with your standard, "this is so and so company, how can I help you" greeting that most companies require if your line can be reached from the outside. As although I'm not a receptionist here, I often take direct calls from different clients that the Account Managers work with (I'm a sales assistant).

She procedes to immediateley try to go into giving me lessons on how to answer the phone. She's like, here let me give you an example, "blah blah blah." Ok now you try! Now were saying the exact same words, except i'm not bubbling over with enthuiasm, however for the past couple days I have been expierencing clinial depression. It happens sometime. And seriously, the ONLY reason I'm even out of my bed right now is because if I dont get paid, i can't pay my bills. It doesn't effect my ability to do my job, and I'm actually ahead of schedule today because instead of chatting with the girls, I've been focusing on completing my assigned tasks.

But omg, I really hate when people who have NO IDEA what your going through, get on your case about needing to be more cheery. Believe me, I want to be more cheery. But there are factors in my life atm that are out of my control, and will take a while to make right.


Well-known member
I get the be more cheery shit all the time. Some days I just feel like focusing on my work (in sales too BTW) and not kissing your butt with my "sales" attitude. Thankfully I'm in a sales field (route) that doesn't require you to have a "cheery" attitude @ work b/c you service your accounts on a regular basis and get to know them pretty well. Every 2 -4 months I am stopped by a stranger while working in a store and be told to "brighten up" or some other crap.


Well-known member

LIKE OMIGOD! LIKE! How can I help you!?!?

I was telling this to a guy friend of mine on Yahoo, and he was like, "Maybe you need to go think about butterflies or something"

riiiight LOL.


Well-known member
Working in the sales field Janice? Darlin I dont blame you for not being cheery 24/7!


I have never been told that (unfortunately) because I try to always stay happy IRL and not much really bothers me. But I did see that happen to my former Head Cashier (Before I quit) and she was being a total Be-atch and this guy told her to cheer up then proceeded to sing to her LOL


Well-known member
Raerae, I can totaly empathize. I'm an aesthetician/MUA and have worked in the beauty biz for the most part of 30 years - mostly service but some retail. I have listened to clients "woes" (as well as their joys and triumphs) but I'm always expected to be cheery, bright and non-wavering in my demeanor.

I too go through brief periods of depression, feel like I don't want to get up, present a fake smile and listen to other folks all day - but I do. I also had the kind of mother who always told me to "put on my make-up, pretend I was happy and I would be which is such BS.

I once had a client who sensed this weariness in me. She was a therapist and probably gave me the silliest yet most helpful piece of advice and I do it to this day. She told me that when I was done with one client to shut my door before letting the next one in, and literally "brush away" all the "stuff" from the previous client with my hands and shake it all off. LOL

I didn't do it for a while but one really hard, hard day...I tried it. If nothing else, it cleared the cobwebs. I felt a little better. It at least made me ready for the next client and the next... Sometimes it's what gets me through a day.

Just remember no matter how down you feel you'll always get to feeling better. If you think of the worst day in your life so far, remember, it didn't stay that got better at some point and I hope you get to feeling better and brighter soon. As to how you answer the telephone who cares if you're bubbling over like a cheerleader as long as you're getting the job done?

Here's to a better tomorrow.

Another Janice!

Well-known member area manager does this to me all the time.

I'll be walking across the restaurant to get a towel or going into the kitchen to check on an order...and he will cross my path and say..."Smile Janice...look happy".

I always roll my eyes. WTF? I mean, when I am waiting on a table, then yes, of course, smile and make them feel welcome, but can you imagine what a freak I'd look like if I just walked around all day with a big fake smile on my face?



Well-known member
I've found that being cheery can help with having people perceive you in a favorable way, but forcing it is a pain in the ass.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I've found that being cheery can help with having people perceive you in a favorable way, but forcing it is a pain in the ass.

I would also agree with this, but I'm just not good (or maybe it's PROFESSIONAL) enough to fake a forced facade. It exhausts my mental state even faster so I end up cutting my day short to go home.

sidenote - I'm unemployed ATM, and am considering the chance to switch fields. I really love sales, but hate the "performance pressure". I'm a people pleaser so I'm really effective, I just feel like it takes so much from me emotionally at the end of the day.


Well-known member
OhI don't disagree at all.
When I was managing the store someone commented that I rarely smiled, and generally looked like I was concentrating, and my response was "Then you know it's all the more genuine that when you walked out of the dressing room in that dress I grinned because I knew this was the one for you" (2300 dollars later she bought the dress
I don't think it's professional to constantly fake a good mood and a smile...but it's also not professional to constantly be dreary. In a position where customers are in constant contact with the employees it's important that the employees not let their doldrums affect their relations with the customer.
That part always sucked.
For me, I was literally always so BUSY running from one end of the store to another, and dealing with bridezilla angst that it wasn't that I was in a bad mood, it was that I was focused. And, I look pissed when I'm focused. :/
You're right about the emotional toll, I would come home and literally tell my husband "Don't talk to me...just...sit...please".


Well-known member
I don't think people should be forced to be really enthusiastic or fake, but it's not fun dealing with people who sound like they're really miserable either.

It's important for customers to be happy too, I think. At least pleasant or civil anways. I remember when I was working at a video store (I'm a happy/cheery person in general) and a customer came in so I said "Hi there!", he replied with "How are ya?" I said I was fine and asked him how he was, to which he replied "Like you even give a shit!"... I wasn't impressed... haha.


Well-known member
I dont really deal with clients directly, i think in all my time here i've spoken with 1 or 2.

But it doesn't even have to do with that. Try just having a expressionless face. People will tell you that you need to smile more. Even if your in just a , "normal" mood.

I think people tend to just get way to up in everyone elses business at times. Especially for women. If your not always smiling there must be a problem!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
But it doesn't even have to do with that. Try just having a expressionless face. People will tell you that you need to smile more. Even if your in just a , "normal" mood.

oh, it gets me SO mad when a random stranger (!) tells me to smile, when i'm in my normal mood! i do NOT have the desire to walk around with a smile on my face all day.
unfortunately, this happens to me a lot!


Well-known member
aw babe i know exactly how you feel! lately my mom has been getting on me for not doing my summer work, because i haven't motivated (i've been through clinical depression for 5 years). i would understood if my mom encouraged me to work, but she just yells at me! i know exactly how you feel. you WANT to feel better but you just can't.

if someone else says something to you about it...DONT put on a facade, because that causes you to bottle your feelings up and trust me, that doesn't make anything better. it always makes it worse. if somebody says something, just say "i apologize but i'm not feeling my best." get back to what you were doing, and they'll either get off your back...or better, offer some sympathy and cut some slack.

i hope this passes. keep focusing on your work, focusing your mind elsewhere will let you feel better

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