Your Weird & Anal Make Up, Grooming Habits...EXPOSED!


Well-known member
Do any of you do something in your makeup routine that others may think is just totally weird or anal?

Personally, and this is helpful, but anal.....I rinse my Clear Brow Set brush everytime I brush a brow into place. It keeps the remaining product clear!

I don't touch my lips with my Clear Lipglass applicator. I dab a little on my finger and smoothe it onto my lips because I usually place it on top of a colored gloss and I don't want to have the color on the applicator. I do the same with the doe foot applicators from Revlon, especially.

This is borderline shopping addiction, I think.....I buy full size versions of SE brushes I really like.....but I don't use them. I have a full size 187 and 239 that I don't plan on using anytime soon, but I can't possibly part with them.

I know there are more, but I can't think of them or, even worse, I don't think they're weird.

Oh, and let me also add, your 10 backups go in this thread!


Well-known member
I don't do anything completely neurotic... at least I don't think I do! My biggest thing is all my shadows have to be in order by color, and I use hand sanitizer probably too much before touching my face, I too clean off any applicators that go into a clear product... I can't stand it when something that is supposed to be clear gets cloudy. But I think thats all.


Well-known member
Maybe washing my hands like ten times before my fingers go anywhere near my eyes...I don't know if this is weird but I get kinda ocd with eye drops....I use them at least 2 times before applying my makeup and I wash and dry my mascara wand everytime I use it.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I also arrange my e/s by color.

I too clean off the applicator of clear cosmetics after every use; when something gets cloudy it looks disgusting.

I sometimes buy things because the packaging is cute.

BTW: I don't think these are weird or neurotic


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Oh, and let me also add, your 10 backups go in this thread!

I think I may be a bit stupid. What does that mean?



Well-known member
I think she's talking about those of us who LOVE a color (usually LE or DC) so much we buy as many as we can lay hands on.


Well-known member
Before I got my traincase, I had these plastic Sterilite drawers my makeup was in. Lemme tell ya, if one of my friends put a blush in the lipgloss drawer...oh hellllllllllllllll no!
LOL, I'm very particular about what goes where--makes it so much easier to find stuff when I'm in a rush or something....

Also all my shadesticks HAVE to have the little colored-tip facing up so I don't have to dig through the jar to find which one I need.

And I have to put my makeup on in the same order EVERY time:
  • primer
  • brows
  • eyeliner
  • eyeshadow/pigment
  • 'nother coat of liner
  • mascara
  • foundation (if I wear it that day)
  • powder
  • blush
  • lip conditioner
  • and finally lipgloss!!!
It irks me if I do one before the other.


Well-known member
I don't think I have any weird habits... I'm not obsessive with my eye stuff because I've never had trouble with eye infections and I guess I'm just playing it fast and loose! I do similar things to what you ladies already stated with clear lipglass and lipglass wands, because I don't want a swirl of colors on them. Other than that, I don't think I'm obsessive. I have to think about that for a bit!

I have obsessive behaviors with my make-up, though!
-I check my eyebrows daily to make sure no evil hairs have sprung up overnight!
-I constantly check my lipstick for smudging, though not as often as I used to (see UDPP, below).
-I always take my eyeliner and lipstick of the day with me in case things go awry.
-I always have stuff for my cuticles on me, because they are impossible! I won't go anywhere without some kind of cream or ointment for them. (That's weird!)
-And, semi-related, I shave my legs and underarms daily.

I've just started collecting back-ups:
-I have 2 Rite of Spring eyeshadows and will buy 2 more.
-I tracked down 5 Chanel Rouge Double Intensities (Amethyst) obsessively when they discontinued that color. I'd have gotten more, but that's all I could find!
-I always have a back-up UDPP on-hand (especially now that I've started using it around my lips to keep my lipstick from bleeding)
-I will probably get multiple back-ups of Jete and Moth Brown and maybe one or two others from Barbie.

And there's TMI from me.

and now that I've read SChotgurrl's post, I can add:
-All of my lipsticks are stored with the labels up so I can see what's what. All pencils and so forth are stored with the colored-bit up, so Ic can see them, too.
-And I put my makeup on in a very precise order because if I don't I will walk out of the house with a fully-done eye with no mascara!


Well-known member
Maybe I'm just a relic of the 80s, but I'm compulsive about having my lipcolor match whatever top I'm wearing. I do mean match. Exactly.
Unless said top is green, yellow, blue, or some other improbable color.
But if my top/outfit is red, pink, burgundy, etc. my lips have to match.
If this means that I have to use half a dozen or so different products on my lips in order to achieve an exact match, so be it.
How sick is that?


Well-known member
Ditto about keeping clear lipglass clear. I don't know if this is anal but I clean all the underneath of caps and ridges of tops because I can't stand gunk all over the applicator. I do this with foundation, l/g, l/s, l/b, wand concealer etc. Also when someone uses my lip balm I will replace it with a new one. So I never lend out my makeup because it can get a little costly if I do that. I guess I'm a germaphobe


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SChotgurrl
Lemme tell ya, if one of my friends put a blush in the lipgloss drawer...oh hellllllllllllllll no!
LOL, I'm very particular about what goes where--makes it so much easier to find stuff when I'm in a rush or something....


And I am alot like clairesauntie in that I do check my eyebrows and lipgloss and carry it with me to touch up through the day.

I don't collect back ups. I am thinking about getting another Jete though.


Well-known member
The only real "issue" that comes to mind right now is about my brows. I'm completely obsessed with them.. and that's putting it mildly. So much to the point that I check them numerous times a day. I pluck every morning and every night since new stragglers are popping out every minute (ok, maybe it just seems that way lol). I even go after the ones that haven't even popped out all the way yet.. they're just little black dots under the skin.. which is really beginning to be a major issue since I pick them so much that I make myself bleed. I'm literally scarring up my browline because of it. I know that people can't even see them, but, I just can't stop! I know they're there.

As far as other habits.. ehhh.. I can only think of one. Just like many of you, I have to do my makeup in a specific order, otherwise I forget things. It's funny that alot of us have that same problem!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cno64
Maybe I'm just a relic of the 80s, but I'm compulsive about having my lipcolor match whatever top I'm wearing. I do mean match. Exactly.
Unless said top is green, yellow, blue, or some other improbable color.
But if my top/outfit is red, pink, burgundy, etc. my lips have to match.
If this means that I have to use half a dozen or so different products on my lips in order to achieve an exact match, so be it.
How sick is that?

I or someone else seriously needs to start the "Child of the 80s" thread where we can all reminise about bright blue eye shadows, triangle fros and frosted lipstick.

Not sick...a little obssessive maybe...but not sick.


Well-known member
I always put powder on my face after I am done with eye make up. I don't know why. I seen some people put powder on right after foundation and I would never do. That does not compute in my brain. I have an order of doing make up that I have done since 10th grade. foudation-then eye make up-brows-powder-blush-lips.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If I find a split end on my head, I cut it.

I remove any blackheads I find in my skin immediately or that night.

I always line my bottom lid before the top, and I always go left from right.


Well-known member
I keep all my makeup in its original boxes, label side up, in drawer organizers. But I don't have drawers, so I keep them in the linen closet. Everything is in color groups. And like others of you here, lipglosses do not ever go with lipsticks. I also like to segregate brands, especially eyeshadows.

I can't apply foundation with a used brush. If it's not clean, I can't bring myself to wear foundation. And a sponge won't do.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Daligani
I even go after the ones that haven't even popped out all the way yet.. they're just little black dots under the skin.. which is really beginning to be a major issue since I pick them so much that I make myself bleed. I'm literally scarring up my browline because of it. I know that people can't even see them, but, I just can't stop! I know they're there.

Haha i do this too! Its terrible, and since I bought a pair of tweezerman tweezers, its even worse!


Well-known member
i HAVE to put my MU in my order or else if i miss a step in the middle i clean everything off and start over. haha
First i curl my lashes, then concealer, then foundation, then e/s, then mascara, then blush/bronzer, then l/g...anything i miss out on, i have to start over again


Well-known member
lol. I can't think of anything weird I do. But I guess thats just cause its not weird to ME, you know?


Well-known member
I also have stackable drawers where all my stuff is. Top drawer is for face products, middle drawer for lip products, and bottom (heaviest) drawer is for eye products. Pencils and shadesticks are all upside down in a glass jar so I can see what the color is and then it goes back in upside down. I've screamed at my mother for not obeying this. Mascaras, brow gels, spoolie and brow pencil are in a separate glass jar, upside down, color facing up. Face brushes are in their own jar, eye brushes are in their own jar, and if they get mixed up I get really pissed. My 15 pan palettes are organized by color, I also have an empty quad that I use for when I travel. As much as possible, i like everything to be flipped upside down so I can identify it when I go through my stuff. I clean my brushes EVERYDAY. Once a week, i sit down and sharpen all of my pencils and sanitize them. I write down the date I start using a mascara on its box or label, and I throw it away exactly 7 weeks from that date. I never use the sponge that comes with a powder product, i immediately throw it away.

Am I a freak yet??

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