Pretty Little Liars!


Well-known member
It looks scandalous! Oh, soap operas for the young! I probably won't make time to watch it because I'm sooo inundated with other great stuff to watch on tv right now. I barely have time for it.

TV has really picked up it's programming in the last few years. It's almost completely replaced my movie watching time. My Netflix account is going unused... or used on TV shows.


Well-known member
Yeah but do you have a full summer schedule? I always find myself looking for something to watch during the summer since all the network TV goes on hiatus... But i totally agree, i've definitely been neglecting my Netflix account

Also, has anyone read these books? I haven't but i want to now before the show starts...


Well-known member
Good point, I do lack summer programming... though I'm excited for True Blood... I'm always looking for a good tv indulgence.


Well-known member
beautylush, i'm totally gonna ready them now! I saw on the show's facebook page that the author has been answering fan questions, it's cool that she supports the series..

Nicala, i'm sure they'll be on the ABC Family website!


Well-known member
There's apparently another book, Wanted, coming out the day of the premiere and the author is tweeting the first chapter. Beautylush, have you been following her?


Well-known member
This will probably be a show I will watch once the entire season is over. I do that sometimes then I get hooked and cannot wait for the next.
It reminded me of 'I know What you did last summer' plot a bit minus blood and gore. Someone that they thought was dead taunting them/sending messages.

I did notice one of the girls was in this Lifetime movie I saw 'Sorority Girls'.


Well-known member
I agree about I Know What You Did Last Summer, i also get a little Desperate Housewives vibe from the beyond-the-grave stuff, agree?

They have new character promos on the site, i think i like Lucy Hale the best so far


Well-known member
I thought it was dumb at first, but with each promo it's looking better and better!
Makes a good replacement until Greek comes back on.


Well-known member
is anybody watching this? i am finding it to be a guilty pleasure of mine! i seriously can't wait for the episode!
my hubby said it's trashy but i freaking love it! i shall have to get the ebooks for my reader so i can read the stories also


Well-known member
Really ABCFamily? How does spamming this thread with obvious advertising help promote the series when the general opinion here was quite positive to begin with? This sort of thing makes me less positive


Well-known member
I love this show already! I'm off to watch episode 3!

You can find it at under TV Shows/Movies
Every show is alphabetized. I watch EVERYTHING there, seriously!

Thats where I watch it - its on the LIFE channel on Rogers Cable in Canada, but I don't get that channel in my cable package, so I catch it online.


Well-known member
i shall watch episode 3 tonight when i get home
i went out last night. otherwise i'd have seen it already!


Well-known member
Thanks for the tip! I need a trashy teen drama fix now that all the good shows have ended for the summer - lol! Well, besides True Blood.

I'll check it out