small haul


rose, golden olive, golden lemon, orange (matte), pink (matte), crystalled purple, blue (rebel rock), deck chair, kelly green, all girl
sample piggies except they weren't labeled so i'm having a hard time figuring out which ones are which for rose deck chair and all girl and she's shipping out to me orange, pink opal and acid orange as well

then yesterday i went to an outlet mall and got bella azure e/s, leisuretime e/s, sexy sweet l/g, and a bobbi brown concealer to try cuz they didn't have my color in concealers or foundation in the mac rack.

then i get home and it the mail whooooo hoooo

3 samples of apricot pink, pink mauve, and lily white (sweetiecakes yummy) and naked

i'm getting cranberry e/s tooo i think

so not toooo big considering most are samples but yeah it was enough to get me through until i have some more mone lol