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Smokey Eyes (for different eye shapes)


thanks for sharing. this is helpful as a guide. there is another posting of an eyechart by Makeupwhore (username) in the forum that i came across which is very useful as well


Active member
Thank you!


thanks! this was really helpful!

i always wondered why my smoky eyes never looked quite right...now i know! (deep-set eyes)


Well-known member
Darn it, Darn it, Darn it!! I knew deep set eyes had to be the hardest to work on! I have deep set eyes that are very round, they have absolutely no shape to them like some have lovely almond or diamond shaped eyes mine are just round like a bouncy ball and deep set. I always thought maybe it was just me that thought it was hard to do looks on my eyes but apparently not! I wish it were easier to do looks on my no shape, round retarded eyes :/