My friend sent me a link to this pic of Espiegle JC--it's gorgeous!! I think I might have to get this one.
Bahaha, good freaking luck. I think it's best that we all start saving now. I started out just wanting Boy and the blush. My list has now extended to include all three polishes, the quint, Coquette RA, Jersey Rose RC, Peregina RC, and Nakkar Glossimer.I can't wait for this blush! I hope this collection doesn't turn out being as expensive for me as the Holiday one! So many pretties!
Yes I think you deserve it!!!!!wow i can't wait until this collection...jan is SO FAR AWAYYYYY....boyfriend and i have been slaving our asses off working and studying...seriously on sunday, both of us got nauseous from studying so back is super sore from crouching over the table all the time, i have a crick in my neck and can't turn it, and we both can't sleep at night cuz we are so wound up...i'm thinking that when this is all over (this fri for me) i should really treat myself to something, somethings that perhaps go by the names of enigma and murano..?