[quote name="HerGreyness" url="/forum/thread/171458/mac-x-mickey-contractor-discussion/330#post_2064037"] Martiangurll you crack me up.
Glam -- I have heard rumours about it, but no confirmation and it would be a bit late for MAC to pull it -- also, based on what? the production should be done, finished and the press releases are gone. .. so, no, like W W , I am not putting any stock in rumours.
The Fluidlines are stars, so is the Saffron and Oomph ES.. I have these and love them so much that I am going to actually buy a bu of both the ES as I have been wearing them too much lately
[/quote] Yeah, that is true. It is too late for MAC to pull this collection since it will be released in two weeks. I'll add Saffron e/s to the list then.