Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.


Well-known member
I wore Rivoli today and I have to say that I
it, it applies like a dream, the perfect dark lippie, perfect for this time of year. And it fades to the perfect stain colour, absolute winner.

Thanks for recommending it :)


Well-known member
Hi Ladies!

These are the Chanel Lippies I have at the moment:

Chanel RA in Frivole (I know they don't have this one anymore. I bought it because I loved the way it looked on Keira Knightley)
Chanel Hydrabase Lipstick in "Fantastic Plum" (Used on Keira in The Dutchess)
Chanel RAL in "Phoenix"
Chanel RC in "Mademoiselle"
Chanel RA in "Genial"

And I just ordered RA L/S in "Passion." I read that Rose McGowan is a fan of Chanel Red lipsticks and this one she uses.

If anyone wants any lip swatches let me know.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Tell us about Passion when you receive it. It is on my list.

I squashed the top of my Cambon l/s when I was putting the lid back on, this time quite badly. :( I squashed my Chintz once but only slightly. I have a problem with closing the lids of these Rouge Cocos!


Well-known member
^^ Tell us about Passion when you receive it. It is on my list.

I squashed the top of my Cambon l/s when I was putting the lid back on, this time quite badly. :( I squashed my Chintz once but only slightly. I have a problem with closing the lids of these Rouge Cocos!

I definitely will!


Well-known member
Does anybody have any info on new Rouge coco shines? I was suprised today when i saw picture of these on the counter! They should be launched at the end of march


Well-known member
^^I can't wait for the Rouge coco shines. I have been dying to see what Boy looks like -- supposedly out in April? But if the launch in March, even better!
I haven't seen any promo pics yet -- I'd love to see some


Well-known member
^^ Tell us about Passion when you receive it. It is on my list.

I squashed the top of my Cambon l/s when I was putting the lid back on, this time quite badly. :( I squashed my Chintz once but only slightly. I have a problem with closing the lids of these Rouge Cocos!
I guess your Cambon now matches my smooshed Cambon
Sad isn't it.


Well-known member
I finally got around to trying Stunning and Patchouli this week! I really like them both, both super easy to wear and great with a bolder eyes or brighter cheeks! Stunning is a perfect MLBB shade on me. The only thing that I don't like is that these don't have the greatest lasting power.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Good that you are enjoying the l/s! I don't like Stunning on me though, but that's just me.

It is! Have your Cambon recovered to the pretty slant top now?


Well-known member
For some random reason I now want Chalys RC from the Fall collection.

It didn't appeal to me in the Fall, but now I'm thinking it will be gorgeous in the Spring (and I think it should be really stunning under Nakkar glossimer).

Why does it seem like Chanel collections never let go of you? I feel like I'm never done, lol.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
For some random reason I now want Chalys RC from the Fall collection.

It didn't appeal to me in the Fall, but now I'm thinking it will be gorgeous in the Spring (and I think it should be really stunning under Nakkar glossimer).

Why does it seem like Chanel collections never let go of you? I feel like I'm never done, lol.
I agree, and that is bad for my wallet.


Well-known member
I feel like it's time for to get Mademoiselle! Yes, believe or not, this would be my first RC (I have several RA) aaaand I'd also get Imaginaire RAEdG (this will be my first too). I was not very into lip products, but now, it seems I cannot think in anything else!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
You will love Mademoiselle RC. Chanel's lippies are very addictive! I can't stop thinking about them too!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I tried them all on and ended up with Dragon. I have now 22 red l/s but felt like I needed Dragon too, lol! I also loooved Coramandel but only could get one yesterday. Hubby said he would pick it up for me next time we're in the mall though :)

I'm planing on wearing Dragon on NYE with glittery gold eyes


Specktra Bestie
That look it will be absolutely gorgeous on you! I recently decided to give some of the high end brands a chance, which I never had before. I'd seen pictures of Dragon and loved it, so I got that and ended up going back for Mandarin as well. I have to say that I'm completely in love with this formula- I think it's my favourite ever. My only issue is that I find the colour palette a bit limited. I'm hoping they come out with more colours in the future.

Thanks for sharing that you have so many red lippies. I seem to have a problem with buyikng more of them than I could possibly need, but I can't help it...


Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Miss QQ - thanks! I'm as excited for the makeup as the actual party, lol :D
Katred - I love me some red! I always notice the tiny differences between them, lol! After reds, my next big additions are pinky corals. I'm with ur on the RA Laque's formula, the best I've ever tried. I have Phoenix and Dragon but I need more. How does Mandarin look on?


Well-known member
lemme see.. I have Phoenix 3x, Coromandel 3x, Dragon, Ming, Santal and Stunt... Mandarin looked meh on me, so never got it. Stunt is blah.. but my niece wants it.. lol.

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