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Natalie Portman Black Swan Tutorial.


Well-known member
I did a tutorial for the Black Swan makeup based off of the promo image [where she's wearing the tiara] and I did it out of the 120 palettes to make it super dupe-able. I see everyone talking about it everywhere, so I figured it was very relevant.
I did a tutorial for the Black Swan makeup based off of the promo image [where she's wearing the tiara] and I did it out of the 120 palettes to make it super dupe-able. I see everyone talking about it everywhere, so I figured it was very relevant.

Hey AirMagdalene Love the tutorial by the way ...I know theres this girl called Michelle Phan who did the black swan makeup, plus other tutorials which i think you would enjoy.

She also has skincare tips as well as tutorials.

Have a look and see what you think...looking forward to seeing more tutorials from you

Stay Beautiful



Well-known member
Michelle's tutorial was fantastic, but I love your interpretation as well! This look seems so incredibly difficult I'm so hesitant to try! Good tutorial though! :)


Well-known member
I don't really like Michelle Phan. That's not to say I don't think she's a good artist but I always feel like I'm watching an instructional DVD and things like that wind up intimidating me. I know some people prefer that, and it's all up to preference. Thank you for the feedback! And also, don't be afraid, I swear it was actually more time consuming than difficult. I tried to do it the simplest way possible.


Well-known member
great video! i was playing around on christmas day and did a black swan look. i have it as my facebook/twitter profile picture! :) thanks for sharing!