So they're spending all this time and money on 'Chanel Confidential' and their CSRs don't even know what products are coming out. SO INCREDIBLY LAME! I expect to know just a tad more than my typical MUA for any given line, just because I spend so much time on these boards and blogs. But for crying out loud. Do some product education people!!! It's times like this that I really wish I didn't like the makeup so much - I would totally boycott them! I'm just glad I have someplace like Nordie's to get my stuff (though their inventory leaves a WHOLE lot to be desired!) - and a wonderful MAC MUA who always has her eyes open for me with other brands (she's how I managed to snag 2 Boys when Nordie's got them).
I think I'm starting to get a little pickier too......rather than 'having to have' the latest and greatest Chanel (cosmetic) stuff in general, I'm going to try to pick the unusual item - something that isn't similar to what I already have. We'll see how that works for me
. There are so many other HE brands out there with goodies to offer - I think I'm going to spread it around a bit more. There is just no excuse for Chanel's poor service and uninformed representatives - in-store or in CS. They get away with way too much.