MAC Quite Cute Discussion


Well-known member
I think I have narrowed things down..

MUST have

Playing Koi and Quite Cute lippies
Sakura blusher

Nice to Have:

Bubble tea gloss
pink blushie thingie ?Ms Behave?
I *heart* U
Mint green NP
great list! :) is it bad that i am thinking of glosses to put on top of candy yum yum lippie already?! because it is matte finish i don't mind using a gloss with it! i think comet blue dazzle glass over it will look amazing!


Well-known member
i want the lavendar blush and the pink blush. i was wanting the mint nail polish, but the longer i wait for this collection, the more i think i may skip the nail polish because i've never spent more than like $5 on a nail polish. the quite cute lipstick is looking cute.


Well-known member
i want the lavendar blush and the pink blush. i was wanting the mint nail polish, but the longer i wait for this collection, the more i think i may skip the nail polish because i've never spent more than like $5 on a nail polish. the quite cute lipstick is looking cute.
the whole collection is looking quite cute to me! lol! and i understand what you mean about paying lots more money on a polish.


Well-known member
i want the lavendar blush and the pink blush. i was wanting the mint nail polish, but the longer i wait for this collection, the more i think i may skip the nail polish because i've never spent more than like $5 on a nail polish. the quite cute lipstick is looking cute.

It is hard to spend that much on nail polish, if they were $10-11, it might be a bit easier! That being said there's lots of minty nail polishes out there right now. If these have a really great formula I might consider them though.


Well-known member
Right now I'm considering:

the quad (if Temptalia gives it a good review)
Playing Koi (I really hope this looks good on me!)
Quite Cute (again, has to swatch well, I don't want it to be streaky looking)
Sakura! (probably a must! If I don't get this one I'll get giggly because I just can't resist the heart)
and maybe a nail polish if they have a good formula :)

My wants always change dramatically after seeing more swatches, especially with lip products since they can look nice as a swatch but gross and/or streaky on the lips! I think I have pretty much considered all of the things in this collection though at once point, I love all things cute and this collection totally gives me that.


Well-known member
I feel the same about the nail polishes! It is a lot of money, but this might be the one collection i really splurge on.

i want the lavendar blush and the pink blush. i was wanting the mint nail polish, but the longer i wait for this collection, the more i think i may skip the nail polish because i've never spent more than like $5 on a nail polish. the quite cute lipstick is looking cute.


Well-known member
No more pink blushes for me at the moment but Ive got to have sakura and miss behave :D. For sure quite cute since I have yet to have one lavender lippie in my collection. The plushglass, both lipliners since Ive heard great things about them and own none, and two nail polishes.


Well-known member
let's see if these go thru.. I always have a devil of a time with photobuck..

lavender is the blush I focused the most because it is THE most difficult one to product as it is a mix of red,white,yellow and blue.. I swiped them wet and dry (on top of hand) and it is barely visible.. the peach one is def a highliter and the minty green in the middle makes it a great highliter for the face or anywhere but I wouldn't call it a blush.. and the pink is a soft pink swatched wet too... the Yum Yum ls is a blue based pink -- nice, strong pink but nothing not dupeable imo.

don't kill the messenger



Well-known member
I wish I could cut down my wish list. I guess I really can, but I just don't want too.

I am still buying the quad, playing koi, quite cute, candy yumyum & playtime lipsticks.
Sakura blush is also on my wish list. I decided to only get one blush. I think Miss Behave will be
too light on my skin.

I think I have narrowed things down..

MUST have

Playing Koi and Quite Cute lippies
Sakura blusher

Nice to Have:

Bubble tea gloss
pink blushie thingie ?Ms Behave?
I *heart* U
Mint green NP


Well-known member
lol eyeshadowaddictedone.. we are indeed.

Peachy.. let me see what I did or didn't do.. lol, it;s been overcast so I may take them again cause they are quite light..

hand: on top, the lavender blush app with 188 brush using the both colours - damp
below: lavender part of lavender blush
right next to lavender blush: pink part of lavender blush
below both: pink blush app with 188 brush -- damp

far end of hand: YUM yum lipstick

2nd image -- ditto as above but no flash
3rd image -- peach blush with green center.. hardly visible as the flash makes it almost dissappear
4th image-- comps for the lavender blush
my fingers -- LAVENDER blush MAC pro, Lavender blush mixed, Peach blush mixed almost whitish base, pink on pinkie finger

I thought I labeled them, but I am still jet The time difference on the way back kills me.

these blushes are lovely as finish products.. but I do not think they will be so good for darker skins.


Well-known member
The blush swatches look gorgeous HerGrayness. I'm sad that they will not look good on darker skintones. Does it mean that I have to force myself to skip them? :cry:


Well-known member
thanks hg! love the swatches.. bt im still sticking to the pink blush. the other blushes will not be visible on my nc30 skin.