The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


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Interesting stuff, HerGreyness!
Winthrop, there has been much speculation of a buyout on Chanel for the last two The family that has the controlling interest want's a lot of money for it and the global economic climate doesn't sustain it. LVMH has been buying up lines left and right, and so has EL and L'Oreal.. but Chanel is Chanel and has dug it's heels in past glories.

Someone asked about Shu Uemura -- it left the US and is only sold online now in the US and in the Far East (well with the Tsunami, who knows now)

Oh no, that video of doggies made me so sad. I've been always amazed by the animals' behaviour in nature disasters...wild animals turn meek in the faith of death, and will let humans save them, that dog guarding his buddy and barking to people for help...
I feel really sorry for all those Japanese who lost their homes and everything they owned. My best friend in Australia has lost her house and her belongings during the recent floods, so I'm collecting all kinds of lovely stuff that I'm going to send her. I wish I could do more....

Haha, Elegant, it seems like all those nutty people are seeking you out! First the crazy sales person, and now the screaming kid. I'm glad it all ended well, though :)


Specktra Bestie
Elegant- Happy anniversary and thank you for reminding me once again why I never wanted children. I don't have problems with them, per se, but the badly behaved ones...
I'm happy to deal with TGE's nieces and nephew, since we can return them.

HG- Interesting news about Chanel. I was just talking to my favourite MA the other day and we were both remarking on how they're the one company who's avoided being bought up so far. I have to say, I kind of like having them independent.


Well-known member
Elegant ~ Happy 32nd Anniversary
. It's such an inspiration

Katred ~ I'm glad to know other people who doesn't want kids. I and the hubs don't want one, but I feel like everyone kept on pressuring us... it's hard to feel normal in this sense


Well-known member
Elegant, what an event! I don't know why some parents just don't get it. My kids still remember the stone wall of one of our favorite (no longer there) restaurants - they remember having to sit on it until they could behave themselves. They didn't make the trip too often, but they remember when they did. Sometimes a meal comp doesn't make up for the missed opportunity for an enjoyable time spent together. What a bummer. But, at least maybe you can look back on it and laugh. HG is so right about the memories!!

HG, I hope you have a safe trip (I'm not sure when you are leaving or when your anniversary is), but yes, you are in God's hands. And you have Jeff watching over you. It's so good to hear of your thoughts about him - it means you are healing.

Michelle, I meant to mention in my earlier post that that picture is great! What a nice collection of lippies! And the pink one lying down is my fave too.
You definitely have a long list. If I end up going to Nordies today (not sure how I'm feeling yet - I'm sort of blech - feel like a cold is coming on), I will let you know what I think of the swatches I take.

Katred, I love your new avatar! You are so photogenic!!

It's Friday ladies - hope you have an awesome one!!


Well-known member
^^ Cheryl -- we always did the same thing in a restaurant -- if our 3 girls acted up, then out they went to the car until they could behave. We still to this day have a talk with all of them before we go out anywhere about what it means to behave -- no fighting, no fits, using manners -- so far it has worked! Now, they are really well behaved and they even love to go shopping and out out to lunch and all kinds of fun girly-ness which I adore
But parents who don't have any expectations of their kids drive me nutso LOL! Have fun at Nordies today -- hope you feel better!

Katred -- your pic is gorgeous -- what lovely skin!!

Cutemiauv -- Isn't it funny that people have such an opinion on things that are so personal? I have learned you have to do what is best for you and your situation and to heck with other people's opinions


Well-known member
I'm thinking of splurging on the Chantecaille Turtles or one of the Le Metier de Beaute Kaleidoscopes tomorrow after all my work is done. Does anyone have experience with either brand's eyeshadows? 'Cause I have been being super vigilant about going to the gym lately and I feel the need to reward myself.
I keep seeing those turtles in ads everywhere - they are too cute!
I want a palette of bunnies instead!

good for you on the gym! I am addicted to exercise


Well-known member
Honey&Lemon -- Amy at Cafe Makeup did a write up on the Chantecaille Sea Turtles. The pigmentation looked gorgeous! And being a beach girl growing up -- I love sea turtles
Makeup is a great reward for your hard work at the gym!

I love interval workouts combining strength training and cardio. Sometimes I get bored and like to mix it up a little with kickboxing, etc.

What exercise do you ladies do? Need more ideas . . .


Well-known member
Katred - you look beautiful in every pic! Your eyes are stunning. Yeah, on the kids - its just bad parenting. Our son never had to even think about how he was going to act in public - he was told in advance 1) how to behave/talk 2) consequences
Boys can be tough & I learned that whatever they don't break, the husband will :)

C - of course you & I would like the same lipstick in Michelles pic ;)

Ok, I tried 2 new products this week & here's my comparison.

Olay Regenerist Microdermabrasion Peel $23 VS
Kate Somerville - Exfolikate $85 or a trial tube $19 (which is what I bought)

The Exfolikate was ok, it made my skin smooth, but dried the heck out of it. I ended up with dry patches & one red spot - *gasp* which was gone in a day.

Olay Micro Peel - I have read so many great/positive reviews about this product, I thought I would give it a shot which as far as my skin, I am always afraid to try something new like this on it - but the reviews were so glowing that I had to.

Olay knocked out the KS by leaps & bounds. You apply crystals on the face first, & then apply a clear activating liquid over the crystals - it foams you message. My skin felt incredibly smooth, not dried out, removes anything in the pores (I don't have large pores) but the skin looks flawless. Any little bumps appeared gone (which a lot of reviews said it does). I had one little breakout on my upper cheek from crying (dad) yes, when I cry, it does that to my skin aggh. It was completely cleared up, a tiny mark remained which will go away.
I highly recommend it! for $23 its amazing. It appears that the whole Olay Regenerist line is a huge success & winner of many beauty awards & editors picks for years.


Well-known member
What exercise do you ladies do? Need more ideas . . .

I want to do the kickboxing with a real trainer - really really bad! I also want to do yoga...but yeah, there really isn't any place where I live to do that. Where our kids live, they have these beautiful yoga buildings!!! it is not cheap though


Well-known member
Elegant -- I agree -- I tried the Olay Microdermabrasion/peel kit a while ago and loved it! I might have to get another one -- thanks for the reminder!

I do a lot of working out at home -- I have about a zillion workout DVD's. Our gym does have some fun classes -- but not all of the trainers and instructors are fabulous. I bet a real trainer doing kickboxing would be amazing -- it is supposed to be one of the best sports to get you cut and lean. But yeah, the specialty yoga and pilates places here are bank -- especially if you do a private or semi private lesson. Le sigh


Well-known member
Elegant -- I agree -- I tried the Olay Microdermabrasion/peel kit a while ago and loved it! I might have to get another one -- thanks for the reminder!

I do a lot of working out at home -- I have about a zillion workout DVD's. Our gym does have some fun classes -- but not all of the trainers and instructors are fabulous. I bet a real trainer doing kickboxing would be amazing -- it is supposed to be one of the best sports to get you cut and lean. But yeah, the specialty yoga and pilates places here are bank -- especially if you do a private or semi private lesson. Le sigh
^^^yes, thats what I want
I need to move to a bigger city with more options

I will continue to use the Olay. There are also wet exfoliating cloths - like MAC wipes - that come in those plastic pacs - I think I will try those too. I didn't want to buy anything else from the line until I saw how my skin felt about it first. I guess the Serum is great too. The stuff is really cheap on Amazon!

I bought the last one at Walmart - OMG!
- I was only in there like 30 seconds before I realized why I never shop there.
someone had squeezed the product out of 2 of the Olay tubes & it was all over the place.


Well-known member
Lately, I've been doing high-intensity cardio intervals every day with Pilates classes/videos every couple of days. There's a really good YouTube user/guru called Blogilates ( who makes some tough ones that I've liked!

Honestly, I'm usually quite lazy and lax about exercising (and eating!) but I've decided to shape up and make exercise a habit this year. It's amazing how my body seems to crave exercise now, like I just feel like I want to MOVE and sweat it out sometimes!

The Chantecaille Turtles are #1 on my radar right now. I'm going to wait until I hit my next exercise goal (surviving 40 min of straight cardio, I have such poor endurance but it's getting better!) before I let myself buy it though.

It is such a gloomy day in SF today, so I will be sporting some bright lippie (MAC Impassioned) around town. Cross my fingers it doesn't rain!


Well-known member
Morning ladies! (Almost afternoon!).

Elegant, sorry that your dinner was such an adventure. I totally agree with you, if a kid is screaming in a restaurant, then something should be said, some people really don't have any thought or courtesy for others. I guess I'm lucky that my kids for the most part don't throw tantrums. They do talk really loud though, and we always have to remind them in restaurants to use their inside voice! I just don't understand why, when they're right next to each other, do they have to speak so loudly!!! But at at least you went out to celebrate such a nice occasion. I hope hubby and I are as happy as you two seem to be in 32 years!

I am spending the morning getting some cleaning done while the kids are occupied with the Wii! I pulled out some "spring/summer" make-up and wouldn't you all know it? I have a Cle de Peau lipgloss, still unused sitting in a box! I had bought that along with Chanel's Astral glossimer, the SA in the store had the combo on and it was stunning! So the question is, why haven't I worn either of them?!

Sorry for rambling, funny how being home for a couple of days makes one miss some interaction with adults! I kinda wish I could stay home all day today and clean/organize, in that mode today. The sun is shining and it was warm enough to open up the garden doors for a good window cleaning. Oh my, I really am going on about nothing! I think it's Spring Fever!

Also decided to try out the Vitalumiere Aqua fndt. It seems to have really good reviews.

Hope you all have a wonderful day! I hope to be on later tonight.


Well-known member
Hey girlies - I swatched a bunch of the Dior Addict lip colors today on a piece of paper - I'll take a pic and hopefully get it posted this afternoon. They are GORGEOUS!!! I had such a hard time deciding, and the one I wanted most (Reflet) wasn't in at Nordies yet so they're sending it to me. Oh my, these are so hard to resist! Oh, and Sephora had them too - I got to be the first to swatch several of them.


Well-known member
Morning ladies! (Almost afternoon!).

Elegant, sorry that your dinner was such an adventure. I totally agree with you, if a kid is screaming in a restaurant, then something should be said, some people really don't have any thought or courtesy for others. I guess I'm lucky that my kids for the most part don't throw tantrums. They do talk really loud though, and we always have to remind them in restaurants to use their inside voice! I just don't understand why, when they're right next to each other, do they have to speak so loudly!!! But at at least you went out to celebrate such a nice occasion. I hope hubby and I are as happy as you two seem to be in 32 years!

I am spending the morning getting some cleaning done while the kids are occupied with the Wii! I pulled out some "spring/summer" make-up and wouldn't you all know it? I have a Cle de Peau lipgloss, still unused sitting in a box! I had bought that along with Chanel's Astral glossimer, the SA in the store had the combo on and it was stunning! So the question is, why haven't I worn either of them?!

Sorry for rambling, funny how being home for a couple of days makes one miss some interaction with adults! I kinda wish I could stay home all day today and clean/organize, in that mode today. The sun is shining and it was warm enough to open up the garden doors for a good window cleaning. Oh my, I really am going on about nothing! I think it's Spring Fever!

Also decided to try out the Vitalumiere Aqua fndt. It seems to have really good reviews.

Hope you all have a wonderful day! I hope to be on later tonight.
You had me at Garden doors! Lovely picture in my head. I felt the same today...I want to clean & paint - but, but its warm & beautiful here today so I may just run around to be outside.

I will want to know what you think of VA.

Oh, I'm sure your kids are well behaved! Its all in the parenting.


Well-known member
Elegant -- I agree about Walmart -- ugggh. Why is it always such a disaster?? I kid you not, one time we had to go there and our oldest was barely talking and said "This place is a mess!!". So true! I'm going to pay more attention to the Regenerist line next time I'm at Target. Maybe a yoga studio will come to you soon!

Honey&Lemon -- That's awesome that you are craving exercise now! Some days I do, and some days I don't . . . but I make myself workout 5 days a week. I always love how I feel after a hard workout. Hope your rain goes away -- but the bright lippie should help!

Nora -- woot for finding a brand new lipgloss! It's like Christmas! Good luck with your Spring Cleaning. I was like that today -- I notice something that is bugging me and next thing I am scrubbing a baseboard with a toothbrush. OCD, big time.

Cheryl -- I am seriously going to have to go look at the Dior lippies on Saturday. Something about them seems so thrilling to me -- it is truly a sickness!


Well-known member
I can't get the picture to post, only the link. What is UP with this!!!! Will try to figure it out - grrrrrrrr.


Well-known member
Elegant, hearing your review of Olay makes me giggle - I've been using the Regenerist line for about 2 years - not the wash, but the eye, night and sculpting cream. I love them, and always go back to them from whatever makes my eye wander. I love the products. I've not tried the microdermabrasion peel, but I will. I recently bought the serum at Sam's - 2 for like $38 or something - cheaper than the drugstore. That's where I get the sculpting cream too. I think their products are just as good as Chanel - I really don't notice a huge difference when I use something else, and I use it to the bottom of the jar (hate to not use it).

Spring is getting here!! Glad to hear reports of nice weather! It's warm-ish here, but cloudy and windy - a little blustery. I'm hoping for some sunshine soon.

I don't know what is up with Spektra, or my laptop - I keep missing posts. I refresh the page, and I think I'm at the bottom of a page and reply, and lo and behold there are other posts above mine that I haven't even seen yet. It's starting to really bug me. And I hate the hijacking. Stupid hackers.

I made a Dior haul today, and got Shiseido BE702. In Dior I got 983 Insoumise (Nordie exclusive), 864 Couture, 865 Collection and 750 Rock 'n Roll. Yippee!!


Well-known member
Cheryl, I find that the ONLY way I can post photos on here is to click the little paper clip right here ^^ above where you type your reply and then upload directly to from my computer. Is that what you're trying? Using any of the old format stuff with the img and slashes and all that doesn't work.

I can't get the picture to post, only the link. What is UP with this!!!! Will try to figure it out - grrrrrrrr.


Well-known member
Cheryl -- I hope you can upload your pics! When I posted my Lancome ones yesterday -- I clicked on the "Insert Image" button that is two down on the left from the paperclip. I think I've used the paperclip button that Winthrop suggested, too. So weird how sometimes it will post, and sometimes it won't.

Well, I busted out my bronzey makeup today. Did a bronzey daytime smokey eye, my Rock and Republic Call Me blush (seriously love), and the MAC Marquise D' lippie. Loving this combo. Now if the weather would just cooperate . . .

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