The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


Well-known member
C! I have a few of the cream shadows -- bronze, platinum and other's whose names I forget cause as much as they are marvellous for evening (they make the best foundation instead of the same ol paint pot over NARS primer thingie) -- I have to get a small box to store all of them, along with the MAC Paints in so they don't fall all over my "PP" drawer.. lol. It is literally labeled the PP drawer.
Congrats on the young scion's entrance to Mama's Alma.. kudos kudos..

Let me know how much I need to send you for the Fauve ES.. is Antigone coming too? well, whichever, just let me know.
Yea.. those LM gel ls look luscious .. will have to swab them first tho. If you get to a counter -- let me know my week is going smoother than last week but still will be messy thru Sat.
Oh my Argentine vino man.. yea, I don't do it on purpose.. I would like to like him as much as maybe, maybe he likes me.. but I can't seem to. No chemistry? nope.. just no feelings yet. I have to pace myself too and give my heart time to heal from Jeff. There will never be another Jeff and maybe I am being unfair but I don't need, or want a relationship.. I want to be free for a long time now.. Maybe I will become a Cougar

I am really loving the LM Foundation.. it is amazing. Maybe the best I have tried to date, including the Cle de Peau Silk.. and at half the price.

I got a new pair of loafers -- I am so loving these to wear on a day to day basis... I get the Boys loafers, which are cuter and clunkier.. and they look so cool with jeans

katred, that countryman of yours, did break my heart but only because I allowed it to be broken.. really. He had me at Eh? and that was all. Lol. He tried after many years to be friends.. which of course was useless as I was already married. Now that I think back on it, I think it was his jealous streak to try to at least know how my marriage was doing. But he did have great legs.. lol
and Paul Newman blue eyes.. yowwwwwww

stv.. easy does it.. I know what you mean about dogs.. I just don't understand some people. The easiest thing to do is clean up after them and train them well. Mine are like little drill dogs.. I say left, they go left -- I say sit, they sit. I say let's go OUT and they go running to the door.. but then, my hubby was ex military and trained them well.. sigh.

Almus.. I have been buying a few brushes myself and found this one which I ordered.. in Taklon/synthetic brushes always look to see how the fibres are cut at the ends and the more graded, the better. HTH.
I like this one personally for applying foundation -- too big is not the best.. this one seems just right.

be back later.. market is closing FLAT.. no hysteria/ nice change.. lol.


Well-known member
Almus.. I have been buying a few brushes myself and found this one which I ordered.. in Taklon/synthetic brushes always look to see how the fibres are cut at the ends and the more graded, the better. HTH.
I like this one personally for applying foundation -- too big is not the best.. this one seems just right.

be back later.. market is closing FLAT.. no hysteria/ nice change.. lol.
Thank you so much HG! I just have to guess how to get LM in Spain, but all things in their right time! I am happy to hear that the market is not treating you so bad for the last couple of days I made some small investment a bit long ago and I got stuck cause well, spanish market is not in its best health =(


Well-known member
Cheryl -- it seems like such a long road until the kids can pay their own way LOL I can't believe how fast my girls are growing, though. It will be here before I know it!! Congrats on your youngest going to your alma mater! Good luck with stripping the wallpaper, painting and re-do's -- sounds like it'll keep ya busy!

Nora -- so funny about the doggie droppings -- more reason to get a fence
I know, the home improvement projects are so fun to think about . . . but so hard to get done!!

HG -- the Cougar bit made me giggle. I think it is good that you are taking your time to heal

Elegant -- there's a whole lotta strippin' go on lately


Well-known member
HG, yes, Antigone will be coming too. Will we be getting Bonheur here in the States? I love that one!! If not, I'm going to have Elena get that one too......and maybe Twilight if they have that......

I'm sulking - in a cranky mood. Got my Inglot shadows today and the idiots didn't send me the palette to put them in! DUH! Their site is terrible as an e-commerce site, and they have no phone number. You have to send in a 'form'. Not happy. I am so tired of ineptitude lately. Plus work is really changing a lot - new folks in charge, new charter, etc. I got an excellent review today, and will get a nice raise, but what they want me to do is what I consider the booby prize, so I'm trying to get my mind wrapped around the prospects of THAT. Not very motivating. It's like, hey, we love you, you're doing a great job, here's a raise....and oh, by the way, we need you to go scrub the toilets. OK, it's not THAT bad, but it's not great. And then I look around at some of the dirt-brained men that are making more than I am, are at a higher level than I am, and can't find their buttocks with both hands. I know it's the way of the world, but every now and then it really really bugs me. I don't use the 'f' word, but
Sometimes it seems a fitting phrase......

Rant over - for now, anyway. Thanks for reading!


Well-known member
aww C! .. I am so sorry to hear that. Dammit if anybody should run anyplace it should be you. Well, pfft I bad times, put on a good face as the market sucketh wind now so it doesn't seem the right time to run CVs around... but things will change. Hell girl, you kept telling me that -- and I was facing the loss of a loved one.. so cheer up and let's have a
.. which is what I am doing, since today was the first day since the Japan tragedy that I have been able to work with a clearer mind and not be running to my trading computer.. lol. And, the first day I did not lose any $$. Some days, you wish you could close your eyes and do teletransporting.. lol.

My dear, you said you did a really cool mu but did not post it... maybe posting it will make you pep up a bit.... and if ranting helps.. keep ranting, cause we can sure listen
Cheer up and smile!!

oh, yes.. I want the MonteCarlo.. lol. I think those are coming to the US tho... hell, one never knows with stoopid Chanel.. talk about ineptitude !!


Well-known member
Bonitinha.. lol. yea, I may just become a cougar.. and I look at it in statistics. Chances are I will outlive any man I meet in future.. IF I do get involved with anyone again.. argh. But, if I did and I outlived him, I would wear black for the rest of my life and feel guilty too. So, a nice young man of 35 or so, would suit me just fine..

lolool.. just kidding .
. and IF you believe this, then I foooled you.. I like my men to know what life is about, to understand my music, my world and my life.. and a young man just needs to have fun.

Almus.. glad to be of help..these are perm items so no rush for anything.. not like crazy MAC who even makes brushes LE items.. lol.

oh my.. I am sorry to hear that you invested in Spain.. I used to hold the IBEX and dropped it like a bad date about two years ago. The Spanish banks are in deep trouble. I had shares of BBVA and BS.. and dropped those fact a good friend of mine lives in Madrid and her husband works in one of the many Caja's and is very afraid of losing his job of 20 years. The world markets are in worse shape than even we can imagine. I always post a bit of info on here, but don't do it much because my work has been in finance for most of my life -- and I realize it can be boring to least not as much fun as mu... but really, money is the end game.



Well-known member
LOL!! Thank you HG! You help me keep perspective - and eating helps too - I tend to get grumpy when I'm hungry. I'm laughing again, at least a little. And I should be grateful for the good things that happened today. I'm always the one saying count your blessings, and here I am complaining. I think I'll have that glass of wine I've been promising myself!

I'm glad you haven't lost your shirt in the market - you are so clever and Jeff would be so proud of you!!

I washed my face already - plus, it looked like it was 12 hours old (I leave very early in the morning - usually before 6AM, and don't get home until about 6 the days I have to go up to Massachusetts). I'll try another similar look soon and post it, now that the whiz-bangers here taught me how to post pics! I'm home tomorrow, so I might experiment with some of my new brushes. You also have me wanting to check out the LM foundation - I'll try to get a sample soon. I also have that brush, but it has a short handle - I've had it for many years. Does yours have a long handle?

Thank you girls, for your well-wishes for my son - he's so excited! He'll be down near my family too, which is really cool.

Nora, I'm glad your neighbor came over and scooped poop - but hopefully they'll train their dog a bit better - fences are always good -

Elegant, we'd make a great pair of strippers, that's for sure!!!
And we'd get a lot done, and then reward ourselves with makeup!!!

Hope you ladies are having a dynamite evening - I have a few threads to catch up on - I've all but given up on some of the MAC threads - it's just impossible to stay current on them.


Well-known member
omg. visions of Elegant and C! strippin.. kinda like Lucy and Ethel wallpapering

Don't worry darlin.. life always gets easier and then harder.. enjoy whatever you get.. cause you only get one chance!!
and ranting is good for the soul, the voice and the heart !!

C! please do post some pics so we can learn! I am re-teaching myself some new techniques from the 80's

Nora.. stv, my Jeff used to say that dogs were easier to train than humans.. lol.. Maybe a cute DON'T POOP sign would help them get the hint? lol..


Well-known member
C! I have the long handle.. I like long handles best cause of the heft and weight.. lol.

men and brushes should be tall.. lmao
omg.. I nearly wrote long.. lololol

now I need a drink!


Well-known member
I'm glad you're feeling better now, Cheryl! I'm sorry to hear that there is a downside to you raise, but to be honest, the change in management always seem to bring new demands with it. I've seen it happen far too often. *hugs*
We have Midnight, yes!
I think both Monte Carlo and Bonheur will be available in the US, but I can get those too. By the way, since i'll be sending a bunch of items to one person, I'll use a signed-for service, just for the peace of our minds.

HG, I'm glad things are getting better on the stock market! It's a complete mystery to me, but I would like to learn how it all works in future and see what I can get out of it.
So I definitely don't mind you talking about financial stuff, as I'll learn from it.

It is good to hear that you feel content with how things are at present moment and don't hesitate to put over-confident men back into their place, bravo!

Bonitinha, how old are your girls?


Well-known member
OMG - Just scanned the posts after strippin today
oh my...

Scooping Poop, Stripping, "f" bombs, Tall, Dark & Long, & Ineptitude which is always my rant (daily) ahhh, but then there are the lipsticks, endless glorious lipsticks
LOL! chickies

C - Yes we are getting Bonheur & its really pretty!

Michelle - yes its hard to imagine them grown up but it does go so fast. You will cry & then one day rejoice that yes indeed - they can pay their own way


Well-known member
LOL!! Thank you HG! You help me keep perspective - and eating helps too - I tend to get grumpy when I'm hungry. I'm laughing again, at least a little. And I should be grateful for the good things that happened today. I'm always the one saying count your blessings, and here I am complaining. I think I'll have that glass of wine I've been promising myself!

I'm glad you haven't lost your shirt in the market - you are so clever and Jeff would be so proud of you!!

I washed my face already - plus, it looked like it was 12 hours old (I leave very early in the morning - usually before 6AM, and don't get home until about 6 the days I have to go up to Massachusetts). I'll try another similar look soon and post it, now that the whiz-bangers here taught me how to post pics! I'm home tomorrow, so I might experiment with some of my new brushes. You also have me wanting to check out the LM foundation - I'll try to get a sample soon. I also have that brush, but it has a short handle - I've had it for many years. Does yours have a long handle?

Thank you girls, for your well-wishes for my son - he's so excited! He'll be down near my family too, which is really cool.

Nora, I'm glad your neighbor came over and scooped poop - but hopefully they'll train their dog a bit better - fences are always good -

Elegant, we'd make a great pair of strippers, that's for sure!!!
And we'd get a lot done, and then reward ourselves with makeup!!!

Hope you ladies are having a dynamite evening - I have a few threads to catch up on - I've all but given up on some of the MAC threads - it's just impossible to stay current on them.

Well that's too bad on the job front! I hope that somehow it all changes for the better!!! XOX


Well-known member
Lol Elegant! One way or another, I guess these posts can take your mind off of stripping!

Cheryl, don't apologize for complaining, you are sooo entitled and really... it just pisses me off that after all the progress we've made as women, inequities like what you described continue. When I got back from mat leave, we had new management too, and things have sucked since. There are days that I bitch, and then there are days that I do count my blessings considering the job market today.

HG, I will definitely consider the sign if the neighbours decide to let dog use our yard as a toilet! Won't be long before it'll be warm and the kids will want to run around out back, don't really feel like having them walk in with stinky shoes!

Cheers everyone! I had half a glass of wine at dinner.


Specktra Bestie
C! I have the long handle.. I like long handles best cause of the heft and weight.. lol.

men and brushes should be tall.. lmao
omg.. I nearly wrote long.. lololol

now I need a drink!

Heh... I never thought that tall was a big deal for me, but my last three exes were 6'4", 6'3" and 6'2". And The Great Enabler is 6'5". Tall girls I know hate me, because they don't want someone my size horning in on their territory...


Well-known member
You girls are cracking me totally up with your posts!! I totally forgot my rants! And that's the beauty of it!

HG, I too like the 'TALL' -handled brushes......
.....and men - my hubby is 6'2". And I'm pretty short at 5'4".

I believe I will try to post a look today - usually when I'm working from home I don't feel like it, but today I'm feeling a bit less 'blah', so I might just do it. I'm wearing my hair differently for the warm weather so I can continue to grow it out (it's curly, and I refuse to use a hair dryer in the heat.....we don't have central air and have rarely needed it). I wore my 'new hair' to work yesterday and my boss (whom I really like) says, 'what happened to your hair?!' He was just kidding - it was funny. He loves to yank my chain, and I have to say if it weren't for him, I'd probably be poking around for a different job.......

Those LM gel lipsticks look like they have ZERO shimmer - just juicy goodness! I'm thinking about Hibiscus and Sweet Cherry. The others are really pretty - in fact I'm also thinking about Clementine, but I want to see it first to make sure it isn't too orange. And I'm definitely going to pick up a couple of the cream shadows, just don't know which ones yet. I love the look of Platinum, Alloy and Ecru Silk........eek.

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