The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


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it's the Le Prisme Blush in 22 Vintage Pink.

this pic is more colour accurate, don't have any swatch pics right now.

I ordered it from seeing just one swatch online, there aren't many Givenchy swatches to be found on the net. I was a bit worried spending that much on a blush, without swatching. But I'm really happy with the colour and the quality.


Well-known member
^^ Sephora is the only retailer that carries Givenchy in the US (I think) and shade 22 Vintage Pink is not available on the website right now. Bummer! It is so pretty. Would you mind sharing the site you ordered it from? I did see that Sephora carries 24 It Girl Purple -- I'm interested in seeing what that one looks like


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Oops, specktra site went down when I tried to post.

The site is , but it's for Germany only I think. Their email sounded like this shade was either limited edition or discontinued, because they said something like, we found a few we have left in stock. Somewhere online I read it's only available in Europe.
I was thinking about getting It Girl Purple too, there are some swatches when you google it. They also have a light cooltoned pink, ''rose something'', I don't know. Maybe I'll get one of those two later on.


Well-known member
Naynadine! So glad you are posting - don't worry about what you post - as Michelle (Bonitinha) said, we're constantly amazed at how many languages our 'international' ladies speak........I've always wished I was multi-lingual.......

That blush is gorgeous! I have a couple of Givenchy prism blushes, and they are quite nice. I need to show them some love!! I must also check out It Girl's too bad that Vintage Pink isn't available here.......soon these companies will learn (ok, maybe not so soon) that makeup fanatics don't have geographical borders! Here's a post from Karla's site about the collection:

I hope your Pink Cult arrives soon - I am wearing it today - it is soooooo pretty! A pretty glowy color on, not too much. I can't believe how it 'melts' into my skin.....I picked up a backup of it, and I'm glad I did - this is a serious contender for my favorite pink blush!!!

Elegant, are you painting for blush now?
You'll have a whole new makeup wardrobe before it's over with!! Seriously, I know you'll be delighted with your results - what a great feeling!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi ladies! I enjoy reading all your posts although I haven't been posting a lot.

Here's the givenchy summer collection just for fun. The le prismissime (what a difficult word to type lol) e/s palette looks very colourful.


Well-known member
Really - WHY does Sephora not have that Givenchy blush palette????? I want it.
I agree c - the companies need to figure out that we can all access their products through the internet - duh!!! I even went to the Givenchy beauty site - not there either.

And yes, I am keeping a running total of all my hours spent painting that he would have to pay a painter - & then I'll cash it in for MU

Ugghh, my body aches from getting up & down on a step stool & crawling over furniture like a damn cat just to reach everything to paint. It looks beautiful though. Only 2 1/2 rooms to go


Well-known member
Elegant, I totally feel for you. I hate painting, particularly the trim and mouldings, I think that is what makes it so bloody time consuming and tedious!

HG, I didn't take offence to anything you said. I always consider our discussions like women sitting around a table having some coffee and chatting. Only problem is that we can't detect tone when posting as opposed to actually speaking with one another, but the topics do seem to change and evolve. I found Cheryl's post about her husband very cute and could relate, so I commented on it and in no way did that mean I took offence to anything anybody else said. So no, please don't be hanging anything up!!!

Alright, back to work for now, it's been one of those days where my mind just isn't working and I'm having a hard time getting anything accomplished.


Well-known member
Alright, back to work for now, it's been one of those days where my mind just isn't working and I'm having a hard time getting anything accomplished.
Uggh... you are exactly right! I HATE doing the trim & moulding painting
I don't mind the roller too much as I use a smaller but fluffy 6" roller which is fast & much easier on my arms than a bigger regular roller and it does just as good of a job. I try to do as much as I possibly can without bothering the hubster too much
but I bought all new modern plates, switch & receptacle outlets and I have no clue how to do wiring,,,,so, yep he hates these projects of mine but always loves how it looks when I'm done.

I'm a bit ADD myself today & I can't focus on one thing for too long
Hope work is not as stressful for you!


Well-known member

I forgot - I wanted to post this back when you guys were talking about the kids starting school. This is our baby on his first day of school - 1st grade.


Well-known member
I'm back from Prague
. It's a lovely city indeed... a combination of beautiful buildings, sculptures, and nice river views. Great walking city, you can get anywhere in the city center by walking. Which was good because they have plenty of lovely cafes with yummy cakes. Got to burn those calories somewhere

Makeup is quite expensive there, even compared to German prices (which is sometimes already around 30% more than the US price). So I wouldn't recommend going there for shopping (unless it's some local specialties stuff). Other than that, everything else is quite reasonably priced.

There's lots of art galleries and museums too, apart from the famous buildings. I didn't have a chance to visit them... maybe next time ;). For me personally, I think it's one of the prettiest
European cities, totally recommended

Here's a view from a cafe next to Prague castle...


Well-known member
Elegant -- I know, why do companies do that?? The country exclusives have got to go! Of course we all want that Vintage pink blush palette!
Sounds like you are making headway on the painting -- woot!! Can't wait to hear about how it all turns out.
That pic of your son when he was young is darling!!

Cutie -- that pic is gorgeous!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time!!


Well-known member
Elegant -- I know, why do companies do that?? The country exclusives have got to go! Of course we all want that Vintage pink blush palette!
Sounds like you are making headway on the painting -- woot!! Can't wait to hear about how it all turns out.
That pic of your son when he was young is darling!!
We all want to be sitting at that table with cutie now don't we! yep

I love that pic of our son so much. He just had to have a backpack that looked like a briefcase. ;) Seems like that was yesterday. But I am glad that he can carry a real briefcase - & pay his own way
we miss him so.

Yeah, I am SOOOO lusting after that blush! Its gorgeous.

How was the cheesecake factory


Well-known member
Cheesecake Factory was delish. I wasn't too naughty and ordered a lunch size salad -- but I brought some cheesecake to go for later. I am hiding it from my kids

I know, what is it when I see a new beauty product. I think I have to have it LOL I rediscovered my Blushbaby blush and wore it with Confidence RAEG and loved that combo. I've been into neutrals again lately.

Can't wait to get my hands on some of those Coco Shines . . .


Well-known member
I just saw in the comments on Karla's site that Neiman's is getting re-promote of Miami Peach nail polish. She described it as a coral-pink with gold sparkle. Hmmm, sounds like I need that for summer! I wonder when they're getting that in??


Well-known member
We have to find a way to get that blush!!

Astrid, gorgeous pic and it sounds like you're having a wonderful time!!

Elegant, how cute he is!! I have those pics too - it does seem like yesterday, doesn't it? Nice job on the painting.....don't forget the tip!


Well-known member Not sure this link will work as I'm on the iPad again but that should be swatches of the blush. Elegant your son is just precious in that pic!


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
^^ that's the swatch/pics that made me want that blush

I'd love to check out more of their products, I think I want one of those Gelée d'Interdit glosses. And the Acti'mine makeup base. And more blush of course
, will probably pick up the light pink one if I can get my hands on it.

Elegant, that picture is so cute! And made me think of the pic from my 1st day of school, LOL. I had to wear a pink-white striped dress, and I hated dresses and eveything girly back then. Oh, and white socks in sandals to it.


Specktra Bestie
Well now it looks like I'll have to go back to Sephora to get that Givenchy blush to go along with the Givenchy lipstick I got there yesterday. Plus I keep hearing wonderful things about their mascara and I am obsessed with finding the perfect mascara. I do seriously love the lipstick... Which is good, because, of course, what I really needed was to find another brand whose products I want to collect. I'm definitely keeping an eye out for the glosses coming in summer.

Astrid- Glad to know you had a good vacation! I've always wanted to go to Prague... It's definitely in the cards once I stop spending all my money on makeup...

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