YAY! You got Fauve! Elena picked it up for me on her travels - I cannot wait to see it!
I only got the blushes from QC - nothing else really blew my dress up. And Surf Baby is a snoozer for me as well (though I may replace my Saffron which I mauled depotting because I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing). Flighty holds a bit of promise, and Fashion Flower will save me some bucks unless there are other colors besides the re-promotes coming out. If they're going to re-promote, why not with colors like Parrot, Mulled Cider, Beautyburst, etc?
I only got the blushes from QC - nothing else really blew my dress up. And Surf Baby is a snoozer for me as well (though I may replace my Saffron which I mauled depotting because I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing). Flighty holds a bit of promise, and Fashion Flower will save me some bucks unless there are other colors besides the re-promotes coming out. If they're going to re-promote, why not with colors like Parrot, Mulled Cider, Beautyburst, etc?