Thanks! I think I best get saving so I'm not broke through July and AugustThe MES should be around £15-15.50
Mineralize blushes £18-18.50
MSF should be around £20.50
The brushes I have no idea, Prob similar to what they have at the mo so maybe £15-20 for the eye brushes and anywhere up to £30+ for the cheek brushes
yeah sadly it is never a cheap haul for the mineral collections! no matter how small it may be!The MES should be around £15-15.50
Mineralize blushes £18-18.50
MSF should be around £20.50
The brushes I have no idea, Prob similar to what they have at the mo so maybe £15-20 for the eye brushes and anywhere up to £30+ for the cheek brushes
oh yeah they sound so weird! but i shall buy one of them but i shall wait for reviews too so i can pick the best onehmm i am dubious about the brushes..
half and half burshes, that's a bit wierd, i will need people's opinions on them before i buy for sure
'For skillful application, four new limited-life split fiber brushes a concise half and half compilation of natural and synthetic fibres both sides deposit and distribute color for a soft diffused look use the natural side; for an application the blends, buffs and fuses the color to the skin, use the synthetic. Like any limited edition, these elements start off rare, and tend to get rarer… get rich while you can!'
wow! expensive haul for you then! you best start saving now! hee hee!I will confirmed be gettin:
All the mineralized blushers
All the msfs
One of the split fibre brushes for eye make up
From what I understand from a MAC ma who went for her update training, the synthetic side applies colors more intense and the natural/softer side is used for application of softer colors or blending. It kinda makes sense cause i notice that synthetic brushes like my 242 packs on more colors than softer brushes like the 239.
Very interesting brushes!
which would actually be amazing!! i hate taking loads of brushes away with me! although last time we went on holiday i left my brushes at home and had to buy some at the airport! doh!If the eye blending brush is like the 224, it will be interesting to see how well it will blend as you will have two different types of bristles. Will you get patches of unblended/overblended areas or could this be the best thing since sliced bread? If they work, these sound like they would be great for travelling, you could do your whole face with 2 or 3 brushes. I can't wait for more deets.
When we say split brushes we mean the bristles, right? Like the 187 or something? Some people are talking double-ended brushes. What a flippin' nightmare to store and to clean. Trying to keep water or brush cleaner from getting to the glue that holds the darn thing together. Sephora has double-ended brushes. I don' find them practical or even attractive, myself.
ha! ha! cruella de ville! i wonder how that is going to look...They aren't double ended, Both sets of bristles are on the same end just on different sides so one side will have white bristles and the other side black. Just think Cruella Deville.
They aren't double ended, Both sets of bristles are on the same end just on different sides so one side will have white bristles and the other side black. Just think Cruella Deville.
They aren't double ended, Both sets of bristles are on the same end just on different sides so one side will have white bristles and the other side black. Just think Cruella Deville.