All Your kitty stories remind me of mine (especially you Kate!)
I have 4 cats. 3 in my Apt with the boyfriend, 1 at my parents place.
Mojo is my oldest kitty at 12 yrs old, and she is honest to God my best friend in the world. I got she from the SPCA for my 13th birthday. Mojo and I have a bond like no other, to the point where when she had surgery on her leg and could do the stairs, i slept for almost 3 months in the living room with her, on the couch, because she was lonely and depressed. I know i sound like a crazy cat lady, but i really feel like she understands me sometimes. One time (after her 2nd leg surgery) she was trying to do too much, and kind of hurt it, so she starting walking with her leg crooked back putting no pressure on it, but because of that, it wasn't really getting stronger. One night, I sat on the couch (now my bed) when her and talked to her all night about how she had to try, just a little bit, and she would start to get stronger and feel better and not to be discouraged. I shit you not, the next afternoon, Mojo started walking on it.
Now that she's older, she getting more health problems (high calcium) and has to be given injections of fluids everyday to keep her healthy. I'm the only one she doesn't make a fuss with. here's a picture of my jojo:
Grumbles is the kitty (the now 20 lb kitty) I got for my Boyfriend about 5 and a half years ago for xmas. We adopted him from the SPCA, and unfortunately, he got very sick after we got him. Infact, he almost died from a cat flu and spent 2 weeks in the kitty ICU at the SPCA over xmas and new years. Grumbles is now strong and healthy. He has the residuals of his illness; a leaky eye and the sneezes, but he is the cuddliest guy you've ever met. He is also a master pillow thief! It's really actually amazing to watch. He'll come up next to you and cuddle by your head, and then he slowly expands until he has taken over your entire pillow and you don't even have an inch left. Keep in mind this guy is HUGE (we're sure hes a main coon) and fur ball. But he's soooo happy, but gets spooked by sudden movements and loud noises SO easily. needless to say, Grum hates the Vacuum.
Ginny is our orange kitty, and she is fickle as they come. She is generally the most tentative cats. Ginny is obsessed with water and the bathroom. She meows at the bathroom door, and because she's so quick, she sneaks in and gets herself locked in a lot. she loves to sit by herself for hours on end in the bathtub, or behind the toilet. Ginger is also a total ninja. She will jump about 3 ft in the air, and do full on flips to catch (and retrieve) crumpled up post it notes. She also jumps straight at the wall and Boyce's right off matrix styles. Ginny is the loudest purrer. She sounds like a motor boat its ridiculous. And she LOVES beer too. Here's the lush purring furiously in a fresh pile of warm laundry.
Last, but not least, the most casual cat i know, Scout. Casual old scoutty was a stray, or was dumped, and wandered into my house a rainy cold October night in 2010. While i was in the shower, she wandered up to my old bedroom, climbed through my drawers and made herself at home. We posted signs but no one came for her, so my bf kept her. Scout isn't smart. I love her to death, but she's just dumb. She has no balance. She doesn't "look up". she has no cat like reflexes. She also sleeps 95% of the day. On my side of the bed. Scout loves food. all of it. Whatever you are eating, she wants a piece. But she especially loves mint. After i brush my teeth, Scout is all up in that. If i have Burt's bees on.... well, its not on for long. there is not making scout mad. She is so gentle, and patient and forgiving. All she needs is to be petted once, and all if forgiven. But she's a bully, and totally picks of Ginny all day long. Poor little ginger. This is Scout on her "Tower of Power". She manages to get up there by jumping halfway up the pole and climbing the rest. She doesn't always make it up, but she gets pretty excited when she's up there and often chirps at your loudly.
These are my army of feline friends. Together, we will rule the world!!! meooooowww