I had a great day seeing new makeup at the counters today! Bought the chanel summer collection and I posted it on the summer thread. The dior collection was out too, but we aren't getting the 2 bronzers. Instead, we only have the highlighter shade, which comes in the same woven pattern as the bronzers but it is just a colourless, slightly shimmery powder. You can see it here if you are curious.
Since we don't have Aurore, all the better for my wallet and head as I don't need to consider if I need it. The EL starfish is still nowhere in sight. Maybe I have to visit another counter where it always has special LE items. I'm anxiously awaiting for guerlain's terra inca to launch now.
I visited the DFS in town and the RCS set with the pouch is already sold out! It is selling at the same price as the total cost of the 3 RCS, so there is no savings. The SA said maybe new stocks will come, so I'll go back to check. The Guerlain rouge automatiques are out. Impressed with the colours and finish, and the packaging is interesting and not heavy like the Rouge G. Ladies, if you like the strawberry jam colour, you have to check out Coque D'or! It's stunning!
Cheryl - L'ondee Apres and shalimar are beautiful, you picked the best colours! I also like Champ Elysees and CD!