The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


Well-known member
Thanks Miss QQ! It is actually very pretty. I'll gather more information, since I still have one month and a half for getting it


Well-known member
well it will take me quite some time to save for it but i will certainly post plenty of pics when it's finally mine! :)


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Miss QQ
^^ Thanks. Do you have the bracelet or chain necklace to wear the charms with or do you just wear them with normal necklace? They are very cute, and I'm sure they bring memories to you.

Right now I've been wearing them on a necklace and changing differents ones out while I decide on the bracelet or necklace chain. I think I'm going to go with the necklace as I am always banging arms on stuff:) I haven't checked in a while but Tiffany's had a nice one that was resonably priced.

I also have two cute charms that my hubby bought me from Links of London in Harrods last fall Europe when he was there on business. I'm weird in that I want my Tiffany charms on a different necklace then my LOL ones.


Specktra Bestie
I stopped by one of my NARS counters yesterday and ended up getting invited to a master class/ launch party for the "Makeup Your Mind" book... At the same time, I happened to look over at the adjacent Laura Mercier counter. I just intended to look at the gel lipsticks, but then my eye fell on one of the gloss sticks- Black Orchid. Strikes me as my absolute perfect summer gloss-with-colour. So now I think I have to go back for that...


Well-known member
I stopped by one of my NARS counters yesterday and ended up getting invited to a master class/ launch party for the "Makeup Your Mind" book... At the same time, I happened to look over at the adjacent Laura Mercier counter. I just intended to look at the gel lipsticks, but then my eye fell on one of the gloss sticks- Black Orchid. Strikes me as my absolute perfect summer gloss-with-colour. So now I think I have to go back for that...
oh wow! i hope you have a great time at the launch party. i shall be getting that new book too at some point. i ordered the older one yesterday from amazon. i believe the new one uses real people rather than models for the photos which sounds great!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Right now I've been wearing them on a necklace and changing differents ones out while I decide on the bracelet or necklace chain. I think I'm going to go with the necklace as I am always banging arms on stuff:) I haven't checked in a while but Tiffany's had a nice one that was resonably priced.
I also have two cute charms that my hubby bought me from Links of London in Harrods last fall Europe when he was there on business. I'm weird in that I want my Tiffany charms on a different necklace then my LOL ones.
I would also want Tiffany charms on Tiffany chains, so I get why you don't want them on the LOL. I hope to see pics when you get the necklace! I'm also always banging my wrists so I don't wear bracelets. I would be heart broken if I scratched or knocked the charms.

Lou - my wallet is actually still in very good condition because I wear it once every month or two. Because it is small, it is also easier to protect it from other people or things banging into it when I'm outside in a crowded place. Check out the purseblog - they have very good pics and opinions to help you decide what you want. Oooh the new speedy is already out in UK. Hope you get to see it in real.


Well-known member
I would also want Tiffany charms on Tiffany chains, so I get why you don't want them on the LOL. I hope to see pics when you get the necklace! I'm also always banging my wrists so I don't wear bracelets. I would be heart broken if I scratched or knocked the charms.
Lou - my wallet is actually still in very good condition because I wear it once every month or two. Because it is small, it is also easier to protect it from other people or things banging into it when I'm outside in a crowded place. Check out the purseblog - they have very good pics and opinions to help you decide what you want. Oooh the new speedy is already out in UK. Hope you get to see it in real.
ooohh that purseblog and forum is so dangerous!! i am a member but have only posted less than 10 times - i just love reading about peoples hauls and seeing photos of the beautiful bags!! and i am pleased your wallet is still in great condition! and yes i guess it is more of a special occasion item than something to use every day... that is what a speedy is for! lol!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I agree, that forum is dangerous! All the bags are gorgeous and I get obsessed when I looked at them, so I don't visit the forum anymore lol. The wallet is very convenient when you have very little things to carry. But because I always bring a lot of things around and it is precious to me so I don't use it a lot. Hmm I need a daily bag that is light and can carry lots of things but it must be able to take abuses. No idea what I want yet though but not anything too expensive like LV etc.

Just to share this pic. It's patent leather and so pretty. I think it came in non patent and summery colours last year.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
It's very quiet here, hope everyone is well. I saw the new Dior quints, 5 couleurs lift, today. The darkest shade at the bottom right is the eye and brow liner! Wow, it's good that it can fill the brows too. The gel in the middle is a primer. There are 4 quints and all are neutral and natural/nude looking except for Lifting Amber. I quite like Amber, but I can't decide which quint I want. Cheryl, have you seen them? What do you think?

And I got a pleasant surprised when I saw Fauve at my chanel counter today. I posted pics at the Holiday 2011 thread. I haven't seen the Byzance collection as it was at another counter and I will go there on Sunday. Have a great weekend, ladies! Enjoy the summer!


Well-known member
I agree, that forum is dangerous! All the bags are gorgeous and I get obsessed when I looked at them, so I don't visit the forum anymore lol. The wallet is very convenient when you have very little things to carry. But because I always bring a lot of things around and it is precious to me so I don't use it a lot. Hmm I need a daily bag that is light and can carry lots of things but it must be able to take abuses. No idea what I want yet though but not anything too expensive like LV etc.

Just to share this pic. It's patent leather and so pretty. I think it came in non patent and summery colours last year.
oh wow!! what a beautiful design on that one! i absolutely love it!


Well-known member
Hello everyone...

It's been quiet on here lately. Hope you're all well.

I finally got around to trying the GA bronze eye palette and looove. Worn it three days straight. That and Bronze Corail for a simple summer look.

MissQQ, do you have many Dior quints? They come out with some really pretty combos, but mine have been hit and miss with the wear. I cannot look at anything now to even be tempted! Will have to wait for Chane's fall collection! Did you end up getting Fauve? I think it's a very pretty colour, but haven't used it much since the warm weather hit.


Well-known member
MissQQ -- glad you were able to pick up Fauve! I have been wearing my trusty peachy pinks -- I need to branch out more. But I love that it is finally warming up here -- hello, it is June afterall :)

Nora -- yay, that you got the GA palette. I have been wanting that one so bad -- but have been restraining myself because I have so many neutral palettes. I guess if it sells out, I can always get the Chanel Spices, since it is a close dupe. I just love the texture of the GA colors in the pics I saw. Gorgeous!

Well, those adorable shoes I had to hunt down don't fit! I have narrow feet, but these shoes are crazy narrow! I'm so sad to have to return them. But I did pick up a darling pair of Seychelles Pot of Gold pumps in the taupe color. They are retro looking and so cute. I have been concentrating more on my summer wardrobe than on makeup lately. When the Chanel Fall collection comes out, that will all change :)

We're off to the Shakespeare Festival tonight. We go and picnic before the show -- yay that the sun is shining today. Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!


Well-known member
Hi Elegant!

The only Tiffany's jewellery I have is the Elsa Peretti (sp?) heart in silver that DH gave me after my daughter was born. Elegant, are the hearts you collect charms?

Michelle, that really sucks with the shoes. How frustrating to actually find your size and then they don't fit. Is there a pic of the shoes you did get? And ya, the texture on the GA shadows is great, they apply and blend super easy and the wear is also really good. The spices quad is very close based on the link Winthrop posted earlier, but I think the brown in the Chanel quad is a touch more of a reddish brown. We get the baked quads here, so application wise, the GA palette is much easier.

Oh, and I got my package today with my LM gel lipsticks! Elegant, I think I am going to love Hibiscus as much as you, the colour looks so super pretty but I don't want to swatch it yet. (Ya, it's weird!). It just looks so pretty in the tube! Looks much different irl than I thought, a lot brighter in the actual tube. Also got Dollface and Berry Sorbet. I also got the Hibiscus l/s from MAC along with the cheek powder, rather, my brother picked it up for me when we were in Virginia. He emailed me to say that the SA told him that I owed him big and he was a really nice brother!

Michelle, have a great time at the Shakespeare Festival, that should be fun!


Well-known member
Hi girls! Happy weekend!

Well, my 'little one' graduated last night - beautiful ceremony and not too many was fun. My mom and brother leave early tomorrow morning, so the weekend will be quiet after a racous and fun week past.

MissQQ, I haven't seen the quads in person yet, but plan to hit Nordie's tomorrow to check them out. I will let you know what my verdict is.....

I also tried, for the first time, my sample pack of Vitalumiere last night, and I have to say I love it! It gave me the nicest soft-focus finish....I used Lilium, Rose Platine, Rosee powder, Espiegle and Jersey Rose. It was such a great look -

I haven't yet tried the Armani quad - I can't wait to test drive this - I haven't worn makeup this week except for the graduation, as there hasn't been much 'me' time.

I also scored some great antiques at 'steal' prices this weekend - I'm 'converting' my younger son's room - he uses our basement as his room (it's quite the man-cave) so I told him I'm moving in on his turf. My mom and I found a great antique oak dresser with a mirror, a beautiful washstand, and a great maple table that I'll use as a bed table. I have a reproduction four-poster (twin) bed that I'll put in there - we haven't used it since the kids were born, so it will be nice to have it back in use. Like Elegant, I'll be stripping and painting, but I'm excited for the prospects. I'm also going to move my desk in there (the room has an alcove of sorts where the dormer is) and use it as my office I think.

So, a great time was had by all, and there's a weekend coming up, so I'm loving life at the moment. Hope you all are as well!

Have fun at the Shakespeare festival Michelle! Sorry the shoes didn't work after all you went through to get them, but at least you found some you like!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Can't wait to hear your review of the quints. The look sounds very pretty! have fun remaking the room, the dresser sounds beautiful! Great that you have a beautiful graduation ceremony.

Hi elegant! Oooh can we see your Tiffany hearts? I only have 1 silver heart necklace, Paloma Picasso loving heart. I like so many of them it's crazy. Now you give me an idea of collecting them.

Nora - Enjoy the LM l/s. Yeah Hibiscus Blooms looks very bright but when I swatched it, it is quite transparent. I have 3 dior quints and I'm not wild over them. I have electric lights (blue), graphic lights (pink) and iridescent leather. IR is the famous neutral quint that I read great reviews on but I find it too warm on me and I don't like it. I don't wear any of the quints often, I always go back to my trusty chanel quads. There are always 2 or even more very similar colours in the dior quints and I don't use them all, so I find it a waste. The new quints have a base and a liner shade, so I'm curious about them. Hoping to hear you ladies' thoughts on them. I haven't bought Fauve yet. It's silly but the department store has a promotion of $20 off if we purchase $200 of cosmetics. I managed to find $199 of items I want after walking round and round so I finally gave up and went home. I may pick it up on Sunday!

Michelle - enjoy the play! Thanks, I'll try Fauve with the peachy pinks when I buy it!


Well-known member
Elegant -- sounds like I need more Tiffany jewelry! I have one silver ball bracelet and I love it. I kept the famous blue box
Glad you're back on the Ratonas thread!

Nora -- here is a pic of the shoes I did get:
Hopefully that link works. I am loving this retro look this summer of cute pumps with skirts and dresses.
Enjoy your LM lippies!!

Cheryl -- so glad you had a great time at your son's graduation. It must have been such a bittersweet time! How exciting, though.
Your new room sounds lovely! I would take over the man cave, too lol

MissQQ -- thanks -- the play was fun! It was Shakespeare's Two Gentlemen of Verona and the production was very clever. They are doing Taming of the Shrew in August, which is my fave. Might have to go back :)

Time to go bed . . . I'm exhausted! Happy Weekend to all of you -- hope you get lots of shopping in!


Well-known member
Cheryl, congrats on your son's graduation! That must've been a fun time with the family over!

Michelle, I looove those shoes! You're so lucky that you at least have adult sized feet!

MissQQ, I can't believe you were only under by $1! Would they not have honoured the promotion? I know that at the Chanel counter, they often let me have the discount if I'm only off a couple of dollars, but at the Dior counter, when I was under by a few dollars, the SA wanted to sell me something else. But I'm a very frequent customer at Chanel, so they're really accommodating! As for the Dior quints, I probably won't be trying anymore anytime soon. I remember back when everyone was going nuts over the Iridescent Leather quint, but I had already missed it.

Hope everyone's enjoying their weekend. I'm locking myself in my home till it's clean from top to bottom!


Well-known member
Michelle, I looove those shoes! You're so lucky that you at least have adult sized feet!

Hope everyone's enjoying their weekend. I'm locking myself in my home till it's clean from top to bottom!
Thanks -- I managed to get them in a size 6, which is usually sold out. I am between a 5.5 and 6, which is so hard to find! I can't imagine how hard it is for you to find size 4!! There is a brand here called Mudd shoes (don't know if they have them in Canada) and sometimes they have really cute wedges and mary jane style pumps and come in a size 4.
Good luck with your cleaning!!

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