NARS Fall 2011


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The weight of the product (especially non-powders) does not necessarily mean less volume .... the best way to tell is how long it lasts.


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I just ordered the duo, trio and Pago Pago l/s from the Nordies site - I was so happy to see it up there - can't wait to receive these beauties!


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I spotted the new collection at my local Sephora today. They have the liners, LTL glosses, etc. I have to say that I am impressed by the shadow trio. The green is to DIE for. The gray is nice, although I have a similar mufe shadow and the peach is definitely frosty, but it can be pretty if used lightly under the brow or in the inner corner. I might buy it in the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately, the glosses didn't impress. The coral that I liked ended up being too milky and the other ones, I have plenty of glosses in those shades. The taupe color in the shadow duo is STUNNING, but I have to pass because that reddish color will be horrible on me. Slightly off-topic, I have heard mixed opinions on Barbarella lipstick (by Nars) from WOC and I have been afraid to buy it. However, it would always call to me in store and it jumped off and on my wishlist at Today, though I had a sign because it was the last Barbarella left. I snatched it up after almost putting it back. I must say, I have found my HG nude. It is gorgeous. It gives off a slight, very slight peachy sheen. So easy to wear. Honolulu Honey can have a seat. So glad I bought this. I love Nars!


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I picked up Outremer today and its beautiful! Its way bolder than Atlantic Blue and it feels very smooth. Applied on the lids, the purple in it is very noticeable. I am very happy with it, so much so that it has made me forget about hauling Blue Sheen from MAC Semi Precious.

Now about those Larger than Life Lipglosses, um HELLO! one of them looks so much like Strawberry Fields, that it isn't even funny! They are beautiful glosses. I need a few.


Well-known member
[quote name="sss215" url="/forum/thread/173546/nars-fall-2011/270#post_2148187"] I picked up Outremer today and its beautiful! Its way bolder than Atlantic Blue and it feels very smooth. Applied on the lids, the purple in it is very noticeable. I am very happy with it, so much so that it has made me forget about hauling Blue Sheen from MAC Semi Precious.

Now about those Larger than Life Lipglosses, um HELLO! one of them looks so much like Strawberry Fields, that it isn't even funny! They are beautiful glosses. I need a few.
[/quote] Did you notice a smell with the glosses? Some people are saying they smell rank, but I didn't smell anything. Outremer is a pretty color and I already knew when I swatched it that it would work much better on the lids than swatched. I'm gonna pass just because I don't use colors like that often, but it looked great on Karen from MUABB.


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I broke down and got Pago Pago. I really like shades like it because they're subdued and as close to nude as I dare get. Perhaps it's just me, but on my lips it looks more like a sheer shimmery nude than a pink as described by Nars. Either way, it's a winner in my book.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Shontay - let us know how you feel about the trio if you get it. Cheryl - very excited! I'm interested in all three, especially the duo. Not sure if the rose can work on me, and as for the trio, I want to know if the texture and pigmentation is good.


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Pago pago is beautiful every day shade. I didnt buy it just because i feel i have too many similar ones.
I got madison ave eyeliner and it's just stunning!


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I just ordered Montego Bay and that's going to be my first - matte - lipstick - ever! I hope I won't be disappointed


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Shontay, I think that 'smell' has been done away with. NARS glosses used to smell like halitosis... no kidding. They were DISGUSTING to wear because, in addition to being sticky and gross, that smell was always just under your nose!
It was horrid. I didn't purchase NARS glosses for YEARS because of the smell... and then one day I took a whiff and noticed that something had changed... in a good way. They're not nearly as sticky as they used to be either.


Well-known member
Wow. :lol: I'm glad I missed out on that grossness. Mine have a faint smell of wax, but I can't smell it at all once I apply it and they aren't sticky. Stella is one of my absolute favorites.


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Outremer is a pretty color and I already knew when I swatched it that it would work much better on the lids than swatched. I'm gonna pass just because I don't use colors like that often, but it looked great on Karen from MUABB.
No smell. I have a keen sense of smell so I would have noticed right away. I plan on wearing Outremer with MUFE 92. I keep thinking about combining the 2 over and over again in my head. This weekend I'll play.


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Okay, I finally saw the collection in person and...Outremer might wear me down and force me to buy her. I really like the Train Bleu matte lip pencil. May break down and get the Via Veneto and Abbey Road (because I have pix of when I visited Westminster Abbey in the UK). It'll have to wait until I get paid next Friday.

On another note, did folks know NARS has out a Night series e/s palette? 6 shadows from the Night Collection for $55. Guess who bought one? Yep, this chick.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ saw reviews of it. It looks gorgeous. Have you played with it? Almus - the lipstick looks hot in the swatches. Hope you like it!


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I wore Mascate matte lippie to class yesterday and I loved it! Lasted all day, through a meal and I didn't even need to touch it up! I got compliments, too. It's deep, but not too dark and vampy(I don't care for those kinds of shades anymore) but just deep enough to seem sophisticated. I like that it's matte, too. No shimmer, just a beautiful red that doesn't look or feel dry. I feel so good about this that I might order Montego Bay,too. I was skeptical of the color, but I might give it a shot. I might also try Pago Pago lipstick. I wonder how close it is to Mac's High Tea. I am not so keen on the shadow duo anymore. I can't pay that price for the one shadow that I really want(the green shade). I'm also considering other stuff from Nars like Beautiful Liar lipstick and some other stuff. :D


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@Shontay! Glad you had such a great day rockin' the Mascate lippie!!! I find NARS so spot on and stylish with their colours and the colours are a perfect balance of high-style accessory and timeless sophistication to give a polished and fashionable look that is noticeable in a very good way. I'm a wee bit jealous but being truly patient since in Canada we are still waiting to see everything (the Fall collection etc.) in stores ... tic toc soon....


Well-known member
i finally ordered montego bay lipstick, oasis lipsgloss, and outremer eyeshadow. i cannot wait to get them and play with them. =) ( i also bought galapagos, i hope its as nice as everyone says it is and another orgasm blush i hadnt used it in a long time so thought it was time to replace)...ICONIC shipping code for 2day and im set!! cant wait to get my goodies!!


Well-known member
i'm sad because i haven't got spare cash to order anything just yet. however i do really want oasis gloss! :)

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