Frenemies, Friends...Makeup Haters?


Well-known member
She doesn't sound like a frenemy. Just a friend who is looking for a reaction. A simple response like: 'it's something I choose, that I like' should get her to "let it go". If she wants your opinions and help then she'll ask for it. Models don't wear makeup because they "need" it. Nars describes makeup as accessory for clothes - I tend to agree :)
Agreed, Makeup does accesorize your clothes. Its the way she said it in reference to me, I guess you wouldve had to be there to get it. Believe me, the "It's something I choose" line doesnt work, I literally feel awkward when we walk into makeup stores or counters because she starts snarling and pouting. I've larned to understand her more lately, I dont say anything. I learned recently through the visit of a friend, that her problem is that she likes to be the "expert". I'm NO expert by any means and i'm learning alot on my own so I just let her be.


Well-known member
sounds like you have it under control. :) don't let her rain on your parade (even on the inside) ... I'd not take her in the makeup stores with you - have her wait outside LOL!!! ;-)


Well-known member
I'm going through this now with my mother. Every time she gets a chance she is commenting on "I have enough makeup and brushes". But will turn around and ask me for help. *roll eyes*
In a nutshell: don't worry about the haters. I often wish I had more friends who enjoyed makeup as I do. It's funny, however, to get the strange comments from them about your makeup use and purchasing, but then some of them will have the nerve to come to you when they want help wearing it! You need to justify nothing, just enjoy what you do and have fun with it!


Well-known member
I work as a MUA, and obviously need to wear a full face of makeup to work. its not always my prefrence (since i need to do it 5 days a week, i wish i could take a break). I get people coming to me for suggestions and advice, and give me the same snotty attitude your "friend" is giving you. Women are catty. no matter the age or colour. We have people wanting full coverage concealers to cover HORRIBLE acne, the size that leaves lesions the size of a golf ball on your face, and you know its because they do not wash their face, not hormonal (ive learned to be able to tell the diffrence). Whenever i enquire as to their skincare routine, and make a suggestion, i usually get totally blown off. As in, no, i cannot even talk to you or give you a sample of something. Ignoring the bacteria will not work. you dont have perfect skin, just like i dont have a perfect body. Deal.

Its like pale women who are in total denial about being pale. I had a woman who was a natural redhead, so by natures law, she is meant to be fair skinned. Well she tanned her skin to the point were it was ruined from sun damage, but still, shes not bronzed. She had come in over the summer for a TEMPTU airbrush demo, and i colour matched her with a no 4 or 5 (out of 12). She refused, she started to throw a hissy fit. so i bumped her up to 7 (which btw, is the darkest any white woman will probably ever go, 8 is going into lighter skinned WOC for sure). It was too dark for her, obviously, and she maintained she was STILL too pale! Last week she came in, with her same "i know better than you" attitude, and complained to me and my manager about "Some pale redheaded girl who did the airbrush on me this summer" (me, she didnt recognize me) Going on and on about how horrible it was, how other people in teh line were looking at her funny because of how pale she looked (they were looking at her cause she was causing a commotion, and theyd never see airbrush). My manager (bless her) try as she might, could not make her happy, because she didnt come to us for help. She came to us to bitch.

anyway, all this goes to say there are so many woman, who for one reason or another cannot deal with what they are/what they have. Instead of going to the root problem or tyheir issue, or embracing it, they fight against it, pretend they are something they're not or ignore it all together. And then, heaven forbid you give an honest opinion, your wrong and stupid. These people are unhappy in their lives for some reason, and instead of thanking you for helping, they take out their unfocused anger on you. Its sad.

If this friend is constantly putting you down for something you love, well, like you said, shes a frenemy. Dont keep people that bring you down around.
I need to take my own advice, cause i have one too.

I know this is totally off topic, but could you explain this a lil bit more? I just had a bad break out and I'm trying to figure out what is causing it.


Well-known member
Sounds like your mom respects your knowledge and supports the interest, but wants you to save your money. She thinks you look perfect and have lots of gear. That's ok. I think I have enough, or even more than I need, it's not about need, it's about want and added enjoyment lol.



Well-known member
I find it really annoying when people comment upon make-up, unless its the helpful kind like warning you your mascara has smudged or something likethat... Each to their own.
However suffering from acne for years I found it really annoying when people would comment that I "should" wear foundation, not only did it make me more self-conscious that my acne was that obvious but also it was ignoring my choice not to wear foundation. For me I was concerned it would make my skin worse, and for boring things like school, etc.. I would not wear foundation, but on nights out/special things I would... I was very also stringent about skin care and diet and after years of various dermatologists it was finally Roaccutane that fixed it (although I have quoite a few 'shadows' left behind from spots). Grg.
I guess it comes down to intention. You could be offering advice, or it could be passive agressive - you know what girls are like.


Well-known member
My mom's approach to make-up is very minimal and conservative. I agree with the saying "natural beauty is best" and even love how I look with hardly any product on, but I also think the monotony can be boring! I love colorful looks and eyeshadows so when I lived with her, I ignored her comments on how I looked like an attention whore/hooker/etc. I know I don't/didn't wear too much, she was just being a crybaby about it. I'm sorry about your friend--ITA with the others. She seems insecure and defensive.


Well-known member
I know I'm late but I had to add my two cents. I hear comments from both women and men. The women are usually, like previous people stated. just being catty. Once a lady was asking me why I wasted my time with all that make up stuff. Talking about how it was a waste of money. blah blah blah. I asked her how much money and time did she spend at the nail shop letting the lady apply FULL LASHES? How long do they last? Her reply, "Oh, but that's different." They had the lashes so full it looked like she had those sun setter awnings applied onto her eyelids. If she didn't come across as so close-minded I would have been happy to direct her here or to a couple of channels on youtube.

And the men, oh the men. LOL. I get, "I hate that make up shit" or "I hate fake hair." But if I show them a picture of Kim Kardashian, Beyonce or some other hot celebrity its always "That's a bad B..." When I point out the fact that these women wear more make up and hair extensions than any average woman in their area would probably see in a year, I'm a hater.

Once they finish their little rant/rave/sermon, I just ask one question... "Do you feel better now?"
There is nothing wrong to wear make up, who don't want to look more pretty!
Be yourself, be the one that you want to to be and love to be.

If one day, you lose all the confident at once, then you must be fall in love---Herve leger

A Gurl Can Mac

Active member
I have people in my life like this all of the time. Sadly it really does seem TO ME that AA women are more judgemental, It seems like some of us talk just to hear ourselves speak.


Well-known member
i found it a little unnerving that i went to the mall this past weekend with a coworker who shares the same love of makeup as i do, and we had an awesome time going to MAC and Sephora, finding colors for each other and what not, and then when we met up with my best friend who is mutually known to my coworker, said bestie proceeded to turn her nose up when she 1)saw the black MAC bags and 2) saw our friend's receipt from MAC and saw how much she spent. and i made a comment that she wouldn't be looking in my bag to check my receipt either and she just grunted. that's exactly why i didn't hit you up to see if you wanted to go to the mall with me because i knew you'd be like this and i'm not trying to hear that...

i don't get the big deal. i don't get mad at her spending money on the things she likes to buy...what just because i'm buying something she'll never use its a problem? IT'S MY MONEY!!


I try to ignore those women. I could be nasty and say "Just as how I respect your right to be a plain Jane, I would hope that you can respect my right to put whatever I want on my face"

But I don't. Not yet, anyway.


Well-known member
I know this is totally off topic, but could you explain this a lil bit more? I just had a bad break out and I'm trying to figure out what is causing it.

Sorry, i realize this is a very late response.
Hormonal acne tends to happen in certain areas, like, what i call the beard area. It also tends to be much deeper in the tissue, and a lot larger. So, cystic Acne.... Most people will not have what looks like cystic acne continously if there is nothing off hormonally.

If you have regular sized looking breakouts, and one or two cystic or deep breakouts, i wouldnt be worried, but if you have more cystic than not, might be hormonal.


Well-known member
Does your bestie wear or like makeup at all? Maybe she's jealous (?) I don't mean that in a mean way, but maybe she wants in on the fun but doesn't know where to begin.

i found it a little unnerving that i went to the mall this past weekend with a coworker who shares the same love of makeup as i do, and we had an awesome time going to MAC and Sephora, finding colors for each other and what not, and then when we met up with my best friend who is mutually known to my coworker, said bestie proceeded to turn her nose up when she 1)saw the black MAC bags and 2) saw our friend's receipt from MAC and saw how much she spent. and i made a comment that she wouldn't be looking in my bag to check my receipt either and she just grunted. that's exactly why i didn't hit you up to see if you wanted to go to the mall with me because i knew you'd be like this and i'm not trying to hear that...

i don't get the big deal. i don't get mad at her spending money on the things she likes to buy...what just because i'm buying something she'll never use its a problem? IT'S MY MONEY!!


Well-known member
i've seen her buy some shadows and some pigmented lipglosses, so i know she's trying, but she is very much a no-makeup kinda girl (i dunno, i don't think she needs it, but then again she'd say the same thing about me). i think it has a lot to do with just how much i am spending on it, so i can very minimally understand where she gets mad, i just wish she wasn't as vocal about it as she is. she'd better get with it because we're probably gonna be housemates soon, and her mom sells mary kay so makeup is all around her!


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