Chanel Spring 2012 collection


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Woah, is Specktra acting up for anyone else as well? It took four tries to get the post online....


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Yup, definitely getting Tiger Lily, no doubt. Warm orange with gold sparkle = I'm ALL over that.
Wonder if I could use it as a blush...

Here are some official product pics, but I think some of the items are Euro-only (blogger is in Norway I believe).

At this point I'm only getting Tiger Lily and Flirt RCS on release. I'd really like the Eclosion quad but since it's perm (right?), I'll wait. The blush looks quite tempting, especially since I don't have a burgundy/berry-ish blush, but I think I'll hold out until Chanel releases a JC like that. I missed out on last year's Rose Temptation and Plum Attraction. :/ Paradis and Chalys Rouge Coco also look tempting but the times I've tried RCs they've felt really dry on my lips. Perhaps I'll give them another try with this release.


Well-known member
Did you guys see? Gorgeous pictures of the spring stuff!


Well-known member
My list for now:
definitelly yes: the quad, apricot nail polish

maybe, but leaning towards yes, just because I won't be able to resist: blush

need to see and decide: dark red/pink nail polish, eyeliner, RCSs

after seing the swatch I am no longer interested in Tiger Lily, also trying to resist Rouge Cocos, wonderful colors but I find the formula drying
also need to see glossimers if they are too sheer

From Guerlain I have on my list Cruel Gardenia meteorites and the pink quad Les Roses. Maybe I should try the Rouge Gs instead of rouge cocos.


Well-known member
You are *not helping here
I only have one blush from Illamasqua and I am not a huge fan to be honest.

Oh well, I have two of them, Hussy and Tweak, and I am seriously loving them , not only for the color but for the amazing pigmentation and blendability. They are the only blushes lasting the whole day, even when I am wearing no foundation. I guess each skin is different and what can be great for me, may be not be the same for others. Which one do you have bis?

Thank you so much for the pics. I knew for sure I was picking April and June up, but now I know I have to add the quad and maybe the powder to my wish list. Not good, not good ...


Well-known member
Well seeing the even more close-up pics I'm scratching the Rouge Cocos off my list. Sticking with Flirt RCS and Tiger Lily, and while the quad is a definite WANT I'll need to swatch it and make sure it shows up on me. The blush is creeping onto my list but since I already own Horizon and Reflex, I'm trying to convince myself that it's pretty but I don't need it in my stash.

EDIT: Isn't it going to be around $70 USD? That's a bit out of my price comfort range just for a blush, even for Chanel.


Well-known member
  Oh well, I have two of them, Hussy and Tweak, and I am seriously loving them , not only for the color but for the amazing pigmentation and blendability. They are the only blushes lasting the whole day, even when I am wearing no foundation. I guess each skin is different and what can be great for me, may be not be the same for others. Which one do you have bis? Thank you so much for the pics. I knew for sure I was picking April and June up, but now I know I have to add the quad and maybe the powder to my wish list. Not good, not good ... :whistle:
Oh, that might be a reason, my blush is Ambition and it is very glittery. I do like the blendability, but the glitter is a bit much. Especially since it seems to always transfer on to my bf and he looks like a mirrorball ;) Maybe I'll give a matte blush a try. April is for sure (color and name) and one of the RC and the blush. Not sure about the quad as it might be too warm. Well, let's hope the next swatches make our list smaller :)


Well-known member
^^ I'm thinking the same about the quad, bis. Nothing is firmly on my list yet, but I will probably get the blush and probably won't get any more Rouge Cocos. I just like the RAs better...although my fave Magnolia is a Coco.
As for the Shines, I guess I have enough unless a particular color really ends up blowing me away. Will have to see more on them, the e/l & the nps.


Well-known member
^^ I'm thinking the same about the quad, bis. Nothing is firmly on my list yet, but I will probably get the blush and probably won't get any more Rouge Cocos. I just like the RAs better...although my fave Magnolia is a Coco. :hmm:  As for the Shines, I guess I have enough unless a particular color really ends up blowing me away. Will have to see more on them, the e/l & the nps.
I agree, with the RCS I am afraid they more or less end up looking the same on me as I have pigmented lips. So far I have Flying Clound and Antigone and except one of them blows me away, I am good. The dark RC looks promising, but I need swatches to see how unique it would be to my collection. The liner reminds me of Cassis. Listen to me, I sounds reasonable ;)


Well-known member
^^ I'm thinking the same about the quad, bis. Nothing is firmly on my list yet, but I will probably get the blush and probably won't get any more Rouge Cocos. I just like the RAs better...although my fave Magnolia is a Coco.
As for the Shines, I guess I have enough unless a particular color really ends up blowing me away. Will have to see more on them, the e/l & the nps.
I'm the same Winthrop, I LOVE the Rouge Allure formula and as much as I try to like the Rouge Cocos I just...can't. Too bad Chanel keeps releasing colors I want in RC format and not RA. *mutter mutter mutter* Would it kill you Chanel to release a nice coral RA?

I do like the RCS formula though, maybe alongside Flirt I'll *finally* pick up Aventure, Unique, and Sari d'Eau. *is slowpoke*


Well-known member
I'm the same Winthrop, I LOVE the Rouge Allure formula and as much as I try to like the Rouge Cocos I just...can't. Too bad Chanel keeps releasing colors I want in RC format and not RA. *mutter mutter mutter* Would it kill you Chanel to release a nice coral RA?
I do like the RCS formula though, maybe alongside Flirt I'll *finally* pick up Aventure, Unique, and Sari d'Eau. *is slowpoke*

^This is exactly how I feel RC dry my lips out but I LOVE RA! Although I bought a RC in Mademoiselle and it's nothing like the other two I have (Patchouli & Chintz) It doesn't dry my lips out at all so I may try out one or two from this collection...


Well-known member
I just came back from the counter.

Brace yourself! Everything is gorgeous!!!!!

My impressions:
quad- for me definitelly star of the collection. The peach color made me drop my jaw. It is SO PRETTY. Also the beige. No shimmer. But they are GLOWY. Will be amazing eye brighteners. The whitish highlight color actually swatches clear, but it has sparkle. The darker brown is also pretty definitelly leaning to plum. This s a total must have for me, I have been looking for peach color ages and this one is even better as I imagined. It is also very creamy and pigmented.

blush- very pretty, but in the tester all stripes were already blurred and messed up so my question is, will this design get ruined with use? To my naked eye in the mall lighting this looks like Benefit Bella Bamba. It might be even more irrdescent than bella bamba. I was told the price is $58.


Well-known member
eye singles- not much to report after I was overwhelmed with the quad. The pale color is matte. Tiger Lily has glitter partickles and I dont think it is extra pigmented.

eye liner- I think I might be getting this, color is similar to the darkest color from quad but leans more red.

nail polishes- these are total cremes I believe, no shimmer or anything else in them. April was not as bright as I expected from promo pics. very pretty, but probably dupable. May to me looked like creme version of Morning Rose. June is more pale as I expected.

RCs- hmmm these looked too dry, I liked best the darkest color

RCshines- the pale one is clear frost, the orange one is quite bright, almost like Liberte but the undertone of this one is different than liberte,

RC baume- this is clear, so it is a lip balm, I dont think I would buy lip balm form Chanel ever, I prefer natural products in this category

Glossimers- the pink one is bright, the rest swatched clear (I am not exactly sure if those 2 clear ones were the ones from the collection)

now you ask, what did I get?

NOTHING, I walked away.
I am going to try to sneak some Christmas ideas to my BF or in worst case will wait for Lord& Taylor F&F sale.

Dont even ask how hard was it to walk away from the quad!!!!!


Well-known member
For those who thought the quad is warm, I dont think it is warm at all. I would say it is more neutral.


Well-known member
Thanks for the rundown Ikram! Dangit, saying the quad is glowy just cinched its spot on my shopping list. I'm a little worried that I might have to pack on Tiger Lily if it's not that pigmented (was hoping it would be like a warm-toned Beige Lame), but I'll have to try it on and see. RCS in Flirt will have to compete against Sari d'Eau in the Coral Wars to see which one I'll buy, but if they're different enough they might both come home with me. The blush is even more tempting since it's only (ha!) $58 but if the design gets muddied so easily I too wonder what kind of pigmented mess it'll become after frequent use.


Well-known member
Thanks for the rundown Ikram! Dangit, saying the quad is glowy just cinched its spot on my shopping list. I'm a little worried that I might have to pack on Tiger Lily if it's not that pigmented (was hoping it would be like a warm-toned Beige Lame), but I'll have to try it on and see. RCS in Flirt will have to compete against Sari d'Eau in the Coral Wars to see which one I'll buy, but if they're different enough they might both come home with me. The blush is even more tempting since it's only (ha!) $58 but if the design gets muddied so easily I too wonder what kind of pigmented mess it'll become after frequent use.

You know in RCS corals there is also Misia color, which is Bergdorf and Nieman exclusive but I saw it in Europe as part of perm collection.


Well-known member
Ikram -- thank you for the low down on everything! I am interested in the quad, the stripey blush, and the pink glossimer. I need to see swatches of the RC's before I decide on those -- the pink one looked pretty

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Ikram -- thank you for the low down on everything! I am interested in the quad, the stripey blush, and the pink glossimer. I need to see swatches of the RC's before I decide on those -- the pink one looked pretty
Are you refering to Charme? I like it too! I like Paradis and Superstition too. Superstition looks like a pretty nude, hopefully it has some pink. I like Bonbon and Bagatelle glossimer too. Bonbon looks close to the holiday beige glossimer, which I didn't buy after all. That said, I'm trying not to buy more glossimers unless they are must haves.

The RCs don't feel particularly dry to me, but the formula is not the same for different colours. I find some more dry while some have more slip. I also feel the RC line has prettier colours than the RA line.

I love the promo pic and the model. Only thing is the more I look at it, the more it seems the model is shading her eyes from the sun. lol. Anyway her white top is gorgeous.

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