Chanel Spring 2012 collection


Well-known member
I just got a confirmation notice saying that my big Chanel order won't be here until Monday the 19th. What in the world?!?
You must live on the west coast like me...I got the same delivery date. >_> Ah well, free shipping! If we've waited a few months for this collection to hit (US) I guess we can wait a week more, LOL. Chanel's not like MAC where everything's sold out in 5 seconds, so we can be grateful for that...

EDIT: 500th post! I'm now officially a Specktra Senior!


Well-known member
I just got a confirmation notice saying that my big Chanel order won't be here until Monday the 19th. What in the world?!?

Oh no , thats lame!
Just when I thought they were shipping faster. I'm just really close to their shipping warehouse. But I am kind of surprised that all the different orders different days are all coming on the same day. I hope he delivers earlier in the day.

Hubs asked me how much of the collection was left that I didn't get

I really want to see more swatches of Charme ls but I can't find any.


Well-known member
Elegant--from what I saw/swatched of the RCs today, Charme struck me as the most easy-to-forget. It's a pretty soft pink, yes, but nothing new and I imagine most here have something similar in their stash. Of course, I'm a bit darker and warmer than you so what's blah on me might be amazing on you.

For what it's worth, I passed on Destinee since it skirted extremely close to MAC's Party Line and Paradis struck me as a RC version of Hyde Park, just a tad lighter and with shimmer. I might've picked that up if I didn't already have Hyde Park on the way, and Chalys if I didn't have Exotic coming as well.

EDIT: Pfft, I've been a senior in spirit WAY before I hit my 500th more ways than one, LOL. I've been called crotchety on more than one occasion. *yells at kids to get off her lawn, turn down their music*


Well-known member
Thank you all for the well wishes!

I'll give deets tomorrow.

Love the look Q! That's a great set of dupes! Congrats on dean status!

My Knightsbridge should be here tomorrow - yay!

Great poem, Elegant! Hugs back!
I only have a couple of shadows and a lipstick from Burberry.......


Well-known member
Well, I will just have to hear about all of your orders until I get mine! Guess that is what I get for living on the other side of the country as the Chanel warehouse lol

QueenofSnark -- bummer you are in the same boat as me with the shipping. Patience never was my thing!

Gail -- when does your order come?? Between my Chanel orders and my Christmas online shopping -- I literally cannot remember everything that I have ordered!

Elegant -- so, could you come up with any pieces you haven't ordered yet? ha And I agree -- why are there no swatches of Charm on the internet? (sheesh)

Cheryl -- can't wait to hear your updates. My throat and cough are getting worse . . . . a friend brought me some herbal teas she said will help (I hope so!!) Hope you feel better, too.

Lilacgold -- yay -- let us know what you think of everything!!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
You ladies are having a party here buying new makeup! Michelle, Cheryl - get better soon! I'm down with a bit of cold too and a bad throat. Hope we all get better so we can enjoy the Christmas celebrations. Elegant - Hugs! Love the little poem! It brought a smile to my face. You are right, I was thinking I could just get away with this collection with a lipstick and blush. Now I want the quad, Bagatelle and maybe Jasmin and both Shines! So you think Candeur will not up on pigmented lips? It looks so pretty on the blogger. If the baume is exactly like the RCS then I wouldn't buy it. The RCS dries up quickly and doesn't last on my lips. I find wearing glossimers more moisturizing.


Well-known member
Oh no. Michelle and Miss QQ I hope you both feel better soon too. Michelle, my order is supposed to come on Thursday which is a day longer than normal and I have another order from Nordies that won't get here until Monday. I think it's UPS and not Chanel that's the problem. I think Monday was supposed to be the biggest shipping day of the year so they must be overwhelmed right now.

Did everyone see Sabrina's review of the quad?


Well-known member
^It looks really pretty on her! I'm a little miffed it (and most of the Spring collection for that matter) didn't work on me, but then again I just got my license & registration renewal bill in the mail yesterday so it's a good thing I don't really want anything from this collection, LOL. I'd nearly forgotten how much more taxes/fees/insurance are for a new car vs an old crappy one, but then again I don't have to worry about my car falling apart if I just look at it funny.


Well-known member
MissQQ -- sorry to hear you are sick, too. 'Tis the season I guess! I am still having fun getting all of the presents wrapped and listening to Christmas music -- but I hope this sore throat/cough things goes away!

Gail -- I think you are right about the shipping. I'm sure they are working like mad to get all of the packages out. The swatches of the quad are prettier than I thought! I'm trying to decide if I want Eclosion or Spices more??

Elegant -- have you ordered the quad yet??


Well-known member
The Collection is just GORGEOUS!

The blush is a very beautiful medium pinky coral more pink but perks up the face with a subtle sheen.

Hyde Park - Brighter more Coral Pink

Paradis - LOVE!!!!!! - Its a Beautiful soft pinky Coral more Pink. Very wearable & is lovely with the blush.

^The Perfect Pink Polish. Lovely!

Grenat - LOVE!!!!!!

Grenat liner, Paradis, Hyde Park

Just ordered the quad - I think its beautiful! That bronzey reddish brown makes the eye color really pop. Thanks for that link Winthrop - that made me decide to get it.

OMG! This blush & Paradis ls are just gorgeous together! LOVE LOVE!!!!

Don't steal my photos!!!


Well-known member
Elegant -- gorgeous photos -- I just love everything! This is making me very impatient to get my Spring and Harrods collection!! Sabrina's swatches of the quad are the best I've seen! I wish they sold that bronzey red brown color as a single! Enjoy playing with your goodies


Well-known member
Michelle - Its ALL GORGEOUS imho
You will be in love with it.

QoS - You're welcome. Hyde Park has great color saturation & is such a lovely Corally Pink on. Grenat is AWESOME! I'm so glad that its perm because I think this will become one of my absolute favorite liners ever.

I am wearing the blush, Paradis, chanel concealer, & Grenat liner just on the outer upper & lower lashlines & the sample of the Intense Noir Mascara - LOVE this look as its so soft & pretty.

This mascara is amazing. I thought that I tried it before, but maybe not. The samples tubes are adorable. I love how it instantly lifts, separates & lengthens the lashes. Elegant looking & no clumping. Now to see how it wears throughout the day.


Well-known member
Michelle - I had to laugh. You asked me if I got the quad, I said no, then I looked at Winthrops link & ordered it one post later


Specktra Bestie
Oooh! Elegant, I think you've completely sold me on Paradis. That and Destinee are going to be MINE. After QoS's review, I'm wondering if I'm better off getting Tiger Lily and trying to imitate the other colours from the quad. Or simply getting a different quad, since I still don't have one from Chanel...


Well-known member
Elegant--did you get the Inimitable Intense mascara sample too? It used to be my fave mascara, but it started clumping/flaking on me after just ONE month. Did some poking around online and apparently it's a known issue with Chanel, and they're working to fix the formula. Bah.

Katred--Eclosion would be GORGEOUS on you! If you don't have a Chanel quad at all yet I would say go for it. My review was based more on the terrible swatching on darker skin, but on lighter tones it's SO pretty. Tiger Lily is a MUST though for anyone.