Is the purpley MES Daylight? It looks a lot darker then lavender. I think I might want Twilight but we'll see.
I keep going back and forth on Redhead msf. the thing is it will be used as a higlight for me and I just got porcelin pink with the last collection. Do you think I should buy the msf or just let it fly?
for reference I am NW50-55
I'm most excited about the new brush.
Faux Gold was the BOMBBBB! So, if it's close, In the Sun will be a SCORE!! I think I'm getting ALL the MES's because with slight veining differences, they can vary. So even if a swatch LOOKS like another MES I already have, just the smallest shift makes it a whole new color! That's what's so fun about MES's.... as Mac-Guy calls it... it's like a "hunt" for the perfect "type of veining" for YOU!
I love Faux Gold too! I was thinking I should have bought a back up but In the Sun will work. I love warm golden tones anyway. I love everything and will probably get it all except the pale pink lipstick and lipglass. I already have blond and redhead MSF. I like both but I don't think I need backups. Let the veining obsessing begin!
That brush is going to be perm, right? Because I'll bet it sells out right away and I want it, but I'll wait to buy it if it's perm soI save the cash for the makeup. I'm practically going to get the whole darn collection, argh!
That brush is going to be perm, right? Because I'll bet it sells out right away and I want it, but I'll wait to buy it if it's perm soI save the cash for the makeup. I'm practically going to get the whole darn collection, argh!