MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
Thank you so much for the link Naynadine!

I definitely need 4 of these beautiful MES.

Fortunatly I do already own all the MES from Style Black and Love Connection.

I am glad to hear that they are going to permanent for a while because there is no hurry to get them.

I haven't heard anything about this before, but there will be new permanent MES coming out in February. The Style Black ones are coming back!

MacKarrie Beauty - Style Blog: MAC Mineralize Eyeshadow Expansion


Well-known member
I'm also really happy about the Style Black MES returning!!! I didn't get Cinderfella, and always wished I had! I also may BU Gilt by Association, as I use it a lot!!
And I'll probably get Love Connection and Smutty Green. Just cause I love me some MES.


Well-known member
I wonder if Smutty Green is the same as the VV green/blue duo? I might just get it anyway for my collection. :) Also Joy&Laughter reminds me a lot of Pink Split (not a great MES imo). But there are a few that interest me, so yay for new MEs and I'm really happy for those who missed out on Style Back and now can purchase those eyeshadows without forking out for eBay prices.


Specktra Bestie
Lol! Was just coming here to post about the MES expansion. I still have my Young Punk and Gilt By Association, plus the two from Venomous Villains, but it's nice to know that these will be around for a while in case I want to back them up.

I might have to get Smutty Green, since I think that the inclusion of cream in the mix will make it a bit different than the green part of She Who Dares or the green shade that came out with Semi-Precious.


Well-known member

princess sarah

Well-known member
I have blue flame, she who dares and dark magic and those are prob the most used MES I have but Young Punk was always one I have been after


Well-known member
I have a very dumb question, but I need to ask. Are mineralized products suppose to be better for your skin than "regular" products? I've noticed a lot of brands are now branching out with mineralized products. I'm wondering why? It doesn't bother me because I'm such an addict, if it's a pretty color or cool name I will buy whether mineralized or not. Tx for anyone who can answer.

It seems 2012 will be a mineralize year.


Well-known member
ahh that is awesome that they are coming back! i love young punk! plus now i can grab cinderfella because i missed out on it!