Morning, ladies!
Can't believe it's 10:30am already. I've been up for 5hrs though. How are you all doing?
I ordered Azalea Blossom! I'm amazed it stayed in stock for me to do so. My new bank card didn't arrive until Thursday which had me raging as on and off with different banks I've been waiting for about a month. However - I now don't have a PIN number so have to wait for another to be sent out as the first didn't show up. Told the bank and they weren't surprised, apparently many people have had this issue. Oh well!
I haven't seemed to have much luck lately. My white gold and diamond necklace has literally just vanished into thin air. It was a 20th bithday present from my Mom so I'm more concerned about the sentimental value than the actual value.. but nevertheless I'm overly upset. Also went to do my make-up two days ago for the first time since NYE (I was out veryyy late) and my Stila Smudgestick in Stingray has vanished, too.
In any case, my brother in Canada has kindly offered to order me some more MAC stuff from over there due to the fact that I bought an xmas present for our Mom from him, but obviously I'd get more bang for buck if it's purchased from there than here. My current list, albeit nothing overly exciting: Vintage Grape, Sparkle Neely, Sparkle!(Bloggers), Shimmermoss as it's being d/c'd and Blacktrack Fluidline as I can never justify paying for it myself. As my brother is insanely slow, though, he still has my other Bloggers eyeshadows so I'll be getting Hocus Pocus and Parisian Skies too. I figure if Vintage Grape sells out in the meantime, I'll get him to get me an MSFN as again, I can never seem to justify paying for it myself.
I was too slow on the Iris collection so everything I'd have purchased is gone, but oh well. It's not like I need to spend more money/buy more makeup.. it's more of a "cheer me up" type thing. I still can't decide if I want the Naked2 palette or not. I love my Naked palette but don't know if I can justify it when I don't use it as much as I probably could. It's permanent though, right? So I suppose it can be bought at another time.
Quick Q: I asked in UD section but wanna ask here, too. Has anyone ever used UDPP with no issues and then all of a sudden had it crease? I've used UDPP for 3yrs without fail and it's been fine up until about a month ago. It's not an old tube so I don't know what it could be. Sorry for long post! Hope you're all well!