Tarte Amazonian 24 Hour Blush - Show your Love!!!


Well-known member
I now have all of these except Dollface. I just got Exposed and it has been my go-to blush lately. I was afraid it wouldn't show up but it is a beautiful neutral rose color. I really love it. If you are on the fence about any of these colors, just get them... you won't regret it.

FYI: Blissful and Tipsy do look similar to each other but in my opinion, they are very different. Tipsy is more of a bright, coral-y color whereas Bilssful is a warm, soft peach. Both still very pigmented. Hope this helps!


Well-known member
Debi, Tipsy is a reddish coral imo.. so Blissful might be softer on your colouring. I just wanted the brightness in all the colours I chose.

So sorry I am so slow in responding! Thank you for letting me know. I am ever so tempted to get both because, as one MUA admired about me, "You are not afraid to wear blush!" At first I thought, oh no..my cheeks must look too pink. But she said it looked nice and that too many people go for a nude look and that it was refreshing to see some colour in my cheeks!

Exposed has been one of my go-to blushes lately. I really love these!!


Well-known member
Waves to Debi..

so glad to see you posting and hope you feel better.

I love my blushes too.. lol. I look dead without blush... and if there is one thing I will never be without is some kind of blush.

Love Exposed and also Dollface, Tipsy, Nat Beauty, Flushed.. I usually pick up the most extreme of all colours cause I can always tone down or use a stipple method to apply.. but congrats on getting your blushes.



Well-known member
Tarte Friends & Family Sale
[/h] TARTE COSMETICS (tartecosmetics.com) is having their Friends & Family sale where you can get 30% off your purchase + free shipping on $40+ orders with code FFDEC, expires 12/12

Thanks to Temptalia for the Info... I'm off to stock up on some gifts, and maybe just a little something for myself for being so thoughtful! HeeHee


Well-known member
Thank you for the info PixieDancer! I just bought my first ever Tarte clay blush in Natural Beauty. Gorgeous shade. It's like I have naturally rosy cheeks from being out in the cold. Love it!!!

Tarte Friends & Family Sale
[/h] TARTE COSMETICS (tartecosmetics.com) is having their Friends & Family sale where you can get 30% off your purchase + free shipping on $40+ orders with code FFDEC, expires 12/12

Thanks to Temptalia for the Info... I'm off to stock up on some gifts, and maybe just a little something for myself for being so thoughtful! HeeHee


Well-known member
I'm NC30/35 and I have (and LOVE) Exposed, Tipsy, and Adored (LE in a set)
The great thing about these blushes is they are so buildable. So they can be used lightly or amped up. Whatever shade you try, I'm sure you'll love it!

I'm dying to try these blushes. What colour would you recommend for NC25 skin tone?


Well-known member
I thought I was alone!!! I actually just bought natural beauty and I feel in love, I think I'm going to get flushed and exposed next.


Well-known member
I am finally jumping on the Tarte bandwagon. Today I got Blushing Bride and Exposed. I wasn't sure about Exposed but I just love neutral colored blushes.
Tarte is also releasing 4 new colors for the Spring. They are now available on Sephora.com. Here they are below: Glisten, Buff, Adored, and Frisky.



Well-known member
Oooh! Thanks for the info. They are available on tartecosmetics.com too. 15% off with the code GGD.

I am finally jumping on the Tarte bandwagon. Today I got Blushing Bride and Exposed. I wasn't sure about Exposed but I just love neutral colored blushes.
Tarte is also releasing 4 new colors for the Spring. They are now available on Sephora.com. Here they are below: Glisten, Buff, Adored, and Frisky.



Well-known member
After realizing my favorite Tarte blush (Blushing Bride) has just as much shimmer as the new ones but isn't a glitter bomb on me, I gave the new blushes a second look. I'm passing on the two with silver shimmer since silver isn't flattering on me. Glisten *still* doesn't show up on me, and when finances allow Frisky will be coming home with me. The shimmer can easily be buffed out. I don't see why Tarte doesn't do blushes with a sheen rather than glitter.

On a slightly OT note, has anyone here tried Tarte's new foundation in the tube? Tan-Deep seems to be a color match but I wonder about the coverage and longevity claims.


Well-known member
After realizing my favorite Tarte blush (Blushing Bride) has just as much shimmer as the new ones but isn't a glitter bomb on me, I gave the new blushes a second look. I'm passing on the two with silver shimmer since silver isn't flattering on me. Glisten *still* doesn't show up on me, and when finances allow Frisky will be coming home with me. The shimmer can easily be buffed out. I don't see why Tarte doesn't do blushes with a sheen rather than glitter.

On a slightly OT note, has anyone here tried Tarte's new foundation in the tube? Tan-Deep seems to be a color match but I wonder about the coverage and longevity claims.
I tried the new foundation... I'm NC45 and I also use Tarte's Smooth Operator tinted moisturizer in agent 16. I got the color Tan-Deep. I feel like it leaves a white-ish cast on my face. I've been mixing a drop of the new foundation in with the tinted moisturizer and it works out great that way. I would definitely recommend going to Sephora or Ulta and testing it before you buy. Hope this helps!


Well-known member
Sephora has 3 Tarte blushes on sale for $14 each!!!!! Just bought all of them! I got a VIB email about getting first dibs on the sale, but idk if that means access is limited to those blushes or not!

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