Chanel Foundations & Concealers


Well-known member
Thanks ladies! I ended up buying the Koh Gen Do yellow foundation corrector to see how it works, since I apparently I would need incredibly little to shift my foundation. I'm intrigued since it's supposed to mimic/replace the need for mixing two foundation shades to get the one you want. I only wear one pump at a time anyway, so getting the two half-pumps down was tricky. I'll post pics when I get it.


Well-known member
I personally don't think it would be a good choice as an everyday foundation for someone with dry skin because of the high alcohol content. Alcohol is typically drying. But maybe you could get away with it if your skin is not *that* dry or if you use a great moisturizer underneath. You could also just wear it occasionally.
Oh noo! I was really looking into trying this foundation, since everyone raves about it looking like "second skin". Thanks for informing me about the alcohol content!


Well-known member
So I tried KGD's Foundation Color Corrector in Goldenrod....ZOMG it is DEFINITELY a HG! Everyone that's ever had a problem color-matching foundations due to there not being enough yellow tones NEEDS this item. It comes in a tiny tube but you need very little of it. My PL BA34 matches me EXACTLY now, no color-shifting or anything.


Well-known member
So I tried KGD's Foundation Color Corrector in Goldenrod....ZOMG it is DEFINITELY a HG! Everyone that's ever had a problem color-matching foundations due to there not being enough yellow tones NEEDS this item. It comes in a tiny tube but you need very little of it. My PL BA34 matches me EXACTLY now, no color-shifting or anything.  :yahoo:
Congrats that it works. How do you like the KGDs texture? A lot of people are raving about their foundations. Although you are probably not using enough to say ;)


Well-known member
^Well I can't speak for KGD's foundations since I don't have any of them...what I bought was their Foundation Color Corrector, which comes in a tube. It's not a foundation itself, or a primer, but exactly what it says--a color corrector. Add a dot to your foundation and it'll shift it to a more golden/yellow tone.


Well-known member
^Well I can't speak for KGD's foundations since I don't have any of them...what I bought was their Foundation Color Corrector, which comes in a tube. It's not a foundation itself, or a primer, but exactly what it says--a color corrector. Add a dot to your foundation and it'll shift it to a more golden/yellow tone.
Oh, I misunderstood, I thought the corrector has the same formula as their foundation.


Well-known member
well after using my perfection lumiere for a few weeks solid now i must say i love it! in some ways more than my aqua foundation (which i will still buy because it's awesome too). perfection gives me such great coverage on the days where i need a bit more to hide redness. plus the smell of it is lovely and i like the pump applicator. it hasn't dried my skin out or looked cakey, however i do find it applied best when i use a primer first :)


Well-known member
Do we already know when the Hydra foundation will come out? Or will it stay a Asia only foundation? I hope it comes in 10, from the reviews I've seen they said it comes on 20 as lightest shade.


Well-known member
^According to my local Chanel SAs it'll come to the US in March. There's a significant amount of shades, though less than the PL release, so I'm wondering if I'd be able to find a match. :/


Well-known member
Thanks ladies, the Asian blog I read a review said that the lightest shade was 20, good news that there are lighter shades :)


I've been using Chanel Double Perfection powder foundation a lot lately and I love it. The color match is perfect and the coverage is definitely buildable depending on the level you want. I'm a NC25/30 in MAC and Tender Bisque is perfect.


Well-known member
Which of the Chanel foundations would compare to Dior SkinNude? I have been using Dior for several years, but I kinda want a change.


Well-known member
i was chatting to my chanel lady today and she told me that a new foundation was being launched - it's a cream foundation in a compact. anybody know anything about it?


Well-known member
i was chatting to my chanel lady today and she told me that a new foundation was being launched - it's a cream foundation in a compact. anybody know anything about it?
Yup, we were discussing it before, it's called Vitalumiere Hydra and it's already out in Asia/Singapore. Did she say if she likes it?


Well-known member
Hi ladies...I am new to Chanel, and I am Canadian. Does any other canadian know how much the foundations, concealers and powders cost in Canada? thanks


Well-known member
aha!! yeah she said it was lovely and that she thinks i might like it and that when she gets samples she will sort me out with some :)
Lucky you, the only samples I get are in 30 or 40... I think the foundation will have a different name in Europe though. I hope we get the ingredients soon.

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