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Well-known member
Booo, I am kicking myself for using my MAC giftcards already...I still have my Macy*s one, but I can't wait until next week to get my Tendertones! I have a feeling I am going to break down & end up just ordering from the site tonight....

Miss ya doll!!!!


Well-known member
I think I'm with sss215 on this....not feeling like the rush order thing so I'm waiting till nxt week. I can wait outside the store for it to open so I can get my goods.


Well-known member
what? they restocked on the Apfel lippies?
On Jan. 17th they restocked the lippies and they lasted online all of about 15 minutes until they were gone again. I had been stalking the website like a mad woman so I lucked up and was able to get the lippies I wanted.


Well-known member
our stalking skills were spot on that day!

On Jan. 17th they restocked the lippies and they lasted online all of about 15 minutes until they were gone again. I had been stalking the website like a mad woman so I lucked up and was able to get the lippies I wanted.


Well-known member
I didn't see you on & didn't want you to have to resort to buying your pink goodies on ebay lol! Glad you got the message!

I am just soooo excited that the Tendertones are back. I nearly died when I saw the collection list & saw those. If only they were made perm!


Well-known member
Do you have to order a minimum amount in order to get stickers? I love stickers (even though I do nothing with them..)!

Also, for the people asking about PayPal: When you're ready to submit the final order, under "Payment Method" you can click the "change" link and then it lets you choose between a Credit Card or PayPal.


Well-known member
I ordered Watch Me Simmer, Runaway Red, and Naughty Saute as those were the three items I am sure I want. I'll check out Dish It Up in store, everything I'll pass on. I also ordered Sonoran Rain l/g and Saint Germain l/s because I had them kicking around my wishlist anyway.


Well-known member
It figures. Recently my credit card # was stolen so when I got the statement on Monday I closed the account (after getting the company to put a stop on and remove the charges). I haven't gotten my new card in yet, I was hoping it would be here before this went online, I thought I had more time LOL.


Well-known member
On Jan. 17th they restocked the lippies and they lasted online all of about 15 minutes until they were gone again. I had been stalking the website like a mad woman so I lucked up and was able to get the lippies I wanted.
This is how I got my Stereo Rose :)

I was planning to buy my stuff at The Bay, to use up gift cards and take advantage of their promos. I guess I'll have to wait until next week. My only for-sure buy is Hot n Saucy, cause I love TLC's and have never tried tendertones. Maybes on my list are Shop & Drop (already have and love hypnotizing), QS and WMS. I don't usually wear super bright lips (rarely wear my Fusion Pink & Hibiscus), so I'll have to decide on these when I swatch them. I also wanna see all the fuss about Bubbles, but I don't usually wear warm orange-y eye colours.


Well-known member
This is how I got my Stereo Rose :)

I was planning to buy my stuff at The Bay, to use up gift cards and take advantage of their promos. I guess I'll have to wait until next week. My only for-sure buy is Hot n Saucy, cause I love TLC's and have never tried tendertones. Maybes on my list are Shop & Drop (already have and love hypnotizing), QS and WMS. I don't usually wear super bright lips (rarely wear my Fusion Pink & Hibiscus), so I'll have to decide on these when I swatch them. I also wanna see all the fuss about Bubbles, but I don't usually wear warm orange-y eye colours.
Yup. Sometimes you gotta turn into a stalker to get the things you want. LOL.


Well-known member
Gosh darnit MAC.... I have no idea what I want. Do you think the quads will be around for a while? Those are the things I'm most undecided on.


Well-known member
Gosh darnit MAC.... I have no idea what I want. Do you think the quads will be around for a while? Those are the things I'm most undecided on.

I think they'll be around for a while. The quads from MAC Me Over and Fall Color were still available months after they first came out.


Well-known member
On Jan. 17th they restocked the lippies and they lasted online all of about 15 minutes until they were gone again. I had been stalking the website like a mad woman so I lucked up and was able to get the lippies I wanted.

sheesh lol I tried waiting online the 1st time but my boss was STALKING me trying to catch me on my phone to get it haha


Well-known member
That is very true! Thanks :) I'm still on the fence about everything else.
Wow they released this really early. So glad I have you guys to alert when it hits

I think they'll be around for a while. The quads from MAC Me Over and Fall Color were still available months after they first came out.


Well-known member
I'm confident that the quads will still be around, but I have no clue about the lipsticks, kissables, and tendertones. I guess I could go ahead and order the kissables and tendertone that I want since I definitely know which ones I like. The lipsticks though...gah! D;