Hi! Is Estella your name? Welcome here! Can't wait for you to get FdL! You look so pretty in your avatar. QoS - I don't have Reflex. I'll compare it when I'm at the counter next time. Winthrop, michelle - my hair is very fine too and i fear that any finer they wiill disappear completely. The longer my hair gets, the flatter it is and the easier they fall out. So for that reason I don't keep my hair very long too. It is now the longest in a few years, about 2 to 3 inches past my shoulders. I use Oscar Blendi hair lift serum on my hair at the top of my head and it makes my hair looks less flat, and it seems my hair is just slightly thicker now, but it could be my imagination.I'm so glad I stumbled on this Chanel group here at Specktra - you all have some great information!
Hi Gail/Winthrop (I'm HusbandStillWontBeHappy from MUA)!!
Well, I just ordered Fleur de Lotus from bongolian on eBay. Yep, it was a TON of money but Chanel JCs are my biggest weakness in life. And I'm going to remain hopeful that it'll be a coral that I can actually wear. I also have a huge weakness for coral anything, even though it rarely looks good on me.
I have really fine hair. I can't even use hairspray because it weighs it down. I had been seeing a hairdresser that told me at the time when my hair was about shoulder length that I could never grow it long.I stopped going there and made some serious changes to my hair care. I took awhile but now my fine highlighted hair is super healthy and down to my bra strap. I use Phyto hair care. I don't use any heat on my hair instead, I air dry by setting my hair in mesh curlers for a few hours at night. When my hair is wet I use The Wet Brush to detangle and only use a pure boar bristle brush when it is dry. Also, I only wash my hair a few times a week. If it looks dirty in between, I use hair powder.^^How long is your hair now? I wish I could grow mine longer -- but mine is so baby fine. We will keep our fingers crossed that this comes to Nordstrom! I love that they have free shipping/returns now.
Just have to pay a fortune on ebay.Chanel wrote back to me that Fleur de Lotus JC will not be available for purchase in the US.
Chanel wrote back to me that Fleur de Lotus JC will not be available for purchase in the US.
I'm so glad I stumbled on this Chanel group here at Specktra - you all have some great information!
Hi Gail/Winthrop (I'm HusbandStillWontBeHappy from MUA)!!
Well, I just ordered Fleur de Lotus from bongolian on eBay. Yep, it was a TON of money but Chanel JCs are my biggest weakness in life. And I'm going to remain hopeful that it'll be a coral that I can actually wear. I also have a huge weakness for coral anything, even though it rarely looks good on me.