MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
I'm glad to hear it coincides with the Lips & Tips collection.

There is hope that the Tutti Lips palette is coming out after all.
I'm confused... Ruffian = Lips & Tips, no? Isn't Ruffian the one w/ the press-ons & the 3 lipsticks? What's Lips & Tips?? lol dish!


Well-known member
I immediately thought of dark red packaging when I heard about this! Sounds like it would be amazing. I hope Queens Sin comes out with this. Black liner....utoh, we getting another penultimate repromote?! lol

They will keep repromoting it until every single person has bought at least two of them, ROFL.


Well-known member
it's funny, i think that's the last item i would buy from mac...doesn't matter how many times they repromote...

I don't think it is a bad product if you go for a certain look. It is certainly easy to use, but those who like it certainly stocked up. But Marilyn is bound to repromote it, right? LOL


Well-known member
The production costs for special boxes are probably so much lower than for special packaging. This might be one (the main?) reason.
Most likely. I still think it is pointless. I used to keep the special boxes but then thought it was a waste of space if I kept them separate and a waste of time to keep pulling things in and out of the boxes when doing my makeup so I chucked (recycled) them all.


Well-known member
I really hope that they will do an event with Marilyn impersonators - male and female. The drag queens at the MAC Barbie event were just hilarious!


Well-known member
I think that Hey Sailor and the Marilyn collection are the next two collections that will get hauls from me. I'll pick up a few items from other collections here and there, but Marilyn definitely interests me and I am imagining pretty nautical packaging with Hey Sailor. They must repromote Port Red with that!


Well-known member!_-_mac_by_request!_ Don't know if this has been posted but the collection where people can vote for there favorite products is coming in august. This is the repromote collection we heard about earlier. We will get to chose from 20 product and 5 will launch. Then we can also vote for 2 weeks each day from 18 other products and the 5 favorites will launch online.
Thanks for the info. When and where can one vote?

Why on earth are they bringing back Rose Romance and Sugarsweet!? Not a fan of those collections. Unless, we're talking about Lollipop Loving of course. I will probably vote for products from the oldest collections since I was not around then.


Specktra Bestie
Funny, I was thinking that Some Like It Hot (also my favourite MM movie) would be a great name for a red lippie. Maybe Sugar Kane for a softer pink. The possibilities are vast...


Specktra Bestie
Thanks for the info. When and where can one vote?
Why on earth are they bringing back Rose Romance and Sugarsweet!? Not a fan of those collections. Unless, we're talking about Lollipop Loving of course. I will probably vote for products from the oldest collections since I was not around then.

I was sort of surprised by those too, since both collections seemed to hang around for a very long time, so I assumed they weren't that successful. I'd assume from Sugar Sweet that they'd be looking at the MSFs, particularly Perfect Topping.

Personally, I was surprised to see Blonde, Brunette, Redhead in there, because so many of the products from that collection have been repromoted already, or have easy dupes within the regular collection.

But what really surprised me was seeing the image for Colour Ready in there. That collection was all permanent items!

Anyway, I'll be curious to see what items make the list and which ones make the cut.


Well-known member!_-_mac_by_request!_ Don't know if this has been posted but the collection where people can vote for there favorite products is coming in august. This is the repromote collection we heard about earlier. We will get to chose from 20 product and 5 will launch. Then we can also vote for 2 weeks each day from 18 other products and the 5 favorites will launch online.

Thanks for the information! I'm excited about this, and I hope genuinely awesome products get chosen. I am surprised by some of the collections chosen, but I know one or two products from Hello Kitty would sell out very quickly. I would like to try Perfect Topping MSF, but I think I just like the name
I'm also excited to see Naughty Nauticals in there. I will definitely be voting for Port Red!


Well-known member
Thank you so much for this info Pinkdollface. I need to re-look at everything. I'm excited!!

I have to ask, can anyone tell me by looking at the pics what collections we will be voting for? I only recognize Hello Kitty and A Rose Romance. Guess I wasn't an "addict" when the others came out.!_-_mac_by_request!_ Don't know if this has been posted but the collection where people can vote for there favorite products is coming in august. This is the repromote collection we heard about earlier. We will get to chose from 20 product and 5 will launch. Then we can also vote for 2 weeks each day from 18 other products and the 5 favorites will launch online.


Well-known member