MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
i really don't understand why they don't just release all of these items for the collection? i mean they clearly went to the trouble to produce all those lipsticks photographed...


Well-known member
Is moxie anything like party parrot?
Or Pink Fusion? It reminded me of Party Parrot, too.


Well-known member
Thanks for the link to the video with Heavenly Bliss. If anyone has it, is it like Satin Taupe? For some reason that is what it reminds me of.
I want Guacamole, Jete and maybe Heavenly Bliss in the running for e/s. I hope those 3 will get in, but I am sure Moth Brown will be one of the 3 picked. I personally reach for Too Faced Label Whore over Moth Brown more often. Urban Decay Lounge is also great, but Label Whore is my favorite duochrome brown.

I don't know at the moment which lipglasses I want, but I KNOW I want the Shitaki lippie!
That's the one I'm voting for as well. It's a hidden gem!


Well-known member
I really wonder how Emancipation l/g got on the list. The last time it was released was with G&I in one of the kits... C'mon MAC, you can do better.


Well-known member
Or Pink Fusion? It reminded me of Party Parrot, too.

No problem!

I also have the other highlight shades you asked about. Solar White on my NC30 skintone is very golden with a slight pink sheen on me. Fresh Daisy and Short Shorts are more white frost, and Sweetjoy is more golden but less shimmer than Solar White.

Here they are below:

No flash, no base...
Solar White on top, Fresh Daisy, Short Shorts, and Sweetjoy bottom swatch.



Well-known member
I have the exact 3 that you have...and I also hate Cool Heat with passion. I think, in my collection, it may actually be my least fave MAC e/s in terms of pigmentation and how chalky it is.

Exactly. I am surprised that the most sought after teal, PARROT wasn't put on the list and Cool Heat was. I have Parrot, and it is ok, Big T as well. These two are much better than Cool Heat. Just weird that Cool Heat is on the list.


Well-known member
i really want moxie and rocker lipstick so hope they come back. and i'm surprised cool heat shadow is getting some hate! i don't find it chalky and it is crazy pigmented on me - so much that it stains my eyes! i really like it :)


Well-known member
Thanks a lot, Shellcat! It's really helpful!

No problem!
I also have the other highlight shades you asked about. Solar White on my NC30 skintone is very golden with a slight pink sheen on me. Fresh Daisy and Short Shorts are more white frost, and Sweetjoy is more golden but less shimmer than Solar White.

Here they are below:

No flash, no base...
Solar White on top, Fresh Daisy, Short Shorts, and Sweetjoy bottom swatch.



Well-known member
I am so dissapointed in the lipsticks. I'm not really interested in them at all. They really could have pulled out some awesome lipsticks out of the vault. I already knew ccy was prob going to be on the list. I already own it and dont wear it too much. But I'm glad that everyone that missed out can snatch it up.

I really wish they would have made a pigment list :(


Well-known member
Me too, I have wanted smoke and diamonds to come back for so long! Same with Springtime Skipper! :(

Emancipation is a really pretty gloss, I love it. But I dont wear gloss much, I'm more of a lipstick fiend.

I'm most excited for Moxie out of the lipsticks. I love Rocker but I don't think I use it enough to buy it again (might be tempted if the formula is improved though), I think 3N is ok but way over-hyped, CYY just never appealed to me, and the other two sound just ok.

I don't really care about the lipglasses as I hardly ever wear it, but I *do* recall that I nearly bought Emancipation when it came out with WW, but I was put off by the stupidly big tube...

Of the eyeshadows I would LOVE back-ups of Solar White and MothBrown, but Guacamole is one that I don't own and would really like to try. I'm disappointed that Smoke & Diamonds isn't on the list!