Richelle, what other liners or glosses are you using with PP?
Does anyone know if Fashion Mews from the Hello Kitty collection is a dupe for Pink Popcorn? I have Fashion Mews, and if it's similar enough to PP, I'll skip it. TIA!
I like WMS with Lasting Sensation lipliner.What lipliner do you guys wear with WMS, Viva glam nicki ??
You're gonna love Star Quality. It's really beautiful.I caved and ordered Star Quality c/g. I cannot wait to get it! I will order Magenta blush, Cinestyle c/g and Private Screening c/g soon.
What lipliner do you guys wear with WMS, Viva glam nicki ??
I'm going to try Star Quality over FOL and VGN. SQ is so beautiful. It's the Narcissus of Reel Sexy.
I didn't expect to love Pink Popcorn so much, but I do! It definitely pulls more pink on me, but it's like a meant for my lips pink. And it leaves a nice flush of color after it's been on for a while. It deserves a BU.
I feel that Fashion Mews is much more of a lighter pink and more milky in comparison to Pink Popcorn. HTH!
Here's what Watch Me Simmer lipstick looks like topped with Star Quality cremesheen glass. It toned the lipstick down slightly, but it made my lips and the lip color more luscious if anything. lol
The 318 is indeed much nicer than the 316. Gotta love a retractable lip brush. I use it at home and on the go.
Thanks. I wasn;t sure if I should go for the retractable or the capped one. ;D
to someone who asked pink tea vs pink cult. pink tea looks brighter and warmer than pink cult. pink tea looks like a baby pink (not as neutral) as pink cult which is more mauvy cool toned pink. on my nc20 skintone, it has a bit of greyness to it that makes it significantly more neutral. They look quite different swatched if you are light