I'm sure this sounds like an odd question, but what are you ladies making for dinner each night? I'm boiling in this heat and cooking hot meals in hot weather really isn't the best but I can't think of other meals to cook so thought I'd quickly ask? Sorry for going so off topic, I just can't stand this heat.
In the evenings, the sun shines straight in through my kitchen window, so it's pretty hot in there. I try to do something quick and easy for dinner, whenever possible. Last night the kids had frozen pizzas (they didn't eat them frozen, of course lol) and I had a Sainsburys ready meal (Shepherds Pie) that I could just put in the oven and leave the room until it was ready. When I do pasta, which we either have with tinned tuna or tinned chicken in white sauce, I do it in a Tupperware thing that you put the pasta in, pour boiling water in to cover it, put the lid on and leave for 20 minutes - so easy. Jacket potato, served with ham, egg and beans is a favourite, too. My daughter likes the potato done in the microwave, because she doesn't like crispy skins, so it only takes about 10 minutes to do the whole meal, or 20 if my son insists on potato waffles instead.
I can't even have the back door or windows open as our neighbour has a habit of lighting a brazier or something to burn something nearly every evening when the weather is warm - he's done it twice this week already, and the smoke just comes straight into our house. I've no idea what he finds to burn so often, but it gives off thick white clouds of smoke. I've checked with the council and apparently there are absolutely no laws or by-laws here about bonfires