I know it's a bit off topic, but I always feel like I'm among friends. Been tidying and cleaning most morning because we have a social worker visit this afternoon. Somebody reported my husband to the Police about 2 weeks ago, apparently he was hitting our son with a shoe at the swimming pool. He wasn't, all that happened was that my son was screaming because my husband wouldn't let him cross the car park on his own (very bad parenting I know) and then in the waiting area of the pool where you have to take your shoes off before you go into the changing rooms, our son threw his shoes around in anger, so my husband picked one up and shoved it back in his arm. I know it might have looked like he was screaming because of that, but some people obviously got the wrong idea and called the police, so an officer came out later that afternoon (I was out all day) and was apparently perfectly happy with my son being happy and healthy and said there would be no further inquiries. Then on Monday we got a letter from Social Services to say that they want to come and visit us regarding an incident of concern involving our son
AND younger daughter (who was also at the pool, but was never part of the whole thing in the first place). Feel like shit, even though I haven't done anything, and neither has my husband for that matter.
I think people who don't have children don't realise how much children scream and play up, I tell my son to go and have his bath and he'll scream like I've just whacked him with a baseball bat. He's 5, nearly 6, and this is his way of rebelling. Ugh, so stressed about this right now.