MAC Casual Colour discussion


Well-known member
Took a quick pic of me wearing Keep it Casual on lips. Really Like the color. A little goes a long way. It's creamy and very light. Looks shiny but after a while it kind of mattes out.

Please excuse my peeling burnt skin :p



Well-known member
Some colours I like on the lips and not on the cheeks, and vice versa!

Allura's and Temptalia's photos of Have A Lovely Day look completely different - it's hard to know what it really looks like. In Allura's pictures it looks very brown in the pot and in arm swatches, whereas it looks much lighter and more peachy pink in Temptalia's pictures


Well-known member
I just placed an order for Evening Stroll and Out for Fun. I think these, once again, are the best coulours for my lips and cheeks. The others were too light&cool or pink/red (for my cheeks).


Active member
Ok, now that I've seen some swatches, I want 5 instead of 4...

And I'm so jealous of UK ladies, the collection isn't up on the French website yet (I've been hitting refresh like crazy since yesterday...)


Well-known member
I had most of the lip/cheek colors on hold for me, but after swatching, I was able to narrow it down to Evening Stroll.


Well-known member
Russianbabe1981 has her Beth Ditto and Casual Colour video up. She shows swatches on her hand of 7 of the 8 colours (not Evening Stroll) and shows how a few of them look on her lips


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Staff member
I didn't even realize this collection will only be available on MAC's website. So I can't even use my giftcard I have for the site I usually buy from. So after all this going back and forth I'm skipping because of that, LOL.
It's online now, but all colours say 'coming soon', only two of the nail polishes are available.
Also nobody seems to care much about Beth Ditto, I don't think a lot of people here in Germany will buy from that collection. I can imagine this being the least popular collection of the year.


Well-known member
I am so happy to hear this because I love the smell of the lipsticks!!!

Thank you very much for all the pics and swatches Richelle

Ok here it is, well sorta!

OCC Bellandonna, Goes and Goes, Playtime, ES, and Seasoned Plum

First it smells just like the lipsticks. It is dewy on my arm but kind of a satin finish on my lips. It's not dewy on the cheeks especially if you blend it in!


Well-known member
I have Force of Love - I'll have to go check how it compares with Weekend Getaway, but if i remember correctly I'm pretty sure FoL is a lot brighter and "neon" looking....i think it also pulls more yellow/coral than Weekend Getaway. I'll get back to you on that.


Well-known member
Some colours I like on the lips and not on the cheeks, and vice versa!

Allura's and Temptalia's photos of Have A Lovely Day look completely different - it's hard to know what it really looks like. In Allura's pictures it looks very brown in the pot and in arm swatches, whereas it looks much lighter and more peachy pink in Temptalia's pictures
Have a Lovely Day is definitely closer to Alluras swatches. For some reason T's swatches and product pictures usually come out looking more pink/red than things actually are in real life. Its definitely closer to a nude-beige with a slight bit of rosy tone. Its very wearable. Usually "nude" shades look weird on me and they're either too light or they make me look kinda dead. Its closer to the beige side.


Well-known member
a bit O/T - I dont suppose anyone can help me with this here?

It keeps telling me to check my email for a verification email for my account but I have resent it about 8 times and still have not gotten an email. I haven't gotten a reply from my email to the support@specktra address yet either...I tried 2 different email addresses and still have not gotten an email to verify my account.

so...its eating about half of my posts/replies at random for "moderation since i'm new around here"...

Welcome liesierre! Please check your email inbox for our verification message and follow its instructions.
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Well-known member
Let me see if I can help. Just to be sure, email is correct and not in your spam folder?


Well-known member
yes - my email is correct and I checked the spam. not in there. :(

as for Weekend Getaway and Force of Love - I checked them out side by side. FoL is definitely a lot more bright neon yellow/orangey toned than WG. WG is just a warm rosy pink but its a lot more wearable and sorta muted compared to FoL. I really like it as a lipcolor - I wore it today.


Well-known member
Some colours I like on the lips and not on the cheeks, and vice versa! Allura's and Temptalia's photos of Have A Lovely Day look completely different - it's hard to know what it really looks like.  In Allura's pictures it looks very brown in the pot and in arm swatches, whereas it looks much lighter and more peachy pink in Temptalia's pictures
Temptalia's swatches do seem different than all the other swatches I've seen. She just posted pics of Keep It Loose, and it looked more pink than peach.


Well-known member
I've noticed in my experience that most of her pictures end up over-saturated to make them appear much more pink/red than they are in real life.

For example, Nars Mayflower lipstick - she made it appear almost red in her pictures, but I have that lipstick and its much more pinkish-brown. Have A Lovely Day (I have it) is not even close to that pink in real life - so as far as the accuracy of color goes, Allura usually is more accurate.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by BEEaboutmakeup
Your swatches are great !! And I like the color on your cheeks gal. I don't have Force of Love lipstick... I wonder how it compares to Weekend Getaway..

Here is a comparison shot of them together.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by aradhana
i was looking for a little palette or something, but i might just go back and get a pill box or something to take a little bit out into.

Art supply stores sell a wide variety of inexpensive little white plastic and ceramic palettes for mixing paints - the kind i'm thinking of have depressions, so you can mix makeup colors too!