so i saw lots!!! face and body is now gonna be at all locations in a new bottle, the electric cool eye shadows are MUST HAVE!!! I NEED THEM ALL!!! loving the new pro sculpting creams but they are limited edition!!! i saw all the new lip palettes they are actually some of our favorite and best selling mac colors that are now gonna be in palette form. i love the nude tones in the new cremesheen+peal glasses. were also launching 2 new limited edition brushes as well. the new tools are really weird looking but and are not sponge tips they are actually silicone. i did get to see the inspiration videos for marilyn but not the products

there also a new collection called work hours that will feature prolong wear blushes. that is all i can talk about for now since i didnt get to see everything since it was just a preview but i can't wait till the 21st to see everything else