MAC for Marilyn


Well-known member
I hope one of the reds look like this!...
I second this!!! She looks gorgeous in this picture. Seeing as this collx is going to have a satin pink red I'm really going to have to think twice about Fire Sign. I have quite a few lustres & don't reach for them often because of the staying power. From the color story info on this, I'm really going to have to think twice about HC & really limit what I get. I think Marilyn is going to be a MAJOR HAUL for me! I'm not too excited about HC (perhaps, b/c I've yet to see it in person) but I'm all about this collx. I hope it's as beautiful as it sounds.


Well-known member
Same here. After Heavenly Creatures, I'm going to be saving up money or at least try to hold off until Marilyn Monroe comes out.
I am going to try to do this as well!

I should take my time enjoying my HC products anyway. Too often I lust after products for a long time & then use them only briefly before the next MAC collection is released.

I hope that they get very creative with the packaging for this collection. What if they were to use pics from different stages in MM's life and career on different products? Then I would have to buy at least one product with each different pic on it. I really hope that there is amazing special packaging!


Well-known member
I am going to try to do this as well!

I should take my time enjoying my HC products anyway. Too often I lust after products for a long time & then use them only briefly before the next MAC collection is released.

I hope that they get very creative with the packaging for this collection. What if they were to use pics from different stages in MM's life and career on different products? Then I would have to buy at least one product with each different pic on it. I really hope that there is amazing special packaging!
Me too! I do hope MM will have amazing packaging and I will be all over that collection.


Well-known member
not orange at all
Is Queen's Sin an orange red?  I like it on some I've seen swatches of, and others not so much
I don't have a swatch handy, but here is a pic of my daughter & her bff both wearing the lippie for their dance recital, lol not sure how helpful this will be but its a good example of the color
Jenntoz, This is a priceless picture! The girls are too cute. (must have Queen's Sin)


Well-known member
[COLOR=FF00CC]You're my Mauve twin Genn!:love:  I haven't seen a good mauve l/s, l/g, blush, shadow in a very very long time that actually looks Mauve to me. It's time! Bring it on MAC!:yeah: [/COLOR]
its one of those colors I always gravitate to.
When I got bit by the MU bug a few months ago I got a wild hair that I wanted a plummy/mauve blusher. When I asked around everyone looked at me like they had never had heard of such a thing before. I felt a little odd, why is this so strange? I hope MAC comes out with something fitting this description...that works for pale skinned people.


Well-known member
I have The Perfect Cheek, but for some reason I want a new one.
Is that weird?
No, I thought the same thing & I'm sure that I have at least 1 BU. But, they are never quite the same color when they are re-released. How's that for an excuse
even though its true.


Well-known member
Thanks! & my girl is on the right in the pic(the one with the lighter eyes) the color was perfect on them even though they have such different coloring. its really very pretty, mac really must have lost the recipe because they should really have repromoted it by now!
How beautiful & adorable! Absolutely sweet! I can't believed she is that age already. Thanks for sharing that cute pic.


Well-known member
It isn't strange at all. The people that looked at you like you were strange are the odd ones. I seem to have similar problems when I get into my strange makeup color phase. I have been craving a periwinkle color in a l/s, l/g, shadow, blush, liner and mascara (yes, fellow Specktrettes I am mentioning this color yet again
) & I have people looking at me as if I am insane.
I'm not! I just get into a color frenzy of wants. I do love me some mauvey colors. Fingers crossed we get some in the upcoming collections. I know there is a prolonged wear eyeshadow coming out called Mauveless and I'm getting it no matter what.

When I got bit by the MU bug a few months ago I got a wild hair that I wanted a plummy/mauve blusher. When I asked around everyone looked at me like they had never had heard of such a thing before. I felt a little odd, why is this so strange? I hope MAC comes out with something fitting this description...that works for pale skinned people.


Well-known member
Lol. Yeah she is so gorg, and talented as all hell! I think shed be awesome for Viva Glam! The I actually cropped the pic just to show her face.
she keeps challenging my sexuality! why so beautiful??????????
Here's another pic. It's one of my favs! Again I cropped it to see her face better. You should look up the whole photoshoot. Just google Adele Vouge. All the pics are amazing!!!

The color looks deeper in this then in the other pic. But its def a matte red. I hope at least one of the lippies from this look like it!


Well-known member
Just gorgeous!!!
I love Adele.
Would love for her to collaberate with MAC on a collection. Her makeup is to die for. That lippie keeps singing to me.
I love everything. Her makeup, her skin, just everything that is Adele.

Lol. Yeah she is so gorg, and talented as all hell! I think shed be awesome for Viva Glam! The I actually cropped the pic just to show her face.

Here's another pic. It's one of my favs! Again I cropped it to see her face better. You should look up the whole photoshoot. Just google Adele Vouge. All the pics are amazing!!!

The color looks deeper in this then in the other pic. But its def a matte red. I hope at least one of the lippies from this look like it!

Audrey C

Well-known member
Okay, I have Blooming but not the others.

Left top The Perfect Cheek, left down Blooming, right Pink Cult

The Perfect Cheek looks very pretty, but I'm wondering how close it is to Blushbaby. I have and love that one (great natural look) and I'm seriously eyeing Nars Douceur. How do all of you keep from buying near dupes? I'm up to 11-12 blushes and don't really wear pinks (that aren't brown pinks), so I keep finding myself drawn to colours that are very close to something I already have. I'm trying to stay away from Nars Deep Throat, Amour and Douceur (gorgeous as they are) because I suspect they'll look a whole lot like my MAC stash.

Both Marilyn blushes sound very pretty. The soft coral may be similar to Immortal Flower and The Perfect Cheek looks superficially similar to Blushbaby so maybe reason will prevail and I'll avoid purchasing one or both. Maybe.


Well-known member
The Perfect Cheek looks very pretty, but I'm wondering how close it is to Blushbaby. I have and love that one (great natural look) and I'm seriously eyeing Nars Douceur. How do all of you keep from buying near dupes? I'm up to 11-12 blushes and don't really wear pinks (that aren't brown pinks), so I keep finding myself drawn to colours that are very close to something I already have. I'm trying to stay away from Nars Deep Throat, Amour and Douceur (gorgeous as they are) because I suspect they'll look a whole lot like my MAC stash.

Both Marilyn blushes sound very pretty. The soft coral may be similar to Immortal Flower and The Perfect Cheek looks superficially similar to Blushbaby so maybe reason will prevail and I'll avoid purchasing one or both. Maybe.
I love my immortal flower so I want the soft coral even if its a little different or not.


Well-known member
Douceur is a very soft rose blush, brown/rose but highly sublte and delicate. Douceur deserves its name. Actually it's maybe more a Fall/winter whereas Sex Appeal is maybe more a Spring one ( peachy rose, very soft too ). It's just my opinion on the 2 Nars blushes, I have them both but honestly I don't wear them all the time, I prefer frankly pink shades ( Gaiety, Angelika, Chanel pink explosion, Dior rosy glow or Benefit Hervana or Bella Bamba ), Douceur is lovely though and easy to wear.

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