MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
i just wanted to tell you all im going away for a while i need to disappear from specktra. i keep getting hate email about giving out info from collections so im gonna disappear for a while im and form here on out not going to give out any more information on upcoming collections guys. im sorry i know it sux but i can't risk it any more where i am in my career i hope you all understand
I'm so sorry about the hate email. I really don't understand how people can hate on someone giving awesome new info. Thanks for all you have done for us and good luck with your career!


Well-known member
i just wanted to tell you all im going away for a while i need to disappear from specktra. i keep getting hate email about giving out info from collections so im gonna disappear for a while im and form here on out not going to give out any more information on upcoming collections guys. im sorry i know it sux but i can't risk it any more where i am in my career i hope you all understand
You've been a huge help around here, paparazziboy, with all the information you've provided. We know you've done it because the products get you excited - the best possible reason! You're too talented to risk wrecking your relationship with MAC over it though, now that you're a specialist. I'm sorry people were harassing you and threatening your career over it. We all lose out because of them.

Here's hoping a new covert specktra mole will appear to advance us the info! Things will be less lively around here until then. We'll miss you!


Well-known member
Wait?! What?! I'm so sorry to hear this paparazziboy. There is never any need for bullying.
Are these hate mails coming from fellow Specktrettes or from people from MAC? This is so sad. I truly and deeply appreciated all the insight on the upcoming collections. This will be a huge loss for all of us here. Please take care of yourself and now that we will miss your insight. I do hope you will reconsider. Though I do understand where you are coming from.

i just wanted to tell you all im going away for a while i need to disappear from specktra. i keep getting hate email about giving out info from collections so im gonna disappear for a while im and form here on out not going to give out any more information on upcoming collections guys. im sorry i know it sux but i can't risk it any more where i am in my career i hope you all understand


Well-known member
Didn't see this before. Great idea Naynadine! We can't lose our paparazziboy. He's part of this family and we care for him very very much.

Sorry to hear you're getting those kind of emails. I can understand if you don't want to post any more info, thank you for everything you did so far! It's much appreciated.
[h=6](Of course, you still could PM the info to a mod who could post it.


Well-known member
i just wanted to tell  you all im going away for a while i need to disappear from specktra. i keep getting hate email about giving out info from collections so im gonna disappear for a while im and form here on out not going to give out any more information on upcoming collections guys. im sorry i know it sux but i can't risk it any more where i am in my career i hope you all understand 
Sad! I just got here and saw some of your fabulous advice and posts. I even checked out your facebook link (beautiful work, by the way!). Haters suck:finger: Hope to have the opportunity to learn from you in the future!:encore: Edit- guess I'm not allowed to give two middle fingers in one day! This one didn't show up...I must have hit my middle finger quota for the day:bigstar:


Well-known member
Why call the collection "Archie's Girls"?  If you are familiar with the Archie comics, Betty and Veronica are famous enough on their own right. to leave Archie out of this.  Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't Betty and Veronica have their own comic at one point?  
Now this is true, they have their own series of comic books, but I feel essentially for something like this, they have to onclude Archie and you know MAC, 'all sexes". A shadow the color of Archie's hair would be kinda alright, lol


Well-known member
I'll do it for you Jenrbelt! This is for whoever is bullying our paparazziboy. Just because you don't like knowing about the upcoming collections doesn't mean the majority of us don't. Stay away then and/or just go away for good.

Edit- guess I'm not allowed to give two middle fingers in one day! This one didn't show up...I must have hit my middle finger quota for the day:bigstar:


Well-known member
i just wanted to tell  you all im going away for a while i need to disappear from specktra. i keep getting hate email about giving out info from collections so im gonna disappear for a while im and form here on out not going to give out any more information on upcoming collections guys. im sorry i know it sux but i can't risk it any more where i am in my career i hope you all understand 
sorry to hear this! We'll miss you! You are a very helpful member of this community.


Well-known member
i just wanted to tell you all im going away for a while i need to disappear from specktra. i keep getting hate email about giving out info from collections so im gonna disappear for a while im and form here on out not going to give out any more information on upcoming collections guys. im sorry i know it sux but i can't risk it any more where i am in my career i hope you all understand
It's unfortunate that you're receiving hate mail for sharing something that you love. You have our support and thanks for being such an amazing contribution to Spektra, as well as a super talented makeup artist!


Well-known member
WE will miss you paparazziboy and I'll personally continue to follow up on facebook. I hope whoever is bothering you will ease off. Thanks for everything that you have done for us and we hope to see you again in the future.


Well-known member
I'm sad to hear you've been receiving hate mail, paparazziboy :( We'll miss you and hope to see you again soon! Until then <3


Well-known member
i just wanted to tell you all im going away for a while i need to disappear from specktra. i keep getting hate email about giving out info from collections so im gonna disappear for a while im and form here on out not going to give out any more information on upcoming collections guys. im sorry i know it sux but i can't risk it any more where i am in my career i hope you all understand
That is horrible, so sorry to hear that you are leaving & more upset that you are dealing with nasty emails. we'll miss you & totally understand that you can't jeopardize your livelihood. be well <3


Well-known member
i just wanted to tell you all im going away for a while i need to disappear from specktra. i keep getting hate email about giving out info from collections so im gonna disappear for a while im and form here on out not going to give out any more information on upcoming collections guys. im sorry i know it sux but i can't risk it any more where i am in my career i hope you all understand
So sorry that you are getting hate e-mails and we will miss you on here!


Well-known member
thank you PaparazziBoy for being such a great help to us. It sucks that people have to stoop so low and do something like that. I enjoyed your updates and info ;-) Many a decision and purchase have hinged on your updates!


Well-known member
Ditto to what peachsuns said.

So sorry you keep getting hate mails for giving out the info. You've been a great help for us. You're just amazing! However, don't risk your job over it. Your career is way too important. I wish you would stick around. You don't need to give out the info. We'll miss you!
