MAC for Marilyn


Well-known member
How do you pimp them out, take out the product and replace with depots?  Now that is a great idea!
I take a thin metal nail file and just pop the plastic that holds the pan out of the case and pop whatever other powder I want to use in the empty case.


Well-known member
In case this makes more sense, my messy phone pics of "case pimping" lol!:haha:


Well-known member
I can't wait for swatches of DA, and LG. I want C'IS as it looks like a nice Marilyn red. I also want to see the BP. Being patient sucks lol.

Audrey C

Well-known member
Not with my social phobia. Thank the make up gods for on line shopping!
That is the question that has us all up all night every night isn't it? My bet would be Tuesday before the release date if they have a stealth launch, so that would be Sept. 25th (no inside scoop here, just my prediction). You bet I will be checking on my phone that night...well, pretty much the whole week before Oct. 4th
Maybe that means the "deep scarlet" will actually be red? None of the swatches look terribly unique. I think I am over the lippies and getting excited about the blushes! TPC looks a lot like Blushbaby and Tenderling which I love and Legendary looks like it will look good on just about anyone. Add special packaging, it will be hard NOT to get them. The one thing I know for sure is the BP is coming home and I am pretty sure I want Silver Screen VP e/s and maybe the darker grey one. All of the white/silver tones e/s look very similar in swatches...which means all 4 probably won't be necessary...
Apart from the price point, I won't be getting any pressed piggies. I don't like a lot of sparkle but beyond that, I don't think I'd really know what to do with them. Same as the Face & Body piggies.

I've been down to the BP for months, but I'm drawn to CIS. I hope someone warm toned posts a swatch. It looks great in the pics I've seen so far but those women are all cool toned. I really really hope I won't like this once I see it on someone with yellow undertones.


Well-known member
There really is no point in complaining about the packaging now, but everytime I see that Dazzleglass pic I think MM is sitting on the toilet...guess I'll be sticking with the lippies!


Well-known member
My Pro store's not having an official event like Shop/Cook or Style Seeker - just a general appointments-type situation. I'm kind of disappointed as I wanted an official invitation. Oh well...


Well-known member
if i remember from past collections, bloggers never had swatches or products before the events. they usually get them by the time stuff releases on the pro site. like mac-guy says just be patient.
I don't wanna! :pouts: lol I know, I need to sit tight. My inner child wants it now haha :wink: I really should be skipping, but you know how that is lol. Us MAC addicts always find something. Oooo thanks for the cis swatches everyone! It's pretty, but not terribly unique. I got my ruffian, rocker, and adora from katvond to cure my red lip craving.


Well-known member
this is the first time I've done a blind Mac pre order! I know we won't see a lot of swatches until a week before the launch date, but I also know the things I want will sell out immediately ^___^'


Well-known member
I don't know if you have talked about this before but anyone knows how The Perfect Cheek compares to Blushbaby? If it's similar I think I will skip TPC and get Blushbaby instead.


Well-known member
Mac should have done a Marilyn quad with different finishes, that would have been interesting to me! I guess there isn't too much hype around this collection because of the lack of infos!!
I'll be happy with the powder and a lipstick but I'm not really excited..
I agree completely wish list for it:
white gold velux pearl
peachy cream velvet
mid tone taupe satin
brown black matte2

I'd buy it in a heart beat LOL